Experience Points: EQN Features Reviewed (Part 2)

Each week, Chris "Syeric" Coke gives his unfiltered thoughts on the MMO industry. Taking on the news and hottest topics, Chris brings his extensive experience as a player and blogger to bear in Experience Points. Join him as he continues his journey reviewing the features of EverQuest Next. Read part one here!

Welcome back to another edition of Experience Points. This week we’ll complete our two part series reviewing EverQuest Next's features. Last week we examined everything from the game's stylized graphics to movement to multi-classing, but that only told half the story. Today I want to delve into destructibility, StoryBricks, and just how different Rallying Calls really are from what's being offered today – just to name a few. There is a lot to discuss, so let's dive in.

SOE Live 2013: EQNext Landmark Panel Takeaways

Here are our takeaways from attending the SOE Live 2013 EverQuest Next Landmark panel!

Creating a World

  • Use core principals from the EverQuest franchise
  • Bring a product that can't be found anywhere else
  • Landmark is intended to appeal to players who want to interact with the world
  • Longevity is important
  • Kicks off the integration of content for EQ Next
  • You're in "Our" World Now - creating a world together and Landmark is the beginning of this
  • Building upon a completely constructable and destructible world
  • Break the mold by going back to the roots of a game like Dungeons & Dragons, where everyone is part of the game and has fun

SOE Live 2013: EQNext Lore Panel Takeaways

Here are our takeaways from attending the SOE Live 2013 EverQuest Next lore panel!

  • The lore is an entire reboot for the franchise
  • Retelling and reimagining of EverQuest; should be familiar, but different
  • Many original creators of EverQuest are on the EQNext team
  • You'll see familiar faces and new things
  • Caramor Thex re-emerging from old lore

Experience Points: EQN Features Reviewed (Part 1)

Each week, Chris "Syeric" Coke gives his unfiltered thoughts on the MMO industry. Taking on the news and hottest topics, Chris brings his extensive experience as a player and blogger to bear in Experience Points. This week he breaks down the upcoming features of EverQuest Next and asks if they're all they're chalked up to be.

Sony rocked the MMO world last Friday. With the announcement of the much anticipated EverQuest Next, David Georgeson and his design team laid their cards on the table: this is the future of MMOs, not “the same game” everyone else is making, and we hope it's the game for you. There are a lot of interesting ideas being offered and some of them could even be revolutionary. Others, well... let's just say that the hype machine is in full motion. We did our best to cover it here and bring you the news as it broke. Over the next two columns, I'd like to look at each of the big features, from destructibility to Landmark, and separate the amazing from the overblown. Join me and share your thoughts in the comments below.

SOE Live 2013: EQNext Class Panel Takeaways

Here are our takeaways from attending the SOE Live 2013 EverQuest Next class panel!

  • Revealed classes are Warrior, Wizard, Blademaster, Rogue, and Tempest (this one may be a multi-class build; not certain)
  • Each class has an identity; needs to be functional and evoke an emotion to connect to the player (ex: Warrior is destructive and violent, feel like a non-delicate brute)
  • Used "iconic characters" such as the Juggernaut or the Hulk as inspiration
  • Every class should be fun! Fun to play and look at (abilities evoking a WOW factor)
  • Animated to show personalities
  • The class you pick determines your armor, weapons (including abilities) and character abilities
  • Multi-classing is very important!
  • Collect classes to: advance them all individually (advancement is in "tiers"), swap between them outside of combat, open up new gameplay
  • Progression can be applied to any character class you possess
  • Play however you want, whenever you want.. EQ Next does not require the use of dedicated tanks and healers
  • Action-oriented combat
  • Build your character how you want by collecting classes and use abilities to create different class builds that match your playstyle
  • The core of your character is formed by the armor, items, and weapon abilities from your class (ex: Warrior with heavy armor, hammer and shield, then weapon abilities like Forceful Blow)
  • Character abilities can be adjusted (more below)
  • Abilities and items combined enhance your customized class build

Joe Castillo's EQNext SandStory at SOE Live

The EverQuest Next debut jumped off to what many thought was an odd start with a sand art performance titled "The Founding of Qeynos: An EverQuest Next SandStory" by Joe Castillo. Here's a couple of facts that many people, including a good portion of the live audience, were unaware of: the entire 14 minute presentation was performed live on stage, and the music playing during it was by legendary composer Jeremy Soule. Check out the video below!

Introducing EverQuest Next

As you read this, EverQuest Next is being unveiled to the world at large. Surprisingly, it’s not the only EverQuest game that fans are being introduced to.

Not only will EverQuest Next be a huge departure for SOE but EverQuest Next Landmark will be part of a completely new phase of MMO development that will make community input more important than in any other MMO.

More on EverQuest Next Landmark later; first, let’s take a look at EQ Next.

SOE Live Registration Hits All-Time High

Sony Online Entertainment announced today that it has sold out of advance passes and will have a record setting attendance for this year's annual convention, SOE Live (formerly Fan Faire), which will be held from August 1 - 4 at Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. Those who were planning to obtain walk-in badges should get there early as "the extremely limited number of tickets that have been reserved for walkups are expected to sell out quickly."

"Between the addition of our PlanetSide 2 and DC Universe Online communities, and the crowds anticipating the debut of EverQuest Next, this will be an extraordinary SOE Live," said Laura Naviaux, Senior Vice President of Global Sales & Marketing, Sony Online Entertainment. "Our players are our extended family, so every year we look for new ways to make SOE Live one of their best weekends ever. The official reveal of EverQuest Next is a long time coming, and we absolutely cannot wait for August 2. We're confident that it, along with the keynotes, pool party, panels, talent show and costume contest, will blow everyone away!"

Stay Informed!

  • ZAM will be on-site and will be providing reports from the floor as they come in, so be certain to check back often during the event to see what's new!
  • SOE will be broadcasting select events live (full schedule here), and they will be uploading pictures to Instagram.
  • Finally, those interested in on-the-fly EverQuest II and EverQuest Next information, or just general SOE Live fun, should keep an eye on @Cyliena and @Calthine on Twitter, and Cyliena on Instagram, over the weekend!

Celebrate July 4th with 40% Off Station Cash

Sony Online Entertainment is celebrating Independance Day with a limited time Station Cash deal!  From 12:00am PDT July 4th, 2013 until 11:59pm PDT July 4th, 2013 get 40% off when you buy Station Cash with your Credit Card or Via PayPal.  Sorry, SMS purchases are excluded.

But that's not all!  If you've been hoarding Station Cash Cards you could be in luck: Get an extra SC1000 when you redeem your $15 SOE Pre-Paid Game Cards on July 4th* only!!

These deals are only good from 12:00am PDT July 4th, 2013 until 11:59pm PDT July 4th, 2013.

Other Holiday Deals

There's also limited time "Holidays in July" sales available in both the EverQuest and EverQuest II marketplaces!

EverQuest (not EverQuest II) players can also enjoy a double experience weekend! Starting at 12:01 am on Thursday, July 4th you’ll enjoy earning twice the XP as you adventure in Norrath. But don’t miss out! This bonus will go away Sunday, July 7th at 11:59 pm PDT.

SOE Live Panel Lineup is Posted!

This afternoon SOE released the lineup of panels for SOE Live. The lineup has developer and player panels, including the long-awaited EverQuest Next. No descriptions are available for the panels yet, but attendees can expect a jam-packed weekend of events. Check out the full schedule here!*

Those interested in EverQuest Next should make sure to attend the unveiling of the game during the Friday, August 2 morning keynote address. This takes place from 11am-1pm in the celebrity ballroom of the host hotel, Planet Hollywood. Several EverQuest Next panels are peppered throughout the day on Friday, Saturday, and even one on Sunday.

ZAM's own Cyliena is running a panel, EQII: Hardcore Decorating, scheduled for 3-4pm on Saturday, August 3. If you're attending be sure to swing by and say hello!

* Panel lineup may be modified at SOE's discretion at any point.