The Scrying Pool: A Magical Find

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, whether that be lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

Magic Find (MF) has been a topic for heated debate since launch. MF is a stat that increases the chances of mobs dropping better loot. So a person with higher MF has a better chance of getting higher rarity (see more valuable) equipment to drop.

The Scrying Pool: A Lively World


In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, whether that be lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

The final act of the Flame and Frost saga was released last week. This was the first arc of the Living Story, ArenaNet's way of making Tyria a living world.

The Scrying Pool: Transmutation Woes

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, whether that be lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

In Guild Wars 2 there exists the Transmutation system. Through this system players can combine the stats of one item with the appearance of a similar item type, such as the stats of one staff with the appearance of a different staff.

The Scrying Pool: Commander

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, whether that be lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch. With the upcoming patch bringing some updates to World vs. World, I wanted to take a look at a lackluster feature tied to WvW that could use a little polish: the Commander.

The Scrying Pool: Shards of Lore

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, whether that be lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch. Today’s article is about lore. It is not any specific lore in the Guild Wars universe however, but a couple of the systems delivering that lore to the players: the Personal Story and Dynamic Events.

The Scrying Pool: Daily Craze


A month ago Colin Johanson released an official blog post going over some of ArenaNet’s plans for Guild Wars 2 in the first half of 2013. A big section of this post talked about achievements.

Some of these improvements to achievements we have already received in the January content patch: different sets of dailies for each day of the week and the Laurel currency rewarded for completing daily and monthly achievements. The last addition to achievements mentioned in the post was the ability to complete a subset of daily achievements in order to fill the daily bar.

The Scrying Pool: Deep Sea Horrors

There is not much that we know about the Deep Sea Dragon, or Bubbles as the community has come to call him. We learned about this dragon from the Movement or the World article released by ArenaNet back in 2007: “In the deepest waters of the sea, another dragon breathed, twisting the waters themselves into tentacled horrors that rose from every lake and river of the land.”

The Scrying Pool: Mounts

Welcome back to the second article in ZAM's weekly Guild Wars 2 column: The Scrying Pool. If you missed the first article you can still find it here. You can read about the mysterious Sylvari and what stories could come to pass.

In the first article I said that I have no insider information, a statement that I want to make clear during these first few articles, and that nothing here is destined to come to Guild Wars 2. Also mentioned is that this column will be taking a “What If” look at lore and story, as in the first article, but also at game mechanics which is what this article will focus on.

The Scrying Pool: Ancient Sylvari


In Guild Wars 1 there was a scrying pool located at the back of the Eye of the North. Periodically players would be led back to the pool throughout the story of the expansion, to gaze into its depths. During those moments, visions would be shown to the player revealing information of the fight to come.

Much like the scrying pool in Guild Wars 1, this column will gaze intently (but not creepily) at Guild Wars 2 and look at what could come to pass. I have no insider information, just all the information that the community has at its disposal. As such, any and all future telling should not be considered confirmed, destined or pre-ordained, just a “What If” look at things like lore, story and even game mechanics that very well could, or maybe won’t, come to Guild Wars 2.


For our first journey through the looking glass of The Scrying Pool we will be looking at the Sylvari.

Do be forewarned, SPOILERS for the Sylvari personal story lie herein.