The Scrying Pool: Black Rawr Chest

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

The Black Lion Chest has always been a hot topic for the Guild Wars 2 cash shop, whether that topic be the general hate of anything RNG (random number generated, i.e. a computer randomly picking what you are going to get) or the addition of temporary items that were only available for a limited time through the chest. I never really liked the chest, and not for the RNG or to an extent the temporary items, but that the chest never really felt epic.

The Scrying Pool: To Dye For

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

Since what feels like the beginning of time (or I guess since around launch) I have seen the idea of Legendary Dyes come up. It is not the idea of having legendary dyes that made each thread interesting, but that everyone who has started these threads seems to be of the same exact mindset of what a legendary dye is.

The Scrying Pool: The Pointy End

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

In both The Scrying Pool: No Expansion!? and The Scrying Pool: Second Class I delved into how utility skills could be expanded within Guild Wars 2. A big reason for expanding the utility skills is to help create build diversity. With more skills there are more options for players when creating builds. While expanding the utility skills would help build diversity, it already is pretty decent in its current state.

The Scrying Pool: Blanket Weather

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

Skills are the basis of any MMO. I have talked about the expansion of utility skills within Guild Wars 2 on a couple of occasions. In The Scrying Pool: No Expansion!? I delved into the foundation for adding more utilities could work and in The Scrying Pool: Second Class I postulated a system to bring secondary professions back into Guild Wars.

This week I will go into something a little different about skills. Instead of looking at how skills can be expanded, I’m going to look at how some of the current abilities tied to skills should be balanced. What I will focus on is what I like to refer to as Blanket Abilities.

The Scrying Pool: DATTPARtn

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

Since the World vs. World (WvW) Rank and Ability system was implemented earlier this year, players have complained about the system being tied to each individual character. The cause for complaint is not entirely unfounded. A character would need to gain 1,315 ability points to unlock every WvW ability. With a single rank, and the single ability point awarded with the rank, requiring a reported average of an hour or more, acquiring a substantial amount of abilities on a single character is an undertaking, let alone multiple alts.

The Scrying Pool: Second Class

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

The Scrying Pool: Dungeon Raiding

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

The Scrying Pool: I Want You to Dye!

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

The Scrying Pool: It's the Little Things

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.

The Scrying Pool: Crafting Expansion

In each article of The Scrying Pool, I look at what is and what could be. After taking a look at what is present in Guild Wars 2 now, be that lore or game mechanics, I then ask What If? What if this happened in the lore or this feature was added in a future patch.