EQ Update #135

EQ Update #134

EQ Update #133

Today we finally got all the behind the scenes database entries made for Empires of Kunark for various different areas of the site. So we're ready to start inputting everything but items. Items will start trickling in once beta items get a final permenant name.

Updated Items: Vial of Moon Dew ;  Mark of Tranquility ;  Gem of Longevity ;  Etched Fire Emerald of Nature ;  Embedded Silver Figurine ;  Embedded Gravel Tablet ;  Mark of the Panther 

New Quests: Access from Empires of Kunark (Lceanium Portal) 

Updated Quests: Druid Earth Blessed Crook ;  Access to Empires of Kunark (The Nexus Portal) 

Bestiary Updates: a sun revenant ;  Jayson Bri`Tian ;  A Sun Fiend ;  a cannonier ;  Greeter Okula

EQ Update #132

Updated Items: Beta Potion of Disgenderment ;  Visage of Chardok Royalty 

New Quests: Access to Empires of Kunark (The Nexus Portal) ;  Daunting Drachnid 

Bestiary Updates: a Legion pacifist ;  Belligerent Biarn ;  Bi`faak the Shadowwalker ;  Blooddrinker Furasza ;  Corrupted Grove Guardian ;  Delirious Berserker ;  Drillmaster Mak`tak ;  Flamewarden Zev`ran ;  Flintikki Peltpile ;  Brute Herder Ar`shok ; Masterchef Ram`see ;  Orechomper ;  Reese the Rhinopocalypse ;  Spyhunter Zath`ran ;  Chief Dronan ;  Cook Jexnait ;  Most Devout Sentry ;  Sentry Rixzeel ;  Spirit Master Wigaue ;  Overseer Vakov ;  Home Master Kaziql ;  Jailor Muxfan ;  Cook Eepvibles ;  Spiritwatcher Scrollhallow ;  Master Kizzixik ;  Izisyl Peppershiv ;  War Leader Callex ;  Whip Cracker Krassex ;  Blood of Droga ;  Bore ;  Black Spot ;  Merchant Triala ;  Honk ;  Deathfang ;  Fractured Shard ;  Royal Guard Kakator ;  Dread Overseer Akalod ;  Dry Rot ;  Crackjaw ;  Prince Selrach Di`zok ;  Queen Velazul Di`zok ;  Flight Master Hak`ouz ;  Grand Advisor Zum`uul ;  Grand Herbalist Mak`ha ;  Kennel Master Al`ele ;  Observer Aq`touz ;  Overseer Dal`guur ;  Watch Captain Hir`roul ; The Sokokar Matron ;  The Bridge Keeper ;  Battle Master Ska`tu ;  Shai'din Warmaster Roh`ki ;  Chokidai Wardog ;  Corpsestalker ;  Overboss Kaznak ;  Hunter Gwalnex IV ;  Spiritmaster Tala'Tak ;  Glimmerfang ;  Darkness ;  Deathgazer ;  Cutter ;  Rogue Monstrosity ;  Mad Researcher ;  Firedowser Uglabarg ;  The Possessed ;  Glart Fink ;  Sepulcher Curator ;  Bonescale ;  Kar`Zok Overlord 

Zone Updates: Kor-Sha Laboratory ;  Gates of Kor-Sha ;  Temple of Droga [Empires of Kunark version] ;  Frontier Mountains [Empires of Kunark version] ;  Chardok [Empires of Kunark version] ;  Scorched Woods ;  Lceanium

EQ Update #131

EQ Update #130

We are looking for a couple more volunteer admins to help out with the Empires of Kunark beta and onward. If you are currently active in beta and want to help out, please let me (Gidono) or another admin know or reply to this post.

New Quests: Dastardly Drolvarg 

Bestiary Updates: a laborer ;  a musician ;  Forewoman Freleta [Quests] ;  a mountain giant steep ;  a drolvarg growler ;  a drolvarg rager ;  a drolvarg ravisher ;  a Sarnak portalkeeper ;  a plaguebone skeleton ;  a mountain giant peak ;  a Sarnak assasin ;  a mountain giant brae ;  an ethicist ;  a chef ;  a painter ;  a sculptor ;  a mason ;  a drachnid silkmistress ;  a dire widow ;  a drachnid silkmistress ;  a drachnid webstrander ;  a rotting skeleton ;  a mountain giant lord

EQ Update #129

EQ Update #128

Updated Items: Wooden Practice Warhammer ;  Wooden Practice Two Handed Sword ;  Wooden Practice Two Handed Hammer ;  Wooden Practice Spear ;  Wooden Practice Short Sword ;  Wooden Practice Mace ;  Wooden Practice Long Sword ; Wooden Practice Dagger ;  Wooden Practice Broad Sword ;  Wooden Practice Flail ;  Memory Sphere ;  Fresh Fish ;  Spell: Strengthen ;  Spell: Reoccurring Amnesia ;  Spell: Elemental Armor ;  Sylvan Plate Helm Ornament ;  Tattered Hopperhide Wristbands;  Tattered Hopperhide Gorget ;  Firefall Saurek Claw ;  Shattered Jawbone ;  Sharp Toothed Jawbone ;  Darkclaw Claw ;  Thick Jawbone ;  Rotting Jawbone ;  White Ornate Chain Bridle ;  White Ornate Chain Worg Bridle ;  Black Ornate Chain Worg Bridle ; Locker of Lupine Linking ;  Mottled Worg Bridle ;  Black Ornate Chain Bridle 

Updated Quests: Zimel's Blades (Quest for SoulFire) ;  Ghulam Armor ;  Saurek Scales ;  Saurek Claws ;  Sharp Toothed Jawbones ;  Darkened Jawbones ;  Rotting Jawbones ;  Thick Jawbones ;  Agent Tiesh's Old Books ;  Cook Yalkiin's Beetle Claw Stew;  Free the Wolves ;  Locker of Lupine Linking ;  Into the Temple (B) 

New Recipes: Black Ornate Chain Worg Bridle ;  White Ornate Chain Worg Bridle 

Bestiary Updates: Ghul Rustem ;  lava beetle ;  lava duct crawler ;  Phurzikon ;  a skeletal brigand ;  a skeletal hunter ;  a firefall saurek ;  a skeletal thug ;  A Saurek Deathmaw ;  Kogar ;  Pack Leader Orgak ;  The Blazing Hen ;  The Stone Dove ;  Tithnak Shadowhunter ;  Slitherblade ;  Dread Drikat ;  Nightvenom ;  A Drolvarg Captain ;  A Drolvarg Lord ;  Darg Hillock ;  Kergag, the Mountain ;  Hunter Haltha ;  The Dreadland Wanderer ;  The Lost Hunter ;  Yeti Patriarch ;  Yeti Matriarch 

Zone Updates: Scorched Woods

Empires of Kunark - Livestream Highlights

Everquest: Empires of Kunark

Image result for empires of kunark

Hola!  It's been a good minute since I've visited but I wanted to take a few to share some highlights of the new expansion!

EverquestLive hosted a live feed today to provide further insight and details about the upcoming 23rd Everquest expansion - Empires of Kunark.

Members of the EQ Team, Ry "Roshen" Schueller, Jonathan "Brathen" Caraker and Josh "Augur" Augustine were briefely joned by Holly "Windstalker" Longdale and a new EQ Producer Lauren McLemore to share some of the details regarding the expansion, beta and launch.

Pre-Orders are available NOW!  First and foremost, Beta Access is granted immediately to anyone who preorders the expansion.  That means, if you pre-order the game today, you can immediately jump into Beta and start earning that reward currency.  Also, a unique monument statue will be granted to anyone who pre-orders the expansion.  The statue, a kneeling Iksar in armor and sword set inside a structure with four pillars, can be placed in homes and in guild halls as a centerpiece attraction.

Launch Date is scheduled for Wednesday, November 16th and in honor of the upcoming launch, EQ will have their usual Bi-Weekly incentives to get you into the game - Bonus XP Days, Rare Spawn Bonuses, Reduced Lockouts.

Read on to learn more about the features for this new expansion...


EQ Update #127