EQ Update #141

This is a big update. Thanks to our Item Collector developer, we got a long standing bug fixed today with icons missing from items. We are also very close to releasing the item collector to the public, thanks again to him. We look forward to seeing it in action!


New Items: Invested Honed Wurmslayer 

Updated Items: Polymorph Wand: Dark Bellikos ;  Icepierce Ornament ;  Kyalie's Bulwark Ornament ;  Lozack's Bulwark Ornament ;  Luka's Golden Defender of Health Ornament ;  Rope Bridge ;  Polymorph Wand: Blood Red Bellikos ;  Ghastly Tombstone ;  Ritual Dagger of Flowing Blood ; Reaver of Flowing Blood ;  The Mountain Queen Ornament ;  Lava Lamp ;  Sepulcher Greatsword Ornamentation ;  Sepulcher Axe Ornamentation ;  Lucky Mitosing Coin ;  Salve of the Long Dozen ;  Pizmip's Prize Purveyor ;  Bottle of Adventure I ;  Bottle of Adventure III ;  Bottle of Health Pack ;  Bottle of Alacrity Pack ;  Goblin Skull Fetish ;  Bottle of Clarity Pack ;  Icicle's Collar ;  Bottle of Adventure II ;  Snappy's Claw ;  Lucky Copper ;  Sarah's Lost Locket ;  Jennifer's Lost Locket ;  Empty Black Pot ;  Old Metal Button ;  Obliteration Hammer Ornamentation ;  Bottle of Ultravision ;  Bottle of Speed ;  Tunare Party Popper ;  Bristlebane Party Popper ;  Obliteration Blade Fist Ornamentation ;  Cit Chac's Collar ;  Army of Light Hammer Ornamentation ;  Army of Light Dagger Ornamentation ;  Red Ball Dispenser ;  Token of the Light Army ;  Token of the Obliteration Army ;  Knife of Daring Dispenser ;  Ball of Fluffy Cotton ;  Obliteration Blade Ornamentation ;  Flittering Wings ;  Obliteration Staff Ornamentation ;  Army of Light Staff Ornamentation ;  Obliteration Great Blade Ornamentation 

For many more updates, click below


Lore for EQ Empires of Kunark

Taken from https://www.everquest.com/news/empires-of-kunark-lore-combine-sebilisan-eq-2016


I like that they are wielding staffs with skulls on the end, aka original Kunark type designs. Not sure who Hulk Sarnak is?



Empires of Kunark Preview: Lore


After being poisoned and narrowly escaping death, Tsaph Katta has reemerged from his stasis and finds himself more determined than ever. His time in stasis and brush with death has strengthened his resolve.

He has reformed the Combine Empire, building over its ruins on the Kunark continent and inviting those from all races to join him in creating a single peaceful and prosperous empire. Driven by a desire for diplomacy and a head full of noble ideas, Tsaph has plans for his empire to span all of Norrath. And his plans begin with expanding throughout Kunark. Tsaph, however, is not the only one trying to take control over the continent.

Many years after the fall of the Sebilisan Empire, the continent of Kunark is far from peaceful, but no single race rises too far above the others.

The Sarnak still inhabit Kunark, and they are much more powerful than they were before. The King has left Chardok, and Queen Velazul Di’zok has unified all of the Sarnak under her rule. The Sarnak no longer face internal strife and are more organized than ever.

The Sarnak Empire is experiencing a resurgence and, like Tsaph, they have their own plans for conquering Kunark. They have rallied around Atrebe Sathir. Atrebe, a master of elder magic, has not been seen since the time of the Sebilisan Empire, after an explosion destroyed his lab. Many mistook this prolonged disappearance for his death. Atrebe and the Sarnak have many motivations for wanting to control Kunark, but one thing is certain - they are more than willing to wipe out whatever (or whomever) stands in their way.

The Empires of Kunark are clashing, and many of Kunark’s other inhabitants have found themselves caught in the middle of the conflict. In this relentless time of war, you’ll have to do whatever it takes to secure the future of the Combine Empire.

There’s more to uncover in EverQuest’s 23rd Expansion: Empires of Kunark! Check out the official EverQuest website for more sneak peeks and information on this expansion. Empires of Kunark is scheduled to launch on Wednesday, November 16.

If you’re an All-Access member, you get 10% off this expansion. You can pre-order EverQuest: Empires of Kunark and join us in beta now!

EQ Update #140

Updated Items: Tattered Animal Pelt ;  Raw Hide ;  Medicinal Herbs ;  Loaf of Bread ;  Large Raw-hide Wristbands ;  Novice Veil Hunter's Satchel ;  Moist Marrow ;  Writ of Distance ;  Runed Ornamental Mace ;  Mark of War ;  Mark of Warfare ;  Mark of Salvation ;  Mark of Hatred ;  Mark of Courage ;  Lexicon of the Moon ;  Golden Spoon ;  Glade Dew ;  Fire Powder ;  Star Ruby Studded Medal ;  Small Sponge ;  Runic Card ;  Mark of Tenor ;  Mark of Darkness ;  Mark of Battle ;  Fleshy Vine ;  Diamond Studded Medal 

Updated Quests: Halloween: Missing Costume Pieces ;  The Acrylia Plans ;  Halloween: The Bone Collector ;  Halloween: Out With the Old ;  Halloween: Terror of Illis Taberish 

Bestiary Updates: Indagatrix Salus Acilia [Quests] ;  a bloodtribe ornamentalist ;  Maareq the Prophet ;  The Keeper of Sorrows ;  Kurrpok Splitpaw ;  a bloodtribe lightwarrior ;  Guardian Jenat ;  Brightfire ;  Fountainhead ;  Xhut Adan ;  a merchant [Pottery Merchant] ;  a merchant [Pottery Merchant] ;  Praetor Denik [Mission and Raid] ;  Guardian Limnos ;  a majestic protector ;  Helenus Politi ;  Orrin Dracos ;  a centurion ;  a deadshot ;  a sureshot scout ;  Salli Westell [General Supplies] ;  a records clerk [Parcels and Forms] ;  a watcher ;  a forager ;  a wounded centaur ; Minister Larnum ;  Praetor Vixelo [Quests] ;  Grindle Sprocketsworth [Quest and General Supplies] ;  a regu praesitor silencer ;  Windel Spring [Quest and General Supplies] ;  Rossette Mosgrow [Quest and General Supplies] ;  Lcea Katta ;  Tsaph Katta ;  Gront [Quest and General Supplies] ; a darkshaft sunflower ;  Terrance the Admired ;  Mad Merchant Marv

Quarm Server Event 1 Update

From the official Daybreak boards, as posted by Roshen:


"Thanks to all of you who have participated in the first EverQuest event server! A few of you have asked how much longer you have to complete your achievements so we wanted to provide an update. At this time Quarm will stay open at least until December at which time we'll announce a definitive closure."


This is actually enough time for a group/guild to start fresh and complete the event(s).


Too bad they didn't allow you to choose a second reward if you did the group path & the raid path... would have improved retention.

The Scarlet Desert


Today's tour brings us to the Scarlet Desert.


Phinigel progression server is presently in Luclin era, and Ragefire is about to enter. Scarlet Desert is an interesting zone for several reasons. First, let's consider the longstanding zone description here at Allakhazam:


While its long-dry riverbeds indicate it wasn't always the case, the Scarlet Desert is one of the driest areas on Luclin (save for a small oasis in its south).

It is home to a variety of species, from cheetahs and lightcrawlers to sunflowers and undead sun revenants. The Grol Baku, Tro Jeg, and Vas Ren alien tribes are all well-established in this area, as are the Blood Tribe of troglodytes which can be found in large numbers throughout the desert and inside the various caves in the area.

A large plateau dominates the northeastern part of this desert. Be careful you don't step off the ledge and accidentally fall to your death!

One thing I always loved (cough) about this zone was the blinding from the lightcrawlers. It allowed you to pull so many extra mobs! Even better, lightcrawlers, despite being huge, can be hard to see depending on your settings and view. One of the few lightcrawler pictures we have is from the old Mac server.




The bigger story/mystery of Scarlet Desert is that few players have truly utilized it. 200+ NPC in this zone, mostly to kill (none currently flagged as quest givers) --yet we only have submitted pics for about half of them. NPC are named oddly in this zone as many, many NPC have UPPERCASE names, but some of the named with quest drops apparently don't. It can be a fun place to work with a group, as you can do the risky thing and roaming hunting party, or play it safe and pull to a wall. At times, higher level (compared to the high 30s-40s middle of zone) people have been known to solo in the caves.



Then there's the faction war between the alien tribes.


We had a theory posted in 2002:

"The Tro jeg clan, I would assume, are the higher level of alien beings. The highest, most staltwart of them (to my witness) reside upon the Scarlet Plateau just adjacent to the sun revenant ruins.

Wandering Tro jeg are also quite common in the dunes. If they hit half as hard, and proc half of the DD that some on the plateau do, the a drop of invis could be an unpleasent suprise.

Until the exploration of the world continues, who knows. Some of these lovable extraterrestials may just give out quests. Shame, Luclin forces you to kill xenophobically for a number of quests. And I would have loved to do a drum session with these guys next to their dark cauldron temples.

Bobothered posted the opposing faction hits:
Tro Jeg Clan down
Cral Ligi Clan up
Vas Ren Clan up
Grol Baku Clan up

greetz, Stoutbok, Karana"


...but no one has followed up on it. Maybe it is a good idea to do some drumming by the dark cauldron? My memory is all the aliens in Scarlet Desert give faction hits, but almost none are reported. Maybe I am wrong, maybe there are undiscovered Luclin quests from aligning with specific tribes? Or do these factions just serve to make you kill on site in several places to aid in pulling groups of mobs?


Now, as for known quests. Scarlet Desert is a candy-land for Twilight Sea armor quest drops. Named here drop their entire loot table. This was a change that was made at some point, I believe to address the fact that Scarlet Desert named are notoriously hard to spawn. We lack information on many of them, and there may still be unreported named in this zone. This was espeicially annoying when you need to get a specific one and the Twilight Sea armor quests were insanely hard to complete, especially considering the reward (even in context of Luclin era). Quite a few players in the Lunar Mutants guild completed some parts of these quests a few years back on a live server, and it was a tedious go. Then again, maybe a tracker with some patience can crack the spawn table for us?

My own experience in Scarlet was the hunt for a specific rarity:


Way back in the day, I did get this drop. I believe it is buried on a dormant account of a friend. Has anyone got this thing to drop on a progression server or live server in the last decade? When my Phingel rogue is high enough... we're going for a long vacation in the Scarlet Desert to admire the plant life (I really hope it still drops... and doesn't take me weeks to get).


What are your stories of the Scarlet Desert?

Anyone visiting, please post updates under the NPC/item/zone as applicable.


Everquest October Patch

October 19, 2016

*** Highlights ***

- Modified NPC pathing logic when an NPC is in combat against a PC. See NPC section for details.

*** Items ***

- Increased the rank of Form of Endurance on Mask of Immortal End and Hardened Mask of Immortal End from 25 to 30.
- Placing Jade Tiger in your real estate will no longer place Schrodinger and vice versa.

*** Quests & Events ***

- Karam Dragonforge's quests should now work correctly and not eat valid items. His dialogues will indicate which items he needs.
- - On servers that have unlocked Secrets of Faydwer, Karam Dragonforge will require "Square Cut Black Sapphire", "Marquise Cut Alexandrite", "Platinum Trio Ring", and "White Dragon Hide" in order to create a White Dragonscale Cloak. 
- - On servers that have not yet unlocked Secrets of Faydwer, Karam Dragonforge will require "Platinum Diamond Wedding Ring", "Black Sapphire Platinum Necklace", and "White Dragon Hide" in order to create a White Dragonscale Cloak.
- Deaths of the Unliving - Made some changes to this task in Sul Vius: Life that might prevent it from being broken at the "examine the body" step. Internally this has never been reproduced, so please let us know if you still encounter issues.
- It should no longer be possible to spawn multiple versions of the Caller event NPCs in Fungus Grove by force-feeding the trigger dozens of Blargrot beverages. In addition, the event versions of the Caller NPCs are now PC friendly.

*** Spells ***

- Necromancer - Moved Dichotomic Paroxysm from timer 18 to timer 20.
- Bard - Lowered the endurance cost of Dichotomic Psalm, increased the amount of damage it adds to spells and melee strikes, and changed the HP, Mana, and Endurance return amounts to match the proportions granted by Crescendo songs.
- Casting Call of the Hero in Acrylia will again summon A Grimling Hero.

*** NPC ***

- Modified NPC pathing logic when an NPC is in combat against a PC.
- - NPCs will now be less inclined to stop short of a moving target, which should result in high speed NPCs more consistently catching and attacking PCs.
- - Fixed a visual bug where an NPC moving toward a player would move, then teleport forward a short distance a second later.

*** Progression Servers ***

- Bartering will now unlock when the Shadows of Luclin unlocks instead of waiting until Dragons of Norrath.
- In the instanced version of the Accursed Temple of Cazic-Thule, the bosses will now correctly use Mitigation of the Mighty IV.
- Darrisa Nyny in West Freeport and Celni Pawfoot in Commonlands will begin spawning when the Shadows of Luclin has unlocked. They offer Beastlord discipline tomes. Darrisa Nyny is also another source of hybrid discipline tomes.
- The shissar wraiths that spawn after Emperor Ssraeshza's death in Ssraeshza Temple instances will no longer be subject to the loot lockout for the basepop, but instead will be linked to the lockout for the emperor himself.
- Praetorian Myral's extensive beard grooming appointment has completed. He will again spawn in Grieg's End.

*** Miscellaneous ***

- Fixed a few bugs with the advanced looting system.
- - Zones which have been repopped will now properly work with advanced looting.
- - Fixed a crash which could happen when items are removed from the personal loot list.
- - Fixed a problem with multiple of the same item dropping on an npc/chest.
- Fixed the excessive vertical camera bounce that occurred for Frogloks introduced in the last update.
- Fixed an issue that would disable entire accounts from logging in if one of the characters on an account is corrupted. The non-corrupted characters will appear roughly 10 minutes after login if this is the case. Players experiencing this should contact Customer Support to get the corrupted characters removed or fixed.
- Fixed a client crash when the total number of Traders in the bazaar is more than 600.
- Upgraded some internal graphics libraries. Please let us know if you can no longer reach character select.
- Reduced the number of Alternate Advancement Point achievements. Achievements are granted for every 500 points spent between 5000 and 10000 and for every 1000 points spent between 10000 and 20000.
- Characters will no longer receive the achievement "Whispers of Kunark."

*** UI ***

- Corrected issues with the reward selection window that would cause rewards to fail to preview and sort correctly.
- Fixed an issue where Pet Rename reminders were not properly being disabled.
- Paste from clipboard will now default to Ctrl-V.
- Removed the allowing / disallowing of Pixel Shaders 1.1 and Pixel Shaders 1.4. The Pixel Shaders 2.0 control will now handle allowing / disallowing of those because all pre-2.0 Pixel Shaders are now treated as 2.0 Shaders.

- Changed -


*** Previously Updated ***

- Zones that have areas with restrictions on corpse summoning, Call of the Hero, Bind Affinity, or similar effects, will work the same way in the instance as the base zone. The Emperor's Room in Ssraeshza Temple is one example.
- Sage Vindillar will no longer attempt to send live test subjects to a place that doesn't exist yet. He will return when Planes of Power is unlocked.
- Locked doors and portals inside Ssraeshza Temple and Vex Thal will now work correctly inside the Phinigel instance.
- All teleportation stones except for the stone to Qeynos in the Plane of Knowledge will be disabled until the Planes of Power launches.
- Being in the Emperor's room in Ssraeshza Temple without the key will kick you back to the Nexus. The key requirement for Emperor's room is removed once Gates of Discord has unlocked on the server.

- The EverQuest Team

EQ Update #139

EQ Update #138

EQ Update #137

EQ Update #136

Updated Items: Glowing Chitterling Wings ;  Copper Medal of War ;  Mark of Cunning ;  Mark of Forests ;  Platinum Chain ;  Temporal Sack ;  Chest of Valor ;  Glowing Acrylia Sphere ;  Polished Acrylia Sphere ;  Marbled Acrylia Sphere ;  Hammer of the Grunt ;  Grimling Officer's Scalp ;  Dirk of the Horde ;  Gold Lined Copper Medal of War ;  Grimling Officer's Eye ;  Desecrated Platemail Vambraces ;  Jagged Stone Flail ;  Polished Bone Flail ;  Sharpened Wolf Femur ;  Silver Lined Copper Medal of War ; Grimling Officer's Tooth ;  Braided Briar Vine ;  Great Sword of the Grunt ;  Bone Shafted Warclub ;  Owlbear Feather Dart ;  Broken Blowgun of the Forest ;  Smooth Ore Dagger ;  Chitin Bladed Harvester ;  Leather Handled Mandible Blade ;  Polished Stone Spear ;  Heavy Stone Warhammer ;  Barbed Bone Fishing Spear 

New Quests: Death from Above ;  Bad Horses ;  Clearing Loose Fodder ;  Friends of the Enemy ;  Sowing Confusion ;  A Lost Chokidai 

Updated Quests: Hollow Skull ;  Bracers of Erollisi ;  General's Challenge ;  Danarin's Raid ;  Derrin's Raid ;  Captain Necin's Challenge 

Bestiary Updates: mischiefplane 1.0 - Hall Monitor Willy ;  acryliacaverns 1.0 - a grimling manacrafter ;  a grimling manacrafter ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - Prophet Grikplag ;  a chitterling ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - Sorceress Gnildaria ;  A Polished Stonegrabber ;  A Pale Darkwing Bat ;  A Grimling Manacrafter ;  a grimling pickpocket ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - Overseer Gnerpokkel ;  mischiefplane 1.0 - Debbis the Fish ;  Emma, a True Believer ;  Master of the House ;  Strategus Pommori ;  Domina Caelestis ;  a burynai taskmaster ;  Taskmaster Errgh ;  a burynai earthstripper ;  Guardian Limnos ;  a majestic protector ;  Helenus Politi pet ;  Helenus Politi ;  Orrin Dracos ;  a centurion ;  a deadshot ;  a sureshot scout ;  Head Taskmaster Geddis ;  a forest giant clearcutter ; Tactician Orlexa ;  a vicarum vitai salus ;  a praetor ledalus salus ;  Arbitrator Kelliar [Heroic Adventures] ;  Praetor Garont (raid) ;  a moldering gorilla ;  a Sarnak zealot ;  a forest giant verdant ;  a Sarnak champion ;  a Sarnak extremist ;  a Sarnak avenger ;  a chokidai fleshripper ;  a reanimated dragoon ;  a Di`zok gravebinder ;  a chokidai lasher ;  an undead chokidai ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling fighter ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling manacrafter ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling priest ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling deathbringer ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling dartspitter ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling cadaverist ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling officer ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling recruit ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling metalworker ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling sorceress ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling prophet ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling guard ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling miner ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling dreamspinner ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling grunt ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling guardian ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling herbalist ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling lookout ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling manawielder ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling marauder ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling pickpocket ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling sentry ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling skullcracker ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling skullsplitter ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling soldier ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling soulstealer ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling spinetapper ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling thief;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a rhinobeetle ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a sonic battlehound ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a sonic mangler ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a sonic hunter ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a sonic warwolf ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - an owlbear cub ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - an owlbear fleshrender ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - an owlbear grappler ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - an owlbear razorbeak ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - Captain Darznel ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - Captain Necin ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - General Staginar ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - Scout Danarin ; grimlingforest 1.0 - Scout Derrin ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - a grimling overseer ;  grimlingforest 1.0 - Shopkeeper Chirrin