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#1 May 26 2005 at 4:30 PM Rating: Excellent
I've been playing this game for as long as it's been around in North America. I'm positive I've met some of the nicest people in the entire world on this game. I'm sure many of these nice people also have a high degree of intelligence.

Why, then, do better than 95% of the people in this game have the most god-awful grammar? Almost nobody capitalizes their sentences. No one uses a punctuation mark at the end of their sentences unless asking a question, or using multiple exclamation marks. Commas are completely forgotten, or excessively used in the wrong places. No one seems to know what an apostrophe is.

Then there's netspeak. I hope the boiler room in AOL headquarters explodes now that they've unleashed this pox upon the world. I know for a fact that when most of you type "lol", you aren't really laughing at all. You aren't even smiling. You just type "lol" out of habit. As a person who knows how to read, I read what I see. When someone types "lol", I don't think "Oh, that person's laughing out loud." I think, "lol" as in "Lollapalooza". "rofl" is read as "roffle", "lmao" is "lum-ow", etc. When people laugh, they say "Ha ha ha", or "Heh heh heh". No one says "Laughing out loud!". And they certainly don't do it with the frequency the general net community does. I mean, really, it must be nice to be so happy that you laugh out loud at virtually everything.

Abbreviations. "ur" being substituted for "your" or "you're" is the one that broils my scrod the most. Again, reading what I see, I read "ur" as "URRR, I KNOW NO TYPING HOW DO I DO IT?? URRRRRRR". Personally, I don't see how many of you can do this. It actually takes me longer to type "ur" than it does to type "your" or "you're". Indeed, it takes more effort from me to type incorrectly in general.

Very often, I read these forums and see people actually practicing good writing habits. Then I see them talking in-game, and it's almost like a different person is writing. It seriously boggles my mind.

Of course, there are times when I can understand not taking extra care with the appearance of your writing. If English isn't your first language, in the middle of a battle, or if you lost your hands in an industrial accident and have to type with your nose, then I can understand where your writing may not be perfect in every way. Maybe you have webbed fingers. Maybe you play on PS2 and you're too cheap to buy a USB keyboard. Fine, you're forgiven.

Really, I would be happy if everyone just capitalized and punctuated their sentences. I feel like I see nothing but the middle of everyone's sentences when I talk to people in this game. The eradication of netspeak acronyms would make me the happiest Tarutaru in Vana'diel. I have no problem with game-related abbreviations (like DRK for Dark Knight, etc.), even though as a life-long gamer, PT has always meant "point" to me. I realize "PT" meaning "party" was probably started by the Japanese players.

Yes, I know that you pay your $15 a month or whatever, and you can type any way you want. This is nothing more than a rant, born from a year and a half of pent-up frustration from trying to decipher the words of people who are supposedly speaking the same language as me. And I know that this argument is as old as the Internet itself. Those of us who still know what the home row is need to keep fighting the good fight, though. Finally, I know I'm not gonna win the Nobel Prize in literature any time soon, but the important thing is I at least try to write correctly.

That's all I wanted to say.

Eekiki casts Barfire.
Eekiki gains the effect of Barfire.
#2 May 26 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Good
128 posts
Those of us who still know what the home row is need to keep fighting the good fight, though.

What is home row?
#3 May 26 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
Your asking too much of the world. Nobody really wants to type correctly, since many people come home from a stressful job/school day (For people that have a desk job or comp. lab at times in the day) and just wanna kick back. Nobody wants to type "the good way," its kinda like revisiting what makes you stressed out all day... but anywho thats just what I think, my opinion doesn't count for much.

Edited, Thu May 26 18:08:00 2005 by xPhlankxx
#4 May 26 2005 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
I agree with most of that. Most linkshells develop a consensus as to what level of informality is acceptable; ours is just right for my tastes.

I still abbreviate a fair amount, of course. Someone's just typed that they're logging off for the night? I type SYL! (or {See you again}). I'm going to take a two-minute break after that Chain 5 we just finished? "AFK 2 minutes <call14>". I'm taking an even shorter break? "BRB."

For some **** reason, what bothers me more than overuse of abbreviations is refusal to capitalize (who are you, e.e. cummings?) or use most punctuation (the comma is located just to the left of that period you're also not using). :P

#5 May 26 2005 at 5:43 PM Rating: Decent
87 posts
cuz it dont matter.
#6 May 26 2005 at 6:21 PM Rating: Excellent
356 posts
OmegaManOne wrote:
Those of us who still know what the home row is need to keep fighting the good fight, though.

What is home row?

[A][S][D][F] --- [J][K][L][;]
That's the home row where your fingers go. Your thumbs go over the space bar.

Nice rant Eek, but I doubt it will change anything. I'll have to watch how I type around you, if it makes you this edgy. :P
#7 May 26 2005 at 6:25 PM Rating: Good
OmegaManOne wrote:
What is home row?

In case you weren't just being sarcastic, the home row consists of the A, S, D, F, J, K, L, and ; keys on your keyboard. For people who touch-type, it's where your fingers rest when you aren't typing anything.

Edit: Agh, you beat me to it, Min. Don't worry too much about it, though. I have a never-ending supply of patience. ^_^

Edited, Thu May 26 19:27:01 2005 by Eekiki
#8 May 26 2005 at 8:06 PM Rating: Good
73 posts
I can deal with it. My only real pet peeves are the people that talk like 3rd graders, such as "u got kild bi teh lizerd". Looks very unsophisticated...and when their use of puncuation is so bad, you can't tell if its a statement or a question. For example, "ready". Do you mean you're ready to do something or are you asking me if I'm ready? Actually, most use the auto-translator for that one, but you get what I mean. :P
#9 May 26 2005 at 9:21 PM Rating: Default
Do you speak with perfect grammer and everything when you speak? Probably not. Well people in FFXI use web lingo to get emotion shown quick and easy. I would much rather type..

"woot i beat maatz *** in G5 lol" (Which I am going to do soon for blm hopefully!)


"O yay! I won my battle against Maat in Geneaki number 5. (and I feel good)"

Not only does the grammer correct one look incredibly gay, it took me about 4x longer to type.

So go see a phychiatrist, get that Obsessive Compulsive thing fixed, and get over it.
#10 May 26 2005 at 11:23 PM Rating: Good
479 posts
95% of the time I talk good, capitalization, periods, commas, etc. The other 5% of the time I'm getting tired, just got home from work or school, or am having a bad day...that's when I don't want to type out long words and want to keep conversation to a minimum. I admit to abbrviating on occasion (lol I use a lot, trying to break the habit...) (I don't see anything wrong with brb or afk either, and a few other common ones...) but most of the time I use proper grammar and also find it appaling when others don't.

+5 Enmity towards those who "AOL-type" {Yes, please}.
#11 May 26 2005 at 11:47 PM Rating: Good
128 posts

err... I mean Thank You

I really didn't know what home row was

<--- fastest 6 fingered typer in the west
#12 May 27 2005 at 1:58 AM Rating: Good
213 posts
*prepares to type decently with correct punctations and capitalization*

Actually this is really something I've long forgotten ever since I started playing online but as some of the replies have said, yeah (yeh?) it's quite bothering to see the THAT type of typing.

(for me, there are 2 types of typing. one is the educated one which still tries to type decently and with correct spelling. punctuation and caps dont really bother me. and 2, the lazy typing. where you make "you" into "u" -i do this alot- and other bad types typing)

Most of the time i play the game, i think of it as a fun and relaxing activity. To type perfectly is a bonus (since it serves as a great practice tool for typing papers and proposals and etc etc.) but not entirely needed. I don't actually disagree with Eeki on his stand, sometimes i wish i typed (or chat) in game with a better form of my so called english but most of the time im too tired from school to care. :p Infact, I don't follow the home row rule anymore when it comes to typing. I position my wrists to be rested infront of the keyboard and just go at it. I'm more comfortable this way (my hands normally hover above the keyboard without being positioned where it's suppose to be XD)

About the emotes Eeki, I think it's a result of the spread of high-tech communication. The use of emotes such as "LoL" and "RoFL" cannot be removed anymore from 99% of people who talk like this online. It's just a habit almost everyone has grown to use (and love :p)

Eeki, like Minona said, nice rant. but I doubt it'll do anything :p Don't mind it Eeki :) /comfort /laugh /em gives you a bottle of beer :p

#13 May 27 2005 at 2:39 AM Rating: Good
As I said, I'm patient to a fault about some things. I'm certain you've never seen me correcting people's spelling and grammar in LS chat. ^_^

I just had to rant, and now I can continue to silently tolerate it for a further year and a half.
#14 May 27 2005 at 2:57 AM Rating: Decent
Indeed it doesn't matter. It has nothing to do with it being easier to type. People are actually stupid enough to not know the difference between "your" "you're" and (sigh) "UR". This is coming from a person who only learned English in something like a 2 year span. It's embarassing to see people who've known it their entire life not speak it correctly.
#15 May 27 2005 at 4:39 AM Rating: Good
213 posts
eh hehe yeh i dont see u do it. u know how our ls chat can sometimes be... x.x bleh. (i think it happens especially when people just woke up or are really tired from playing all night :p)

and yeh liq, i'll agree with you there. your you're and ur >.> sometimes i wonder why people who have spoken english since.. ever?.. can't speak it correctly (or in this case, type it correctly)

pardon my caps and puncs, just too lazy to fix it. just finished tons of editting x.x gagagagaga
#16 May 27 2005 at 10:52 AM Rating: Default
Liquinas and Eekiki you guys are speaking/typing a form on english that in a couple of years will be called "archaic" lol.

Languages change everyday because old words are being replaced with new ones. do you think that 200 years ago they were speaking the same english we are today? I dont.

I think this post kinda seems like a rant from a grandparent or an OAP lollapalooza, no offense roffle.

But... I do agree with the amount of lols you'll see in one conversation I'm suprised most of us havent laughed our own lungs out. I also do it a lot but theres always either a smile, smurk or evil grin on my face.

anyway if you want to have a conversation with someone without feeling like hes gonna open his rain coat to unveil 10 stolen rolexs maybe you should correct them or ask them why they dont speak good ol' ye english.

take care. Z
#17 May 27 2005 at 1:33 PM Rating: Good
1,254 posts
Eekiki casts Barfire.
Eekiki gains the effect of Barfire.

I'm hoping you anticipated flames because this issue has bean beaten into the ground (dead horse).

However, with replies like Zaryun's, maybe it was to deflect the heat from the people who think AOL speak will be mainstream in the future. Only a small percentage of the population would even know what roflmao would mean.

edit: omgwtfbbq forgot 's on Zaryun xD

Edited, Fri May 27 14:36:42 2005 by Jaffar
#18 May 27 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
1,058 posts
This should earn me a few rate downs.

The problem is simple. Many of these people simply do not know proper grammar at all. The fact that the SAT now includes an Essay portion is entirely due to the fact that people no longer know how to write correctly. Apparently there were numerous instances of people using "net-speak" and "leet-speak" on college entry applications. How sad is that?

One thing that so many people forget, is that both of those 'short hand' typing methods grew from a combination of laziness, illiteracy, and poor typing skills. The ever popular 'pwn' comes from the inability to hit the 'o' key. There is nothing 'elite' about it. Unless you count being illiterate and unable to type as 'elite'. It's just another dumbing down of society. Can't spell or type? Don't worry! That just makes you 'l33t'!

But no, none of this will change anything. Sadly.
#19 May 27 2005 at 2:28 PM Rating: Good
Zaryun wrote:
do you think that 200 years ago they were speaking the same english we are today?

Yes, they were speaking the same English as we are today. I can still read and understand the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence (even if the government can't). And I highly doubt anyone listened to Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg Address and thought "omg wut a *** lolz".

Netspeak is not English at all. If you don't believe me, look it up in the dictionary. The closest you'll find is the word "loll", which means, "to act or move in a lax, lazy, or indolent manner". Kind of fitting, isn't it?

And yeah, I was expecting to get flamed more. Really, I was expecting a torrent of "STFU"s (stuffoo) to be thrown in my direction.

One of the excuses many Japanese players like to use for the rash of "JP ONLY" search comments is that many of us butcher our own language, and they don't want to waste their energy trying to figure out what we're saying. It would really be nice to give them one less excuse to ostracize us.

Sorry to rant more (and to bring up another age-old argument), but the notion that English is deteriorating just made me mad again.

Edit: Pillgrim brought up a compelling point, but I guess was too afraid to post his thoughts publicly, so he sent me a PM.

Pillgrim wrote:
Who gives a sh*t what our grammer is its just a game all we want to do is play so get a life u stupid *** ****.

Touche, Pillgrim...Touche... /nod

Edited, Fri May 27 15:35:20 2005 by Eekiki
#20 May 27 2005 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
Languages change everyday because old words are being replaced with new ones. do you think that 200 years ago they were speaking the same english we are today? I dont.
The exact same language? No. Obviously languages evolve as new words and concepts are created, and additional language is created to adequately describe them. Nouns are notoriously easy to create. Words such as "shareware," or "xerox" were certainly not around 200 years ago, and it only makes sense that languages will indeed evolve over time. All anyone has to do is read Shakespeare to realize how much the English language has evolved.

However, those changes generally do not happen overnight, and the changes that do occur usually do not completely ignore existing grammar rules. People who read old English texts today can still, for the most part, understand them without too much difficulty, because the roots of the words and the overall structure of the language itself has not evolved that much.

When you look at netspeak, it is difficult enough for someone who knows both proper English and netspeak to understand what the intent of the author is. That type of language, language that is ambiguous, and blatantly ignores current grammar rules are not an example of the language evolving. They are just examples of laziness. Eventually, some pieces of that lazy style might be incorporated into formal English (for example, 'colour' vs. 'color' -- those lazy Americans dropped the U!), but things such as eliminating capitalization or punctuation will not be. There may be new uses for certain punctuation symbols, the odd place where it might be dropped where it wouldn't have been in the past, and so on, but the changes won't be as drastic as we see in the current form of netspeak. I might even expect that "lol" becomes a proper English word given enough time. But I highly doubt that 'omgwtfbbq' ever will be.

Who gives a sh*t what our grammer is its just a game all we want to do is play so get a life u stupid *** ****.
Actually, this is exactly why I 'give a sh*t' about it. I think Eekiki has maybe gone a little far in the original post. I see nothing wrong with proper use of net acronyms like 'lol' and 'STFU', but even if you want to use netspeak, there are certain grammar rules that you must follow in order to be understood. The more you use and abuse netspeak, the harder it is for people in general, even those fluent in netspeak, to understand what you are saying. All I want to do is play this game and have fun, but it's difficult to do that when you can't even understand what your team is saying.

I use netspeak in-game all the time. I'm lazy, I use common abbreviations like 'lol', 'omg', and so on. I rarely type out people's names in full, etc. But at the same time, I use punctuation (not always properly, but I try). I usually use captial letters where approrpriate, and I actually bother to type the little "unimportant" words like "the," or spell out "you" instead of "u". You don't have to write perfect English, but it doesn't take much effort to type a few extra letters and symbols that make what you have to say so much easier for everyone to read, or to structure your sentences properly while still using netspeak to speed up your typing and fit in with internet culture.

Edited, Fri May 27 16:01:06 2005 by Seryn
#21 May 27 2005 at 7:54 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
OMG! wat r u talking bout'? I use teh bestest grammar on teh server! Pwned! woot! I is the secksiest and you suxors

Honestly, grammar has no proven relation to intellect, proven study guy. Do some google on language syntex... On another note the use of all the above grammar is just a small sample of what happens in every sub-culture, it's own adaption and use of language and culture. You should feel special to be a part of this unique experience, not pissed at some spelling...
#22 May 27 2005 at 8:54 PM Rating: Good
135 posts
OMG! wat r u talking bout'? I use teh bestest grammar on teh server! Pwned! woot! I is the secksiest and you suxors

Honestly, grammar has no proven relation to intellect, proven study guy. Do some google on language syntex... On another note the use of all the above grammar is just a small sample of what happens in every sub-culture, it's own adaption and use of language and culture. You should feel special to be a part of this unique experience, not pissed at some spelling...

#23 May 27 2005 at 9:55 PM Rating: Default
While I see absolutely no reason to capitalize letters when I'm typing in game, my spelling is usually 100%. I simply don't want to take the time to write it all out "correctly", I aced my English classes long ago.

However, when somebody is writing something on this (or any) forum, I feel it's best to use correct spelling and punctuation so that people can easily read what you've got to say (and paragraphs, for the love of god people, use paragraphs).

That being said, I'm actually a bit of a spelling police when it comes to LS chat. I have a few pet peeves for words that are commonly misspelled (like misspelled!), but grammar I can deal with. People are trying to get the point across in as few keystrokes as possible, and I understand that. Sometimes, especially in a party, you need to give out orders (or requests, depending on the situation) to people quickly to avert death or a link.
#24 May 28 2005 at 5:19 AM Rating: Good
You are my favourite person in the world for today, Seryn. ^_^ I've actually argued with my English professor (and my teachers in grade school) that the extrapolated U in many words should be allowed in an American English paper.

Lady Seryn wrote:
I think Eekiki has maybe gone a little far in the original post.

Yes, I will readily admit that my standards are too high when it comes to writing quality. But rest assured when I see someone use a netspeak acronym or a lazy abbreviation for the word "you", I'm certainly not sitting in my chair, gritting my teeth with my nose pressed against my computer screen in angst. It really doesn't bother me that much at all while I'm playing, but my original post comes across differently I suppose.

I can understand people want to communicate quickly. I'm able to type really fast. So fast that I can actually type, proofread, and correct nearly every message I type in about the same time (or less) than someone can type in the "internet chat" style. I know most everyone are unable to do that, and they don't care to take the time to develop the skill. Really, there are more important things to worry about, especially since this is just a game that won't amount to anything for any of us years from now.

But I wanted to make a point, and I think the angry rant accomplished that sufficiently. ^_^
#25 May 28 2005 at 6:51 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
Thats a bit ****. I'm willing to bet you are an English Lit major that prefers the use of British grammer because you prefer words to be aesthetically pleasing even if they do lack content. A good friend in college was one of "those"; fantastic writer, nice guy and very **** retentive.
Perhaps, you might want to consider that technology is advancing far more rapidly then humanity can keep up. Another option, is that you may want to consider that the form of communication used on the internet could well be defined as a language or even a dialect similier to Ebonix. (I can already imagine the proverbial can of worms I have just opened)
-Devils Advocate
#26 May 28 2005 at 7:16 PM Rating: Decent
163 posts
um, im not sure if you are new to the internet, but this is just part of the internet language. its not usually out of laziness, but out of need. When you are chatting online, it is essential to keep cadence of a conversation to abbreviate some things. they do this to the highest degree "In the real World!"

have you ever met an Engineer who sent a memo out to his crew in full english? no, because those who send the memos in complete abbreviations send these memos to people who have the understanding that time is of importance, and they all understand the abbreviations, and I for one would rather read an abbreviated momo than a full wording version, it makes life easier. not because we are lazy, but because its just easier this way.

many of the abbreviations, and slang used online is (for the most part) understood by the people sending and recieving. So, the communication is working, messages are getting across. the real world does this. If you are an English major in an academic environment, perhaps you are the exception, but for the rest of us, its part of our culture.

I do however agree that there is a lot of misuse of some of the abbreviations, and a common use of the "l33t" words that have arisen by accident, like "ownd" being substituted by "pwnt" and stuff. no, "p" doesnt mean a whole lot more than "hey i hit the "p" instead of the "o" beside it, hahahah. very funny yup

BTW, this is not confined to this game, and was around well before the final fantasy genre was around. It is a bit overodne at times, and definatly bastardized from its original purpose on many occasions, but it remains, and it is part of our daily life, especially us who prowl the internet and continue to converse in the online world.

good luck decoding the messages, I say rock on GG!!

wtf pk omg haxx wtfbbq mmk!

EDIT: You also have to understand that your standards are probably derived from a lifestyle, or choices you make, and the rest of us do not hold them in the same regard. I dont make a point of being sarcastic and rude, obnoxious, or stupid when i abbreviate words, sentances, or even emotions. when i commit these attrocities you speak of, I do so out of pure function. not cause i like being lazy, but because I understand those i am typing to understand my lingo, and that im not being retarted.

Edited, Sat May 28 20:19:21 2005 by AtomicBabe
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