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It exists o_o;;Follow

#1 Nov 19 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Decent
455 posts
The Giant Jp Blist.. It exists! O_O;; and man, was I shocked..

I was partying with a Jp player who spoke [damn near] perfect english, and inquired him about such list..

"Yes, it exists, 2CH"

So, he quickly ran a search on it, and [surprise surprise] did NOT find my name.. He found his though..

"Why are you on it?"
"Oh. It says here because I play with foreigners"
"Why do Japanese players hate us so much?"
"Because they think you guys ruin the game. Like Phantasy Star online.. The minute it was released outside japan the game was hacked to death.. And this game, the minute we released it outside japan, all the problems started, prices skyrocketed, and people sold gil for real money."

"So wait.. are any of these people on the list? [Naming a few of my friends/or people I know here..]"

okay.. So.. Kittycat IS on the list.. Why?
"It says that he bots the oztroja coffer [which is untrue.. He's always attented.. I'm fairly sure he just spams a macro or something..]and is in Foriegner HNM LS"
"So wait.. They think that it's a crime for NA to hunt HNMS and that we should not be allowed to do it?"
"Well no, not on "Their server." Any NA in AA or any other HNM LS is on this list."

So.. questions answered?

To get things clear- No, he does NOT think the same way the people made the list do. He's a very, very, VERY nice guy.. and in fact, we ended up /befriending each other at the end of the party.. He's on the list BECAUSE he does not believe that crud.

>.> I was rather depressed when I found out the reasons why people are on that list... So because we're not from japan we're automatically bad? And any JP that associates with us is bad? and if we [god forbid!] play this game to it's full extent [IE: Fighting HNMS] we are evil as well? Oh.. My gracious! I'm sorry for existing!

*smoke comes out of ears*

Edited, Fri Nov 19 12:33:22 2004 by Lenwei

Edited, Fri Nov 19 12:34:43 2004 by Lenwei
#2 Nov 19 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
PSO was the game I quit to come to FFXI and I thought this one would be problem free since everything was server side. Boy-o-boy was I wrong!

It's so sad that most of the jp have a deep hatred of na players, but most of us don't make it any easier for them to like us. -_-
By the way, you don't have a link to that list for us to view?
#3 Nov 19 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
458 posts
Oooh, I hope I'm on it!
#4 Nov 19 2004 at 1:22 PM Rating: Decent
356 posts
Edit: Oops I see why.

Edited, Fri Nov 19 13:24:49 2004 by Minona
#5 Nov 19 2004 at 1:23 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
While the NA players being generalized is wrong I can almost see where some of the misconceptions are coming from. And I'm going to sound like I'm generalizing here, but I don't know of a better way to phrase it.

Out of people who I talk to that play games from all over, NA's seem to be more of the instant gratification type and also some of the most competitive, have to have the best be the best type. Which leads to the hacking and botting and yes, even in game currency for sale of real money. Now I know we aren't the only ones that do this, and I find it hard to believe that we are the vast majority of those who do, I just think we are more vocal about it, which is why we get nailed for being the cheaters and the ones ruining the game.
#6 Nov 19 2004 at 1:30 PM Rating: Default
381 posts
I'd hate to say it but in general NA players do ruin games faster than the general JP player. Note that I said general and not that everyone of us does. I'm an NA player obviously but when a game is launched in North America, how long does it take before games are hacked to hell (ps2, pc, other consoles). I mean when some of the recent ps2 games were launched it takes a matter of a day or two before cheats are launched. Pc normally someone has a hex edit transformed to a trainer. I've looked on jp game sites and it generally (wow that word popped up again) takes longer for them to resort to cheating. We tend to want things easy as it can be rather than bite the bullet and do it how it was meant to do.

I didn't hear of one hack/program out while the jp version was running and I was drooling at the game for the almost 2 years before the NA release. Matter of a few weeks into the game and people were making speed hacks and what not for the NA timespan.

That's the reason that japan players probably assume we're all stupid, lazy, and not worth playing with. And I think it also boils down that there's a dominant portion on the server that have this view but the majority of jp players don't hold the view. I've played with quite a few jp players and I think they become more willing to play with na players at higher levels because we typically can show that we know our job by lvl 50 (although there is always an exception to the rule).

Anyway I don't know the exact view of every jp based player about NA players or EU players no the server. I think S-E had a good idea along with good intentions to try and merge two+ cultures on a server but like a few jp and na players have suggested, it could've been better to add a possible english only, jp only, spanish only set of servers for those that are too close minded to be willing to try and communicate with others.

The only problem I have with the mix of cultures is that I have really hard times trying to communicate my thoughts to some of the jp or other langauge speaking people that don't speak much or any english. I really like talking and learning from people and sadly this game at times makes it really difficult to have a friendly conversation or inquire questions to people that have gear that you are curious about. If I knew much japanese I'd be really happy, just wish the auto translator was more "complete". The word translations don't mean the same thing on the same side at times (help me out!, reward, etc) and some words are just absent that would make it easier to communicate.

And as of late, the jp that are unhappy about the price if items, MANY of us NA are uber pissed about the prices too. I mean 800+k for a freaking sniper's ring? I want to be in great gear but to have to farm for 3+ months with the free time I have, i'll pass. I'm a college student still trying to pay my loans that I have to get, I'm not made out of money (also why I don't buy gil beyond the obvious reasons). I've rambled on quite a bit and i have to get ready for class. Share, discuss, yell at me...I want to hear other people's idea/responses to the information.
#7 Nov 19 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Decent
989 posts
I imported and I did notice a very different setting in the game when the NA version was released. I'm not saying it is any better or worse, just very different. If I could have spoken more japanese, I'm sure that my import experience would have been better, and playing it in english (and being able to read everything !) has been more fun for me.

I wish we could see that list and read what they have to say about us. I think it might give us a better idea of how they feel about aspects of the game in relation to how we see them.

Oh and I think there were some hacks when the JP version was out...I think I remember something about a 'speed hack' but maybe that was just people who didn't know about 'flee' yet ^^

Edited, Fri Nov 19 13:39:58 2004 by GenosHK
#8 Nov 19 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
It's Just a Flesh Wound
22,702 posts
"i'm going to become rich when i invent something that allows you to stab people in the face over the interent"

thats all i'm going to say.
Dear people I don't like: 凸(●´―`●)凸
#9 Nov 19 2004 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
Edit.. Bad point

Edited, Fri Nov 19 15:36:55 2004 by Cleuvarion
#10 Nov 19 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
Who honestly cares if certain players have some screwed up reasons for not wanting to party with certain people? It doesn't matter. You don't want to play with those people anyway.

I mean seriously, almost every Linkshell probably has a formal or informal "Do Not Party With" list, where people go to complain about other people they had a bad time with. What makes this list so different? They all end up being lists of names and situations described from one point of view, or taken out of context. The better players, the better people, the people you want to party with, are not the type of people who put much faith in the accuracy of any of these public blacklists in the first place.

The only real affect any such lists have on me is the people who are too ignorant to trust their own judgement and must rely on others' judgement to tell them how to play the game will not party with me. Big deal. I don't want to party with lemmings anyway. I'll go join a party with people who know how to think for themselves, regardless of their language or nationality, and I'll have fun doing so. The mindless lemmings and their masters can write my name down on any lists they want. I don't care.
#11 Nov 19 2004 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
381 posts
People may care because they could be on that list. I know I'd be kinda angered or frustrated if I was a good player yet someone would refuse to party with me because I'm just another NA player. Or in kittycat's case of being a higher lvl ls person and being put on the list because they do dynamis/hnm events.

It's just the biasness of soem people that catches people's attentions. Negative things get more attention than the positive. *points to the posts about crappy players compared to the one post about good players* Fine example are those posts. How many topics do we obtain in this or any forum where we have numerous mentions of one or more crappy players compared to the one topic about good players.
#12 Nov 19 2004 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
Kittycat's reply to whiny jp people: "go cry on 2ch".

The jp gomi who try to mpk based on the list i.e. tomy are half-assed and end up not succeeding. AA has become a better hnm ls because we learn to fight monsters without marathon so that scumbags can't steal the claim. Thank you 2ch.

The haijin who play during work/school time in Japan no longer risk losing their accounts to mpk, since some AA have accounts registered with JP cd keys and thus have positive responses from GMs.
#13 Nov 21 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
34 posts
I can see the Japanese players point, Look how the english people are treating the Spanish speaking players..There new so there stupid..not my thoughts but so ive seen so many respond to them. America is all about money and looking out for yourself, although there are few that stand out and are not that way. It would be interesting to see that list anyone know if theres a webpage to check it out?
#14 Nov 21 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
311 posts
where is this list you speak of? i'd like to have a look at it myself too
#15 Nov 21 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
I bet I am on it solely because of my name [Famicom]
#16 Nov 21 2004 at 3:12 PM Rating: Decent
I bet I am on it solely because of my name [Famicom]

btw, Lenwei, thank you for being the NA player to dig up the dirt on why jp hate us
#17 Nov 21 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Decent
I dare someone to post the link to the list. I'm sure there are a ton of us NA who would like to see it. Personally I would like to keep it up on the other PC so I could make fun of the peeps on it. Even though from what I hear there are a lot of people on it for really lame reasons. If I didn't play with so many NA/JP players I would start a revolt and add (Japanese) (No thanks.) to my search comments like so many of the JP do. I just think that it's hilarious that people are racist in a video game. Anyways, someone get a damn link to this thing.
#18 Nov 21 2004 at 10:12 PM Rating: Decent
haha, i know i'm on it.

know why? because of this:

Happened when i was like... level 40 or so. I'm in an exp party in CN and get a tell from that idiot demanding i send him gil or he'll call a GM. i blacklist him and all of a sudden there are importers harassing me, following me around.

whatever, i bought 2 morion earrings, which was quite an accomplishment back then.

not my fault someone doesn't know how to use the AH. it's quite obvious he tried to underbid by a large amount of an emperor hairpin.

Edited, Sun Nov 21 22:12:59 2004 by Kerberoz
#19 Nov 22 2004 at 7:24 AM Rating: Decent
48 posts
I dare someone to post the link to the list. I'm sure there are a ton of us NA who would like to see it. Personally I would like to keep it up on the other PC so I could make fun of the peeps on it. Even though from what I hear there are a lot of people on it for really lame reasons. If I didn't play with so many NA/JP players I would start a revolt and add (Japanese) (No thanks.) to my search comments like so many of the JP do. I just think that it's hilarious that people are racist in a video game. Anyways, someone get a damn link to this thing.

Lol. Heziki and I are HELLA similiar. I don't think its a racist issue but more certain NA's that excel at things are stepping up to them like Kittycat said. But yes I would love to see this list. I wouldn't be shocked to see my name on there lol.
#20 Nov 22 2004 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
The attitude does get highly fustrating though. The other night, we were trying to level, lost one member of the party and everyone at our level not in a party had a nice little no na party tag in their search comments.

I think the worst was when I got a random party invite when I was farming one time. I'm usually the straggler in the set, so if I'm not busy, I will consider taking one. In this case, I was bored and I think almost 2 levels behind. It was around the 40's I believe. So I get this tell asking if I want to party and the person is using the autotranslate function. I respond back yes and warp to Jueno to accept the invite when I get another tell from the person saying, oh nm you are na we don't want you. And it's not really the only time stuff like that has happened. Quite frankly, the attitude can make the game less fun. I was anxious to play with people from all over when it was announced we'd be sharing servers. But it seems like one of those ideas that was good in concept now.
#21 Nov 22 2004 at 12:16 PM Rating: Decent
1,630 posts
Ive seen that pic before. Its funny since you can see the buyer crazyasian in the background next to you.
#22 Nov 22 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
455 posts
My friend who has the list says it is password protected.. HOWEVER, he is going to send me the link [with password].. Of which point I will POST the list HERE. I'm not going to give out the password ._. They'd find out and change the password We'd all be SOL.

Edited, Mon Nov 22 14:19:41 2004 by Lenwei
#23 Nov 22 2004 at 9:56 PM Rating: Decent
yay, rate down... nice to see Crazy's frends post here. i thought they were too good for an english website.
#24 Nov 23 2004 at 10:36 AM Rating: Decent
440 posts
Keep in mind that we, as a group (id assume most of us are NA players) cant give into stereotypes, even though its tempting. To presume that all JP's go by this list would be as hypocritical as stating that all NA's are greedy & backstabbing (which id assume is the premise behind this list.) Most likey this list is only held in any sort of positive regard by a small minority of JP players.

That doesnt make it any less wrong tho... there are a bunch of elitist JP's out there. Then again, there's also a bunch of elitist NA's. I just tend to ignore both.
#25 Nov 23 2004 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I don't think anyone thinks the entire JP playing community is that way. And I feel bad for ones who get passed up for parties and other things by NA players because we got sick of hearing NA, No Thanks from others that we don't even bother asking anymore.
#26 Nov 25 2004 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
what's the status on seeing a copy of this list? XD I wanna know who from my ls is on it, I'm willing to bet a large majority^^
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