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Powerlevelers in dunesFollow

#1 Jan 25 2005 at 8:37 PM Rating: Good
1,153 posts
I don't know if anybody has noticed, but lately there seem to be a great deal more powerleveling parties in the dunes. When I first came to the dunes back in August/July I not once had a party with a powerleveler. This time around(WAR) every party I find that sticks together has a powerleveler. Personally I would prefer not to have a powerleveler for my party, but that makes things difficult (not many parties) when you can usually only play after 12:00 EST.

What I wouldn't give for a set party...
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#2 Jan 26 2005 at 1:47 PM Rating: Good
I think you'll find that it's this way in a lot of the lower-level (ie: below 37) parties lately. The main reason being that the majority of people on the server are now into their higher levels, and are leveling up subs, sub subs, tenth jobs, etc. Going through the Dunes once or twice is ok, and is actually fun. Going through the dunes to level a support job for your support job gets a bit tedious. Naturally, more people have started powerleveling, especially if they are trying to get someone caught up for a set party, or other such things.

Your best bet, if you really want to avoid having a power leveler "help out," is to make your own party, or ask the party if they have a power level before you join.

Otherwise, just enjoy the free XP while you can. Before long, it actually becomes dangerous for the person who is doing the powerleveling. It will eventually stop, and parties that stand on their own will become much more common.
#3 Jan 26 2005 at 3:29 PM Rating: Good
1,153 posts
It just really annoys the hell out of me because I've switched to a tank job and having a power leveler doesn't exactly help me learn how to perform that job well, and doesn't help all the subjobless people that end up in these parties either.
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#4 Feb 18 2005 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
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I might be one of those Power Levelers out in the dunes. Mostly I help out friends and linkshell mates, we try to keep the parties strictly linkshell. Powerleveling does ruin new players but for old players looking to just get the dunes over and done with in a day I don't think its too bad.
a power lvl should not affect your ability to tank,heal,dd whatever. That is an aquired skill and honestly you wont be good overnight.Dont forget some of those "subjob less" people might just be someones mule -Statistics show that alot of people play multiple characters. If you dont like having a power lvler in your group you can always leave and find another party. Good Luck
#5 Feb 18 2005 at 9:58 PM Rating: Decent
158 posts
I agree with When i was lvling my pld way too many parties RELYED on plvlers. Ill agree to a plvler if the party is just awful but other than that id rather not have one.
#6 Feb 18 2005 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I agree with When i was lvling my pld way too many parties RELYED on plvlers. Ill agree to a plvler if the party is just awful but other than that id rather not have one

Honestly a good pwr lvler will have their group (which i refer to as my ducklings) lvl 9-11 kill bunnies then sheepies. once people hit lvl 15 you take then to Korroloka tunnel. I prefer to power lvl people in Jugner Forest you have no compitition and the xp is good. While most people compete for crabs and pugs in Valk with a power lvler you will go Bunnies => Sheep & Flies with Gobs a plenty.
I know its nice having a pwr lvler nearby when your party kicks the bucket :P
#7 Feb 18 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Decent
119 posts
I too see this big increase in the number of plvlers alittle rediculous, but there is some apparent reason. As was started earlier, alot of us are higher lvl and are either lvling new jobs, or subs for our subs. This means that there are more experienced and (Key factor here) wealthier players out in the dunes.

Good Example: I was doing some last minute mining before I headed to bed and as I started I got a /tell asking me to plvl a pt for 20k perlvl. Of course I didn't have the time, nor enthusiasm, so I declined. But with ppl throwing money like that around for a plvl can you really blame the ppl plvling?
#8 Feb 18 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Default
Well personally having taken 4 jobs through valkurm was kinda fun but with all the bad rep its getting now because the recent wave of suckier then normal noobs, i would rejoice at having a pl in valkurm and even qufim. Just enjoy it while it last because sooner or later it will get dangerous for the pler, unless your like 2 taru which i wont name that have a certain 75 rdm which i wont name pl them at level 60+.
#9 Feb 18 2005 at 10:32 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I dont charge for power lvls but I only do it for friends..all of which have at least 2 jobs lvl 50+....I do have friends who make their lively hood off mercing and pwr lvling...I dont charge people for help but I dont condone people that do. There are some awful people just joining ffxi and quite rude too...I raised someone in the dunes that I had ran across (awhile back) while trying to catch to boat to fish off- no sub nada...and they said F U American Dog...*confusion* I havent ever seen them since but I was shocked to say the least
#10 Feb 18 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
119 posts
That's another reason why, personally, I don't like plvln random pts. Most of the New ppl coming in are jerks, although it may not be all of them, it's a large majority. Letting those kind of ppl get higher is wrong in itself >.>
IMO: Plvl = Good, only for Friends/LS
#11 Feb 18 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
That's another reason why, personally, I don't like plvln random pts. Most of the New ppl coming in are jerks, although it may not be all of them, it's a large majority. Letting those kind of ppl get higher is wrong in itself >.>
IMO: Plvl = Good, only for Friends/LS

/clap I completly agree with that. I don't believe in reinforcing aka rewarding negative behaviors. We play this game because of the people...I can admit I am a dork that considers my gamer friends GOOD FRIENDS

#12 Feb 19 2005 at 12:26 AM Rating: Decent
158 posts
I had a friend that plvled me when i first got to the dunes. Actully he watched me play and corrected me and told me things to watch for ect ect. Thats alot better for a new gamer to ffxi. Ive had some great parties going through as mnk, war and drk but my pld....almost didnt make it. a friend helped me get 2 lvls that i would have dlvled to 15 on lol. I can understand why people want them (somewhat) But yall seem to be decent plvlers most ive seen run along with 1 person and basically do everything for a pt so healers get a free ride which gimps their magic skills and teaches the melee bad habbits like not watching pt members health and provoking. I just wish it wasnt happening on such a large scale. /sigh
#13 Feb 19 2005 at 2:14 PM Rating: Decent
351 posts
Its kinda funny though the folks pwr lving these "sucky" ppl are most likely the same ones complaining that PlayerNoname sucks because he cant do whatever job. This is the main reason for the Extremely sucky newbs as of late instead of Pwr lving them why not help them with tips and training them it can only help you later on when you go to lv that sub for sub for sub job. The other problem is every one who is a "high" lv now seems to forget they were new once and now cant seem to take the time to teach the new folk how to play. Well stop your whining and your complaining and do something about it while you can in the begining cause if they make to lv 40 by pwr lv guess what that just might be the pld,whm or rdm you will invite to your pt and then complain that so and so job sucks because you you didnt take the time to help them when they wanted to learn.
#14 Feb 19 2005 at 2:32 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
As a whm when I go through the dunes and generally keep myself anon becuase I dont like people asking for pls unless I'm shouting out that I have time and the patience. Generally I don't, and I'm found in the dunes visiting friends that are leveling something there. I was visiting a friend who was leveling monk a few weeks ago, and I was surprised to find him tanking. Now at low lvls and maybe even some higher ones you can do that but generally its a good idea to find a real tank. So I sat down to med and watched them fight a few battles and when one of them got low I'd toss out a cure while I was chatting with my friend.

The whm eventually stopped curing. When I asked why, the guy I was talking to said, "They think you're a PL."

Kinda made me PO'd that they were taking it for granted that I was there. So I left. And now I realize that if I visit friends in the Dunes I have to keep anon up and not throw out any cures or do anything to make anyone guess what job I am.
#15 Feb 20 2005 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
I try not to pwr lvl "newer" players because it ruins them, if your first job ever is war and u get a pwr lvl u will be a cruddy war. generally its old timers..they know what they are doing...I guess in D2 youd call it rushing?
I have had parties try to camp near the groups im babysitting and assume Im obligated to help them - I don't. Pwr Lvls are always planned - we usually say ok Dub, Zeena, Sgtlilpuppet, Luciano Keona meet in Dunes for 3 lvls each. Its better than just showing up and being used. Avoid the beaches when ever possible..heck cross to Buburimoo...same xp and NO compitition.
Whm and RDM can max out their cure and enhancing spells by their mog so I encourage them to take the opportunity to skillup their weapons if not they can leave and get a non pwr lvl party.
#16 Feb 21 2005 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
724 posts
I only pl my friends through dune and qufim.. cuz they want get out those place asap.. but if i see "newer" player in their pt, i'm gonna try to sit out as much as possible only do emergency cures and stuff.. so the newer player actually learn how to play the game.
#17 Feb 21 2005 at 4:19 PM Rating: Good
1,701 posts
If someone wants to be powerlevelled through these areas their 3rd+ trip through, that's great. But at least do what most do and keep it in your linkshell or within a group of experienced players. It's ridiculous when I'm in a party with someone who doesn't even have a sub yet, we have a mishap, a friend comes to raise and they are like ask them to stay and powerlevel us.

Another thing if you are going to power level a party or in one being power levelled, try to make sure it doesn't interfere with people's rolls in jobs. Last party I was in that had a power leveller threatened to kick the tank if they voked off of the power leveller again. The guy was trying to learn his job and got threatened over doing it. It was quite ridiculous since he was a new player and getting totally conflicting reports from the only 2 parties he had. Voke every chance you get and then voke again and you get kicked.

These annoying zones are important to learning a particular job's dynamic to a party and unfortunately, not everyone can be rushed through these zones without learning bad habits on how to play these jobs that will eventually come back to haunt us all.
#18 Feb 21 2005 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
12,846 posts
so true. I prefer not to be voked off when I pwr lvl just so I can save mp. poor thing :( My first 2 jobs I did w/o a power first ever power lvl I got for my thf from 12-16 then hit 28 myself. I learned the pwr lvlr is boss and a good one will have you getting lvld up FAST.
Say, you have someone who lvld blm & whm to 50 and now they want to test the waters as a DD or god forbid a tank - they should NOT get a power lvl because they wont learn what they need to do. SOme of the shoddiest mages I know were DD or Tanks who changed to a mage job thinking they will get parties easier...and of course got pwr lvld...and they suck. RDMS who refuse to heal and fancy themselves strictly melee, WHMS who expect their bard to main heal *cough that was my poor bard cough* blm who die because the go nuke crazy and then cant understand why noone could get hate off them. So yeah...if you are normally a mage or melee and its your first time trying something "new" do NOT get a pwr lvl
#19 Apr 14 2005 at 6:22 AM Rating: Decent
^^ same here , when i started ,not many powerlevelers in dunes.
My question is this , how are the new player supposed to learn how to do their job to their best ability if a high level is keeping them alive . Learn the lesson of Defeat , Taste the sand , You will learn quicker about your enemy in party >;)
#20 Apr 14 2005 at 6:46 AM Rating: Good
This is why I love server outages. Classic threads return to remind us of days past. ^_^
#21 Apr 14 2005 at 6:55 AM Rating: Decent
177 posts
I sometimes PL my LS mates or very close friends if I am not busy. And I agree, I hate to be voked off of too. Even though I am a rdm with refresh and convert, it does help some if I dont have to throw a lot cures at the group.
I dont mind being PL in the dunes, it does make it go faster, and for some reason, lvling can be so slow there. But I will go and party there without one if I have to. Have done it so many times. Think I have had only one PL in the dunes with my nin. Everything else I lvl'd all on my own.
I think another reason some ppl liked to be PL'd there besides that it is slow to lvl most of the time, is that if you look around to see what is out there to make a party, usually it is not the ideal set up by any means. Everytime I have been there are usually like 50mil wars with and without subjob. Hardly any mages. And at those lvls, Im sorry, brd can not be the main It just gets really frustrating for everyone there, so usually if you say you have a PLer with you, everyone gets all excited. Newbs and veterans. (note I said newb, not noob, not everyone in valk is a noob)
#22 Apr 14 2005 at 7:29 AM Rating: Good
396 posts
Hehe, I'm guilty of voking off the powerleveller in one of the few partys I've been in that had one. It just didn't feel right not doing my "job" as war. Being a kind Taru I felt sorry for that poor fragile Elvaan/Hume (big person, they all look the same) taking a beating from a too weak Goblin (well, was 99% misses but still....) :P
#23 Apr 14 2005 at 7:32 AM Rating: Good
WHMs also have a similar complaint, since the PL pretty much makes them unnecessary.
#24 Apr 14 2005 at 7:40 AM Rating: Decent
287 posts
only time i will accept a PL is if its
A. a friend of mine
B. someone needs to level, and this is a Subjob and the Party knows wtf theyre doing
C. im soloing a job less than 1k XP... (only happened 2x. thanks necrid X3 thanks Gogo. )

only time ive PLed was for Gogo, i pled her as a 40DRG XD she nuked, i cure2ed, pissed off mob, took agro, she rested, nuked, i cure2ed... etc...
that was funny... i got alot of wtfs in qufim that day X3 but gogo got her level, and afterwards i got a PT XD

that was funny.
#25 Apr 14 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Good
1,410 posts
My 2 gil:

Having recently leveled BLM and BRD through the Dunes (well, BRD is at 18.5, so I'm not quite done there yet), I can tell ya that about half of my hours-played there with those jobs was with a Powerleveler. Never one sought by me, mind you; usually it was a member of the PT leader's LS.

I don't like 'em. I understand the impulse, namely the impatience of (usually) folks who've gone through the Dunes 3+ times BEFORE and are just ready to be done with it. But that isn't really an excuse. No one in the Dunes is some sort of expert at THAT PARTICULAR JOB yet. That is, you may be a great, endgame WHM (or whatever), but that doesn't mean you could learn a LOT about the PLD job you're leveling in the Dunes ... unless you have a PLer who steals the hate you're trying to keep. Etc.

Do I quit parties that are PL'd? No; I'm hardly some self-sacrificing purist. Do I seek them out, though? HELL no.
#26 Apr 14 2005 at 3:35 PM Rating: Excellent
1,058 posts
It just really annoys the hell out of me because I've switched to a tank job and having a power leveler doesn't exactly help me learn how to perform that job well, and doesn't help all the subjobless people that end up in these parties either.

I think you guys missed his point. He's switched jobs and is trying to learn a new job and how to play it. I can see where this is not a good thing for a tank class to have a PL, especially someone who has never played a tank class before. After all, the PL ends up tanking most of the time.

So how does the new tank learn to keep hate or any thing else? You can expand the argument and ask how does the new WHM in this party learn what level of curing causes problems for the tank? Or the BLM learn where the hate threshold is for nuking?

His point is a good one. Sure it may be a sub,sub job. But it's not just another trip through the dunes. it's a new job with new roles to learn. The entire point of parties and how they progress through the areas was designed to teach everyone their job and its interaction in the group. Sure you may be a level 75 PLD, but at 14 WHM, do you really understand everything a WHM needs to do just becuase you had one in your PT for the first 75 levels? or the 37 Levels for your WAR? Or just reverse that.

Eventually you are going to be in a PT with people who expect you to have learned your job and a level 26 PLD in the Jungle is a REALLY bad time to find out that the WHM isn't supposed to be doing the tanking.

EDIT: Just occured to me how odd this is. I can recall people complaining about PL being a detriment to the game experience for exactly the reasons I just gave. Too many people not knowing how to do their job correctly or at least well, due to too much PL.

Edited, Thu Apr 14 16:45:42 2005 by airamis
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