Also I have a question about "positive Karma Trolling" a lot of times when I see a thread that's been trolled like the one above I"ll go through and rate everyone to excellent to try to bump them back up, could that be considered trolling?
Personally, I hate when people do this. If someone has gone through and blindly rated everyone down, going through and blindly rating everyone back up doesn't really solve the problem.
If you are going to take the time to fix the ratings, the ratings should be fixed in a way that reflect the nature of the posts. Whenever I notice many good posts being rated down simply due to the nature of the thread, I will take the time to go through, and rate back up ONLY those posts that I feel are actually quite decent, even if they may have differing views. There is no point in blindly rating up the bad posts. The person rating them down orignally may not have put any thought into the rating, but just because someone is a Guru, Sage or Scholar doesn't mean they deserve to have their post blindly rated back up if it is off-topic, inflamatory, or adds nothing to the discussion.
Rate each post on its own merits. If the thread is being karma trolled, give the good posts an "Excellent" rating instead of a "Good" rating, or give the bad posts an "Awful" to compensate a little. But blindly rating in either direction doesn't solve the problem.
It was actually satire, and did prove a point later on down.
I understand the purpose of the post. I got a bit of a chuckle out of it at first as well. But when it degenerates into people posting multiple blank messages, or people nesting quotes to see how deeply nested they can be, then people go through and blindly rate everything up or down, it starts to get out of hand. Like I said originally, my only fear is that it will degenerate even more, and turn into another "OMG CAPS" thread...
Edited, Wed Jun 23 16:29:28 2004 by Seryn