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How far into the game (levelling or end-game) are you?Follow

#1 Oct 01 2007 at 5:45 PM Rating: Decent
2,717 posts
I'm just asking this mainly to the regulars (e.g. Aethien, Caldone, NorthAI, etc.) but anyone can answer - how far into the game are you on your main hunter?

At the moment I have just hit 66, so I have not hit end-game yet.
#2 Oct 01 2007 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Guess I dont count as a regular, but I have been most active pre-TBC on my druid.
Spent most of my time as resto, from molten core to downing twin emps in aq40 and
instructor and anub in naxx. including of course both 20-mans and all world
bosses. with my hunter I did some 20-man and mc, and got my rhok'delar (and
lok'holar) on the very last day before the dark portal opened.

Both char have been 70 for a while now, and the druid saw all karazhan bosses
except nightbane before I abandoned him for a while due to being tired of the
whole resto thing (after >2 years). The hunter has done the first few bosses
in kara, and cleared gruul's lair once (even tanking the shaman? guy at maulgar
with uber-crappy gear, thanks imba healers).

Kinda had a break since then and started up my druid again, this time spending
most of the time tanking heroics.

Guess armory links go here:
#3 Oct 01 2007 at 7:50 PM Rating: Good
2,388 posts
Been through all of Kara and Gruuls, that's it unfortunatly :( Hoping to find a good guild that I can go further in.
#4 Oct 01 2007 at 9:17 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
Kara, Gruuls.
#5 Oct 01 2007 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
139 posts
Been through Kara a couple of times - get to do Gruul's for the first time this weekend. Hopefully all will go well.
#6 Oct 01 2007 at 10:05 PM Rating: Excellent
Haven't set foot in a raid yet. I'm a successful Black Morass run from being keyed for Kara, though.

I feel like typing, so I'll share my recent experience/perspectives. Not that they make me uber by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe someone will read it and later find themselves in a similar situation and find this useful.

I had been with the same guild since the days of leveling my Hunter (then and now my main WoW char). Awesome people...never any drama whatsoever. Most of them like to play a lot of alts, however, so I wound up hitting 70 before any of the others even hit Outland.

There's a big transition at 70 (or so I've found). Where once you could log in, grind or quest for a while, and then log out feeling like you'd accomplished something worthwhile, once you hit 70 and that xp bar disappears everything seems to take just that much longer to get that feeling of progression. Gold is easy to come by, but 5000g is still a chunk. XP is replaced with rep and gear. In most cases (barring dailies) rep gains at 70 require a group for instance runs, and some of those instances can be very challenging.

Consequently, as people in my guild started hitting 70, they started to disappear...either they were burnt out or they didn't manage the transition. In the case of one, they realized what I soon thereafter realized: we couldn't get anything done at 70 with our guild the way it was, and that wasn't going to be changing any time soon. I finally reached a point one night where I had spent 3 hours in a level 70 instance with a shamefully performing PUG where I realized that all WoW was for me at that point was a chat room with a dynamic background. I was quickly accepted into a new guild with more level 70s (and more importantly, more level 70 content being done within the guild).

I managed to find myself running instances almost nightly with the same group of three other people. We'd pick up a third cc/dps class as needed and just go to town. We were clearing instances that used to make me shudder in terror based on terrible past experiences in them with PUGs. One after another we started cranking them out... Steamvaults, Shadow Labs, Mechanar, Botanica, Shattered Halls and then just last night, Arcatraz.

3 days into the new guild, however, I apparently made a mistake. The GM (another Hunter) had not been playing much lately for whatever reason. I guess she used to run instances with the people I was now running with. On the day in question, our tank was on and I was clarifying (in /g) with him whether or not he'd be on a little later for instances. He said he wouldn't be, so I commented that I'd let the "regular crowd" know.

Well, the GM happened to be on at that point, and apparently felt I had "stepped on [her] toes" and that she should be the one passing along information like that. She got so ruffled by the whole thing she changed the guild message of the day to include a warning to not do her job for her, and then she booted me from the guild.

Say what?

Yup. For telling a guildie in /g that I would let the other two guys we had been running with know that their tank wasn't going to be on that night. I ended up going back to my old guild and that's when I realized something very important.

Success in WoW is as much about who you know as what you know. No doubt about it, if you are fundamentally inept with group play, it doesn't matter how many friends you have, they're probably not going to want to carry you all the way from Steamvaults to Black Temple. Having said that, despite being back in my old guild (still with no more 70s than when I left) I had made a bunch of contacts. I still run instances with the same people that were enjoying so much success, and since we've been picking up additional players to fill our 5th slot, we've been getting to know a lot of other level 70s who are good folks to have around in a pinch.

Getting things done in WoW has never been easier, and that's also in large part because none of us are in an unrealistic rush to get where we don't yet belong. Our regular healer hasn't been on in a week (we're getting a bit concerned), and he's quite a bit behind in terms of rep for Heroics. Nevertheless, we're still cranking out the instances and slowly creeping to raid readiness in terms of gear (just hit Exalted with Ogri'La today and knocked out a bunch of summoned boss fights so I could get my Crystalline Crossbow, and got a Sonic Spear from Murmur just last night as well).

If the time comes where we've got heroics on farm and the only way to go is into raids, I know I'll have no difficulty getting into one of the reputable raid guilds on my realm. Everyone hates sh*tty PUGs (probably even the people who make them sh*tty) so when we get a healer or a cc/dps from one of the big raiding guilds on our server to join us for a level 70 non-heroic, we get a chance to show them what we're made of. We get to show them strong tanking, solid crowd control, very respectable damage, and a friendly group of folks that just show up to have some fun and get things done. We don't get greedy over loot, we don't wig out when someone makes a mistake, and we can walk into an instance like Arcatraz where none of us had ever been (with the exception of our two PUG members) and clear it in reasonable time for a first run. (lol for gnome npc mages shouting about opening cans of whoop ***)

In short, my Hunter is far enough along now to start getting into some of the more challenging end-game content, and I'm having a ton of fun doing it.

Edited, Oct 1st 2007 11:07pm by AureliusSir
#7 Oct 01 2007 at 10:57 PM Rating: Default
I am in the same guild as I was when I first started the game (minus two weeks of unguilded). Granted, I started out as a Druid and leveled to 60 as Resto. Fun time! Then I got altism, and played a crapload of characters, Hunter the one that struck me as the most fun.

I got through MC, ZG and most of BWL before TBC hit us with my Hunter. Then I leveled slowly but surely and hit 70. Now, real life issues only allowed me to play wow every other week, at the max. So I didn't get to do much raiding early in TBC. But now, my experience with TBC raids extends to Mag. We haven't downed him yet, but we are working on it. Kara, Maulgar and Gruul is pretty much considered our personal ******** Well, Gruul can still be a ***** when we can't get optimal group setup.
#8 Oct 02 2007 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
kara + gruul, and now she's gathering dust as i am a:) not playing at the moment and b:) as soon as i start playing again i'm starting all over on a new realm (Quel'thalas horde side)

edit: my guild has Kara, gruul and VR down and working on killing Mag and venturing into SSC.

Edited, Oct 2nd 2007 10:44am by Aethien
#9 Oct 02 2007 at 2:59 AM Rating: Good
Kara & Gruul on farm for many months.
Then my raid broke apart and I had to switch to a new raid group.
They where a bit behind but currently we have killed Gruul for the 3rd time (again) and are doing our 1st attempts on Mag (got Phase 1 sorted out and got him down to 85% on our 1st evening on him).
I hope we will make it to SSC and TK within the next month (already tested a few bosses with the old raid so I want to see those instances again).
#10 Oct 02 2007 at 3:51 AM Rating: Good
1,502 posts
I've been with the same guild since lvl 10(ish). In terms of progression, we're about halfway through Kara. (downed Curator, but nothing further)

The GM recently decided it would be best to step back from raiding for a while though. We're a casual guild, and sometimes find it hard to get good group compositions and we'd rather have fun than put in some of the tighter discipline that's, frankly, necessary if you want to get through Kara.

So now I'm trying to get my other Heroic keys and other such stuff.

OT: North, do you have a higher res image of the pic you're using as an avatar? Say desktop-size?
#11 Oct 02 2007 at 4:10 AM Rating: Default
Rasen wrote:
OT: North, do you have a higher res image of the pic you're using as an avatar? Say desktop-size?

Heh, everyone seems to like it. Sorry, no. I got it from a friend who makes tattoos. He made this one to be able to interlock with the rest of the art on my back, and made me this avatar as well. Don't have any High Res versions I'm afraid.
#12 Oct 02 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
121 posts
i've been 70 for some time now, but having a break from wow atm...
during the last month, my guild managed to clear kara, so when i'm back (another two-three weeks, hopefully) i'll get the kara key and farm some epics to start gruul raids with them...
i'm generally a casual player, so i didn't even do majority of the 5man instances, and yet i have a lot of things from Aethien's pre-reiding gearlist, so i think i'm ready for some kara runs ;]
#13 Oct 02 2007 at 6:05 AM Rating: Decent
All of gruul's, Kara, SSC, Tempest Keep, and mags. Right now we are focusing on SSC I think, along with still farming Gruul, and VR attempts.
#14 Oct 02 2007 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
farmed gruul/mag with a guild that ended up breaking up. did about half of SSC with em as well. currently in a guild working on lurker and farming gruul/vr every week.
#15 Oct 02 2007 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
I have been lvl 70 since May. I stuck with my old guild for awhile and did soloable content (farm for epic mount, Netherdrake, Ogri'la, etc..) but finally realized that I had to move to a raiding guild since we didn't have the numbers. I just joined a newer raiding guild on my server and I have to admit I'm disappointed. Raiding seems to be more work than fun and there is a lot of drama. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now but I have to admit the end game is a bit of a disappointment for me.
#16 Oct 02 2007 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
Itharil wrote:
I have been lvl 70 since May. I stuck with my old guild for awhile and did soloable content (farm for epic mount, Netherdrake, Ogri'la, etc..) but finally realized that I had to move to a raiding guild since we didn't have the numbers. I just joined a newer raiding guild on my server and I have to admit I'm disappointed. Raiding seems to be more work than fun and there is a lot of drama. I'm not sure what I'm going to do now but I have to admit the end game is a bit of a disappointment for me.

I might suggest that if you can still earn rep/gear upgrades from heroics, that you find a handful of people you can run 5-man content with. Get your own core group of people to work with, develope some group cohesion, and enjoy a few solid victories in the 5-man aspect of the game, and then slowly build out from there. The group I run with now started off pretty strong, but it's just getting better as time goes on.
#17 Oct 02 2007 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
747 posts
I'm keyed for Kara and working on getting properly geared, but stupid rogues, warriors and otehr Hunters keep out rolling me for all the gear I want. But there you go, I just recently hit 70 and didn't have a 60 before TBC so I don't have any raiding experience, but am a lvl 70 (5 Man) Instance pro now, done every one of them at least 5 times, no Heroics since most of the stuff I want/ need comes from Normals and i'm not keyed for any of them anyway.
#18 Oct 02 2007 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
830 posts
I'm with skribs in that I'm about to hit 66. My group wanted to do SV last Sunday but being only 65, I'm a giant anchor to such grand ideas. I tried to let them know to do it anyway without me but our really experienced 70 pally suggested the group needed more practice together before trying steamvaults.

He was correct. We did ALL of SH but Ikiss <sp?>, couldn't seem to get past him. Most want to blame the tank but I have to be honest, my performance wasn't stellar and as the lowbie, I still felt like a big anchor as nothing I did seemed to even dent the guy. Heck, Morris did better than I did against him. Had our experienced 70 pally been our tank, we probably could've taken him, but as it was, our 70 warrior needs more practice at tanking and couldn't hold him. He did okay everywhere else but he just couldn't hold that last boss.

So I still need plenty of work and practice, but on the good side, I am getting better at CC and working targets away from the clothies. At two points where we should have wiped (aggro'd far more than we thought we could chew) I was able to keep 3 elites (68+) under control while the rest of the group downed the correct targets. So, I was happy there.

I'll take all the practice and suggestions from everyone I can get, this forum had definitely turned me from Huntard to marginally useful hunter... :) I'm not ready for 70 stuff yet, much more work to go.
#19 Oct 02 2007 at 12:01 PM Rating: Decent
1,264 posts
Kara/Gruul, a few attempts on Al'ar.

Keyed for all heroics.

Play on my hunter main is primarily focused on raiding. Grinding rep for the next upgrade; grinding heroics for badges; farming mats for consumables. Whatever I can do to improve myself for raiding. I still help out guildies whenever called upon, but aside from 25-man raids, I'm pretty much out of upgrades that I can get from instances (including heroics). I am, however, far from bored with my main, but I do enjoy fiddling with the alts, too.

I should note that it has taken several months to get to this stage. Months of doing BGs and instances and raids and whatever I could to incrementally upgrade and/or progress faction rep.
#20 Oct 02 2007 at 9:21 PM Rating: Decent
128 posts
Kara, heroics. I'm in a small guild, and I hate raiding (don't have time for it anyway), so I'm pretty much right where I want to be.

Aurelius had a good post, I thought I'd comment on part of it:
There's a big transition at 70 (or so I've found). Where once you could log in, grind or quest for a while, and then log out feeling like you'd accomplished something worthwhile, once you hit 70 and that xp bar disappears everything seems to take just that much longer to get that feeling of progression. Gold is easy to come by, but 5000g is still a chunk. XP is replaced with rep and gear. In most cases (barring dailies) rep gains at 70 require a group for instance runs, and some of those instances can be very challenging.

Most of us non-raiding, hunter veterans remember what it was like as a 60 pre-TBC. Options were very limited in terms of solo/small group upgrading of gear. Blues and the occaisional bland epic were the best you could shoot for, unless...pvp rank grind, anyone? /wrists

As a casual playing 70 hunter (actually I have 3), I actually feel like there are plenty of options to slowly but surely develop my toons. I have 2 great items from engineering, two epic daggers from solo rep grinding that I can switch to quickly, arena items, and plenty of great season 2 honor-bought items. A nice new parachute cloak and epic grinding trinket from Skyguard rep. A couple of peices of Beast Lord Armor that I will never get rid of (for the trap cooldown bonus). If I can get into Kara a couple more times, I'll get the honored Violet Signet, which is a great item for just showing up now and then. Heroics are great, a concept I wish was available pre-BC, while I was watching my more hardcore raiding hunter friends assemble their Tier 1 and 2 sets in 40 man raids. I think dailies are great; they are fun and I feel like they were designed specifically so that I could gain faction rep almost as fast as a 24-7 player (they're also a reliable cash-flow).

Thumbs up to blizz for making end-game more fun for casual folks.
#21 Oct 02 2007 at 10:04 PM Rating: Decent
988 posts
Went through Kara a few times, done a few heroic instances. Well, my warrior hit 70 and prot spec a little while ago, and just this weekend I figured it was time to try the tree thing with the druid. All that kinda demoted the hunter to grinding for everybody else. I'm doing some PvP, arena and BG here and there, even though our arena team has been awfully inactive lately..

I think in PvE I took the hunter as far as I wanted. I'll finish some of the rep grinds here and there to pick up the new jewelcrafting patterns, but other than that I am pretty much done I guess. Raiding with the hunter wasn't overly exciting.

Well.. him and Fritz (the cat) will probably be the first to go to Northrend tho once the expansion comes out. If the first zone ends up being anything like Hellfire Pen, I'll need some extra paws...
#22 Oct 03 2007 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
59 posts
I might suggest that if you can still earn rep/gear upgrades from heroics, that you find a handful of people you can run 5-man content with. Get your own core group of people to work with, develope some group cohesion, and enjoy a few solid victories in the 5-man aspect of the game, and then slowly build out from there. The group I run with now started off pretty strong, but it's just getting better as time goes on.

Thanks for your response. I actually was doing a lot of five mans with a solid group but since we all joined this guild basically they are raiding Kara almost every night trying to progress so instances are few and far between these days. I'm hoping that changes since instancing is one of my favorite things to do. I think I am just at a bit of a transition period right now and I hope that I'll be having more fun as time goes by.
#23 Oct 06 2007 at 9:57 PM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Pre-TBC done MC,BWL,ZG,AQ -cthun only sightseeing in naax unfortunatly

when TBC came we cleared kara and gruul before quit in may, only to finaly give in and just started playing again 2 days ago

guild has done half ssc and half eye.

Edited, Oct 7th 2007 1:58am by Tindaar
#24 Oct 11 2007 at 2:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,519 posts
I'm still working on my Kara Key. I just haven't had the motivation to go through Arc and BM to do those last two parts (I have the key fragment from SL and SV). My guild used to do Kara a bit, but they never did well, and stopped. I can't find a fun raiding guild that will accept me, since all the guilds on my server seem to either suck at Kara, or they're on to harder things.

Outside of Kara, I have my Coilfang Heroics key, but have yet to run do anything with it. I still haven't done ANY tempest keep, or Shattered Halls. God, my guild just doesn't run anything... ever.

By the way... Let's say I had my Kara key. Am I geared well enough to go? Athien's pre-raid gearlist says that it's expected that MM hunters are expected to have 7k HP, 6.5k MP, 2000 AP and 20% Crit, but those numbers are relatively high. I'm really close to those, and I still need to get a few more enchants.
#25 Oct 11 2007 at 3:29 AM Rating: Default
Yeah, your gear is fine for Karazhan. But more importantly, if you want to be a Marksman in Karazhan, you should toss a few points from BM into Barrage and Imp Barrage.
#26 Oct 11 2007 at 4:02 AM Rating: Decent
27,272 posts
Replace all your green gems with blue quality ones.
Savagery on your weapon, +12 agi on boots and cloak and +6 stats on your chest.
That should give you a nice improvement. (over 100 AP extra, extra HP and MP and ~0.6% crit extra)

Also, get your sha'tar heroic key for heroic mech (easy badges, 6th best gloves in the game and really easy to get), get new boots (arcatraz should do, you need that for attunement too) and then Black Morass for the chestpiece and the Hourglass.
If you have that, you will be over 2k AP with only hawk, closer to 7k HP and 6.5k mp and ready to do thw hole of karazhan.

Right now, you are definately ready to start karazhan but also able to improve even outside of heroics.

edit: and if i were you i'd respec to 0/43/18 ot 41/20/0
Both of wich you'll aim for pretty much the same kind of gear so your gear will be good.
the MM spec is (imo) better in early kara, the BM spec is better once your guild gets far into karazhan and/or starts gruul.

Edited, Oct 11th 2007 2:07pm by Aethien
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