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Frost AoE Grinding without taking damage - updatedFollow

#52 Oct 05 2006 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
Ok I know I'm going to be blast for this but I agree with some of the points first centurion made. I do like the response by leatherpatches. But I think the point first centurion was trying to make was that aoe depending on your play is not alway best way to level up. I speak from personal experience. I have done the aoe grind & quest grinds. My sytle of play is more gear to quest grinds. I don't do instance too often neither. I found that I grind just as fast as my friend who use aoe grinds. Honestly biggest different was amount of money they make in aoe. But I usally got better item because I was fight mob closer to my level or above. I might not kill as many as they do but I get more exp for what I do kill & plus quest rewards. I don't buy the whole idea aoe level faster unless they are killing 15 mobs at a time (unlikely on a consist bases). I am not trying to down aoe mages because I have friends that do really make it work for them. But it is very hard to get down to a consist base & it not alway best way to level. But with that said I do think Leatherpatch makes good arguements for aoe and his method is excellent guide for those who goes down that path.
#53 Oct 06 2006 at 5:28 AM Rating: Decent
176 posts
darmaster wrote:
Ok I know I'm going to be blast for this but I agree with some of the points first centurion made. I do like the response by leatherpatches. But I think the point first centurion was trying to make was that aoe depending on your play is not alway best way to level up. I speak from personal experience. I have done the aoe grind & quest grinds. My sytle of play is more gear to quest grinds. I don't do instance too often neither. I found that I grind just as fast as my friend who use aoe grinds. Honestly biggest different was amount of money they make in aoe. But I usally got better item because I was fight mob closer to my level or above. I might not kill as many as they do but I get more exp for what I do kill & plus quest rewards. I don't buy the whole idea aoe level faster unless they are killing 15 mobs at a time (unlikely on a consist bases). I am not trying to down aoe mages because I have friends that do really make it work for them. But it is very hard to get down to a consist base & it not alway best way to level. But with that said I do think Leatherpatch makes good arguements for aoe and his method is excellent guide for those who goes down that path.

You make a fair point and one which I agree with. AoE grinding is not an ideal way to play the game, especially if it's your first character. Mage for me was my second character to 60 and fifth above level 40 so I had done almost all the questlines before.

I'd say if you use AoE grinding to level your first and main character, you're going to get very bored very quickly and I wouldn't recommend it.

AoE grinding is much more suited to those who:

a) Wish to level quickly within a certain bracket, say 50-60, because they have done it all before and just want to reach end-game quickly;

b) People who are already at their desired level and want to make cash quickly.

Your point about not being able to kill 15 mobs at a time on a consistent basis I have to take issue with. The whole point is that you find an area where this is possible on a consistent basis. To do this you have to move right away from the concept of questing to kill 20 mobs of a certain variety, or get 20 drops from certain mobs then move on. The point of grinding is that you pretty much abandon hopes of getting any quest done and just sit in one suitable area killing stuff. The area you choose, if sensible, will allow for consistent multi-pulls. Trying to AoE your way through quests as you describe is not a winner, though.

Thanks for the points and all the best with playing your mage, whichever way suits you best.
#54 Oct 06 2006 at 10:05 AM Rating: Decent
I can see and understand how questing can be faster (if done in the complete correct way, barring deaths and minimal travel time) than AoE grinding. But for shear speed, money, decent drops, and a decent build that is somewhat applicable to BGs then AoE is nice.

I also agree with leatherpatches here that it is for someone who wants to level an alt quickly with little care for quests.

My frost/aoe mage is actually my first char (almost lvl 43 right now) and the reason that I decide to AoE with him is because I feel that it is faster than running around, finding a party for questing, then going. I do enjoy doing instances, and I try to get most of my good gear from them, but I still find it fun to follow the AoE grinding method. Especially when you can do it with another priest or mage. It may take longer, but it seems to go by a lot faster.
#55 Oct 15 2006 at 1:39 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
#56 Oct 15 2006 at 8:42 PM Rating: Decent
/bump for great justice -_-

that video is surely the only one besides the 4-man onyxia that's impressed me about WoW. it's interesting that he seems to avoid using FN, and doesn't even touch AE. it would help his mana if he could get off a longer blizzard, though his timing seems tight enough anyway.
#57 Oct 15 2006 at 9:28 PM Rating: Decent
Regarding AOE grinding, anybody can give comment/criticism regarding my following build that I'm currently thinking of repec'g into?

My main purpose is in the following order
(i) to level up quickly by AOE grind (from 42 currently)
(ii) have instance run from time to time and
(iii) pvp

(Frost 33pts)
Improve frostbolt 4/5
EP 2/3
Ice Shards 5/5
Imp FN 2/2
Permafrost 2/3
Cold Snap 1/1
Blizzard 3/3
Artic reach 1/2
Frost channeling 3/3
Shatter 5/5
Ice Block 1/1
Imp CoC 3/3
Ice Barrier 1/1

Fire(18 points)
Impact 5/5
Ignite 5/5
Imp Fireblast 3/3
Incinerate 2/2
Master of Elements 3/3

The points put in fire in mainly for fireblast and scorch which I pretty useful during pvp. MoE is for mana efficiently mainly.

So the question will this build severely affect my AOE grinding? mainly from lack of permafrost (2/3), EP (2/3) and artic reach (1/2). Or would it be better if I filled in the 3 areas above with points from MoE? or better if go standard 10 (arcane)/41 (frost) ?

I want to stop making respec after this since it is burning a big hole in the pocket.. lol... any advice would be appreciated.
#58 Oct 16 2006 at 1:30 PM Rating: Decent
here's your build:

it's definitely true that ignite makes music with shatter, but unless you're actually gonna go with an elemental build, i'd advise against that setup. the reasoning is that MoE just does not approach the mana savings of concentration, your fire crit rate suffers along with only incinerate to boost it and not even scorch talents to make incinerate worth including in that particular build. it's true you have frost channeling in there to compliment MoE, but you will be using frost AoE tactics -- blizzard does not crit, so the use of MoE with a frost AoE build is just about none. as far as pvp is concerned, fireblast talents don't do enough to warrent the points you put into it. you include impact, and it's true that impact can be an annoyance -- but that's all it is. and worse yet: impact doesn't help out your frost tactics (with your posted build, i strongly recommend against using fire as your main offense).

considering what you *did* include, it's obvious that you see the benefits of a 10arc build, but i'd like to encourage you to use it: it's a "standard" frost template for a reason!

would definitely perform AoE tactics better than your posted build, and it has several benefits in instances and pvp over your elemental post. your posted build include elemental precision, so i assume you're worried about resistances; therefore, i included subtlety to start arcane out toward concentration. basically, the full frost tree is marvelously capable, though in pvp you may find that frostbite can be more useful than impact (it's up to you to decide if you're good enough at AoE tactics to leave frostbite in for AoE farming). as far the loss of MoE and ignite are concerned... it's not a loss. the increase in the crit rate of your frost spells more than makes up for including ignite in a primarily ice build, and concentration just flat out is better than MoE for mana conservation (unless you have impossible crit rates... which is -- impossible!). incineration to go with fireblast is just adding sewage to a raw wound: why would you put that many points into supportive fire talents when your build plans for ice as a main attack?? likely, you are concerned about casttimes in the heat of pvp battles. if that's the case, don't play a caster class.

now, if you *did* want an elemental build to do everything with,

would take my dollar every time. there's even one point left over! there's a real focus on fast-paced AoE tactics, but you'll find that your single target damage is more than capable. main problem? mana. gimme a break, it's an elemental build.

plus side! monstrous crit rates (and crit damage) from both fire and ice, and you'll have a very wide variety to choose from when you want to sustain damage on a single target. these talents spread out the cast times of your spells so you will need to pick which spell to cast at a given moment based on how much time you have (basically, scorch to proc impact, and frostbolt for sustained damage, a nice slow pyro for lazy openings and sustainable efficiency).

you'll be able to pvp in the style of both a frostie and flamer, though you won't have quite the special tricks that a specialist would have (namely, combustion, barrier, and pom). still, you can be sure this build can hold its own, just stand back when your three major cooldowns are up and find out why i included flamestrike in that mix: avec shatter, background rate, and critical mass -- flamestrike approaches 70% crit rate! which basically guarantees that you'll get off a 30% discounted AoE attack... in practice, it's still not as efficient as blizzard, but you'll still be able to AoE in pve just fine (remember to use the burn area).

that's about all the alternative builds i wanna suggest that would do the same thing you're wanting. tip: when you've got your AoE swarm in kite, and then you FN? don't run more than a few steps before turning and starting your flamestrike: if you're fast, you can squeeze in a blastwave to take advantage of shatter at the same time. and wait until *after* daze has worn off to use your CoC for snare effect. sprinkle explosion for flavour.
#59 Oct 16 2006 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for your comments. I think I agree with your arguments...probably I will go with the 10/41 (arcane/frost) .. looks good.

#60 Oct 16 2006 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
557 posts
Hey there :-)

First of all...well written guide. Gives me alot of inspiration to play with my newly created mage!

Ive played a Warrior and Rogue to level 60 and I really want to use this guide to level my mage.

Only thing is the talentbuild. It's one with all 51 points spend. Im currently level 20 with 5 points in improved Frostbolt, 5 points in Ice Shards and 1 point in Piercing Ice.

I wonder what talents you advice to get first from the talents mentioned. I assume take all frost talents first? And in what order?

thanks in advance
#61 Oct 17 2006 at 4:19 PM Rating: Decent
i personally really don't see piercing ice as a terribly useful talent (or even desireable). 6% more damage is.... small. and if you were a damage maniac, you'd be taking the fire just for the thrill of doing 50 more damage =P

no no, really now, down to business:

leveling up a mage you will notice that you are at first starving for mana. obviously this problem gets much better as you level and get real gear. starting out with frost is good for several reasons: frostbolt talent is marvelous and increases your dmg output enough to allow you to kill noticeably faster and gives noticeable mobility. also, if you wanted to power level your mage, you could be AoE farming at level 23 with just blizzard (i'm still amazed that they made AE instant cast without talents!) so you wouldn't have the time to take arcane talents first. if you feel like waiting for shatter while you've got blizzard, then you can switch over and put some points to get concentration maxed. very few things in the game are as fun as a mana-less blizzard!

priorities should be frostbolt, shards, blizzard, cold snap and then you can get shatter. at this stage, you have just about all the core frost-tactic forming talents, so you can now switch over to get concentration (here, you'll likely have much much better gear and the addition of concentration will soon make you quite more durable). after that, talents should be taken in priority according to your grinding tactics. if you instance very heavily now, CoC isn't as important as frost channeling. soloing, permafrost is a very useful tool. AoEing, CoC is your target. eventually you'll only have barrier and reach left.

a lot of people feel that barrier is an extremely valuable aid for instances, pvp, and AoE farming. i do agree, but you still have to put a few points in talents to just unlock that tier. arctic reach and precision are pretty much restricted to the late 50's because in my experience, range and resistances just haven't been at all bad enough to warrant taking them over any more useful talents. winter's bite is a great talent, and for raiding you really should have it. don't rely on "some other mage" to have that talent and be applying it "for you".

you could also go the other way around -- if you feel that mana is such a problem right now, you could just start your mage out with arcane talents and switch to frost when you've got concentration. this will pretty much restrict your mage to leveling "rogue style", but there's nothing wrong with that if you prefer to grind singles instead of swarms. besides, leveling slower will let your character pay for its mount =P

worth mentioning here is that frostbite is a talent i really really recommend you take if you're gonna be soloing singles and not AoE farming. great for pvp, though not really helpful in instances or raiding, frostbite is a calculable increase to your crit rate, and a great help when it procs for control.

Edited, Oct 17th 2006 at 5:23pm PDT by FractalSynapse
#62 Oct 18 2006 at 8:17 AM Rating: Decent
176 posts
Wow - some seriously well written and informed responses by fractalsynapse. Thanks matey.

Gnwarl - you've set a real challenge there - laying out the ideal talent in order. I'll get to it this evening and include it in the original post, mostly based on what fractal advises (it's solid advice).

Edited, Oct 18th 2006 at 9:18am PDT by leatherpatches
#63 Oct 18 2006 at 9:39 AM Rating: Decent
839 posts
Fractalsynapse wrote:
now, if you *did* want an elemental build to do everything with,
This build appeals to me, but I have a few questions:

(1)Have you ever tried this build for AoE grinding? It looks like it might be feasible for a few mobs, but not the great quantity allowed by a deep frost build. To be specific, I see a few potential issues that could limit your AoE grinding capability. First, you have Frostbite, which can separate mobs from the pack. Second, and your build completely misses all of the chill and slow talents needed to make Blizzard effective. Third, I wonder how the mana would hold up.

You mentioned that you would start by rounding up the mobs, freezing them in place with FN, then dropping a FS, BW, and CoC on them. Unless you are grinding well below your level, some will still be alive at this point. What will you do while the timers are running? Remember that you have very minimal slowing of the mobs without additional chill effects. Blinking and running might keep you ahead until FN is available, but I doubt it. Cold snap would let you repeat the cycle, but doesn't allow for mob resists and locks you out of grinding for another 10 minutes.

(2)For intance runs, the build looks better. However, you are right that the mana will go quickly. Frost channeling would help with that and reduce threat at the same time. Also, if the main damage is to be done by Scorch spam, why not get Improved Scorch? If using Fireballs, why not improve them? It looks like build provides several options for the main attack, but none are really ideal.

(3)This build looks like it will rock for PvP suicide runs! Blink into a group, FN-BW-CoC, and then either IB or IAE until you die or kill the opposition. With the support of a few other players, this could stop an assault. (As stated in the wwcool thread ;P) 1v1 PvP would probably be tough, but I expect that is true of most elemental builds. (No Imp CS or POM)

Now that I have dissected your build, I will put up a target of my own:

My actual build is similar, but I took 31 frost for the shield while grinding my way through AV. I think the linked build would be better for AoE grinding, more mana efficient for PvE instances, almost as destructive in group PvP, and similar in 1v1 PvP. Ideally I would like more range and crit, but there are only so many talent points. ;)
#64 Oct 18 2006 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
you're correct that against most mobs that little combo won't kill them all. if you're not gonna go pure frost AoE though, your options are limited to fast-paced instant spell spam. really, it's important to realize the *timing* of elemental AoE kills is very important. keep moving, and don't let your blast wave and CoC overlap. between your two AoE snares, you'll be pumping out a lot of mana via AE (i can't tell you how important it is that AE is instant cast without talents these days!). the flamestrike is there because while targets are frozen, flamestrike crit rates make it incredibly powerful: blizzard traps you in channeling mode for 8 seconds. flamestrike is a 3 second casttime, and is not a small amount of damage in one DD blast! the burn area is important to remember if you're concerned about efficiency. but truly, trust me, between frost nova, blast wave, and CoC, not to mention blink, you have more than enough kite time to kill high greens. potions help, priests help, bandaids help, but the same is true for frost mages =P

although elemental builds really only shine in high levels, try this out: in tanaris, go south to the pirate cove, and there's a nice bunch of pirates (arrr!) on the docks. there's five or six where the dock meets the shore, so round those up (mounted) and kill them first before doing the lot out by the boat. these mobs aren't terribly high, but they have good cloth drops, and the shooters are all wandering around in the camp on shore. this spot is wonderful for practicing small-area kites, and you'll thank me later for that!

basically, in general, yeah. AoE kites are used against mobs lower level than you, though obviously frost being a better AoE build can handle more powerful or more numerous swarms. if you're nervous, just invite a priest! an elemental mage with a priest along has NOTHING to fear.

mmmm, yeah i see your point about that heavier-frost build, but i don't really like how it arranges the crits. namely, if you're gonna be elemental, you rely on MoE and shatter to improve your mana pool (the fact that shatter helps fire crit is a marvelous icing on our cake). if you're gonna go so passive toward frost, you really really should just go 10arc/frost =P i agree, the lack of scorch talent is an interesting trait, but do do DO feel free to shift those points from impact over to fireball if you want. you'll be using fireball and frostbolt as your main attacks, and there's nothing wrong with that. if you want a scorch heavier elemental build, you'll have to decide whether to give up the flamestrike talent for that.

while i was playing with elemental builds during patch 1.12, i noticed that i really didn't miss the loss of blizzard or permafrost. i DID notice that frostbite was extremely helpful though. since i tend to AoE in very small areas, i just don't really have a problem with frostbite procs during swarm kills: it's a chance for another crit! i enjoyed the interruption caused by frostbite and impact procs during pvp, and i don't feel that the scorch talent was worth taking over, say, flamestrike or something because scorches are not the best way to do damage and in just about any scenario where i'm not a pure fire mage in a group, the fire vulnerability just doesn't have the time to stack up and be noticeably effective. that's really it, i think. i don't feel like, as a fire mage, i have the time to sit around and scorch in order to overkill with a big fireball =P

just gotta get used to it: elemental builds are centered on CRITs, with a weakness of mana volume, and they don't have the points to flesh out with jewlery like firepower or frostchanneling. with that theme in mind, i didn't believe that taking talents like permafrost or blizzard would have helped my AoE kills unless i was actually a frost mage.

to date, i still enjoy frost builds the most, but that's because i'm a control freak in battle. and i'm really really reconsidering whether cold snap is worth it. because i can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times that i've ever actually used or needed to use it.

i really really don't recommend an elemental build for raiding. talents like flamethrowing and arctic reach do make raiding easier, though your main problem will be running oom during long fights (i will note that the argument could be made: doing so much damage is what mana is for, and counterbalances the times that you're oom) and controlling aggro (sometimes you may not want a crit right at that moment! hilarity ensues!)
#65 Oct 18 2006 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
839 posts
Interesting explanations... I thought you might be using IAE like mad while waiting for the timers. How many "high level greens" have you been able to handle at once with this method?

After reading about your style of AoE, I can see where you wouldn't miss the Improved Blizzard. However, it seems improving the chill effect on CoC would make life easier. You must be running around like a crazed monkey to keep the mobs from catching you! ;)

and i'm really really reconsidering whether cold snap is worth it. because i can count on the fingers of one hand the number of times that i've ever actually used or needed to use it.
I used this talent all the time in AV! I usually stayed with the offense and would have to use IB to prevent instant death from warmasters, Galv, and Drek when they started charging around. Cold Snap saved me when they came after me the second time. It also allows two DoT removals when fighting priests or warlocks. However, I have not used it much otherwise. I would keep it for AoE grinding though, just to allow a second FN if the first is resisted. It is only one point.
#66 Oct 18 2006 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
yeah, le sigh, elemental AoE farming is pretty hectic. feels like frost builds have made me lazy -- you just have to get more used to hauling *** around while fighting.

typical AoE kills tend to be between 5 - 10 mobs. maybe just because it's harder to find an area better suited to the more delicate elemental AoE style. with frost and barrier, you can run around all day to gather mobs from wider areas and you have more leeway with your health. alchemists make great elementalists ;-)

there's no doubt about it, you WILL be getting hit a few times as an elementalist, but as long as you don't get killed, i consider it a successful kite. after all, you still have to sit and drink afterward, why not actually USE your summon bread button? >=D the part where you're most likely to get hit is right before your second frost nova: as you're using CoC to extend your kite time. but don't forget that you DO have blink....

if you don't mind killing slower, and want to be much more careful about getting hit, you can just take off as fast as you can after the first nova/strike/blastwave (instead of hugging inside AE radius). you'll still have to be near the mobs to CoC, so really you should wait until after that you hoof it while you wait for nova again.

regarding cold snap, yeah i guess. but it's just such a looooong cooldown that i always get this sense of aversion to actually *using* it hehehehehe. my philosophy is that it would be a rare situation indeed where a coldsnap would allow you to live or accomplish anything that you couldn't do just as well by running away. besides, the cooldown doesn't really allow you to use it often enough in battlegrounds (namely, WSG) where it would be most valuable.

still. yes -- it is just a single talent point! so i guess it's worth at least that.
#67 Oct 20 2006 at 10:40 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
FractalSynapse wrote:
considering what you *did* include, it's obvious that you see the benefits of a 10arc build, but i'd like to encourage you to use it: it's a "standard" frost template for a reason!

Quick question about this, from a frost AOE grinding perspective - given that most of my attacks are with Imp. Blizzard, wouldn't I be better off moving the points from Ice Shards to Piercing Ice?

If not, why not?



#68 Oct 20 2006 at 12:11 PM Rating: Default
the main why you shouldn't? CoC. but in real life terms, you shouldn't give up such an important talent as shards because you'll never be ONLY grinding against swarms. it's at least as common that you will facing single targets (if not more often than you are AoEing).

consider. at level 60, your blizzard's base damage is 1192, and 6% more damage added to that is only an increase of 71.52 (leaving the decimal in, because this is theorycraft after all). now, granted, 71 points would be useful if you were level 26 (the level at which you could have both blizzard and piercing ice), but your blizzard spell at level 26 only does 200 damage. 6% more gives you a whopping 12 points of damage more.... basically, that tiny increase doesn't even cover the variance of damage caused by other spells. you're much better off putting those points to better use.

remember, talents aren't about how sweet one talent is (or isn't), it's about what you'll be giving up if you put your points there instead of somewhere else.

by the late game (when you have two or three spare points laying around), i can see how the argument would be made that elemental precision would do more to help you out than piercing ice.

to return to the CoC topic real quick: CoC DOES crit =) and so does frostbolt. you will be doing instances (many instances even have areas that just seem *made* for a mage's AoE) and i recommend you not try to spamm blizzard against the boss. setting yourself up to use a single spell at such an expense to your others is just......... not a good idea.

if you really really reeeeeeeeeeeeally must have piercing (sigh) then find another talent to take points from, because shards and shatter are basically what MAKES the entire frost tree.
#69 Oct 20 2006 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
176 posts
Just to add. I have about +230 dmg from gear and enchants. I crit perhaps every third or fourth frostbolt (depending on stacking) or CoC on average - for roughly 1550 atm (frostbolt) with current AoE build as shown in OP. This is on gear from pre-raiding (ok with MC +dmg enchant on staff). I think perhaps my chance to crit is higher than every fourth but it's hard to tell from where I'm at now.

One thing I have found though is that CoC seems to crit on either none of the mobs, or all at the same time. This means that 6xfrozen mob can be critted for perhaps 1150 each (CoC) giving plenty of damage this way also.
#70 Oct 24 2006 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
52 posts
That's great guys, thanks! Hadn't thought of it in those terms :-)
#71 Oct 25 2006 at 12:08 AM Rating: Decent
1) A lot of grinding spots are utterly devoid of ranged mobs

2) This mage would be speced to minimize resistance still a problem, but hey, probability wise there's a certain chance a mob can resist 8 spells in a row and kill you no matter what strat you prefer

3) Mount part solves this, you shouldn't be taking many hits (generally less than 4 hits for 10 mobs, my rough estimate of my average, and that's with lazy maneuvering)

4) Just like 1, this requires careful grinding area selection.

5) You're gonna want your gear speced toward max mana (+int) so you can get off the aoes and crit more often, if you can successfully pull this off often, having to drink 2 waters afterward really isn't a big concern (due to a low spirit)
#72 Oct 27 2006 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
hi there~ just wonder, the way i turn back and drop blizzard seem slow, i saw some of the videos they can look at their back immediately (probrably with one key?), how can i do the same?
#73 Oct 27 2006 at 8:15 AM Rating: Decent
Citizen's Arrest!
29,527 posts
evielwine wrote:
hi there~ just wonder, the way i turn back and drop blizzard seem slow, i saw some of the videos they can look at their back immediately (probrably with one key?), how can i do the same?

Are you turning with the keyboard?

If you are, unbind whatever keys you use to turn and start learning to turn with the mouse. It's a clear improvement for AoE grinding, PvP, and even basic mob kiting.

I rebound my A and D keys to strafe left/right and rebound my Q and E keys to an often used ability for whatever build I'm on and blink, respectively.

Believe me, one/two weeks after you start turning with your mouse, you'll look back and ask yourself how you ever did it the old way.
#74 Oct 31 2006 at 11:50 AM Rating: Decent
Are you turning with the keyboard?

If you are, unbind whatever keys you use to turn and start learning to turn with the mouse. It's a clear improvement for AoE grinding, PvP, and even basic mob kiting.

I rebound my A and D keys to strafe left/right and rebound my Q and E keys to an often used ability for whatever build I'm on and blink, respectively.

Believe me, one/two weeks after you start turning with your mouse, you'll look back and ask yourself how you ever did it the old way.

Hi there! Nope I am not turning using keyboard, I'm doing exactly like what you did, Q is my FN and E is my AM, and relevant spells around the ASDW of course.

However I did see someone in the video that, the view can "switch" from looking front to looking back, of course while the character still moving forward. I guess it's a warlock video showing "oh shxx, soulstone" while he just killed another warlock if i didn't remember wrongly. turning via mouse is good, but sometimes a key will be much better, just for "looking exactly" what happened to your back.

Maybe I saw wrongly, but is it possible?
#75 Oct 31 2006 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
573 posts
When I left click with my mouse while running I can spin it to look behind me with out changing the running direction.

I dont know if there is a "lookback" action thats bindable tho.
#76 Oct 31 2006 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
if you're looking in a direction with your left-click, and you're moving in another direction, you can right-click to immediately change your character's facing to match your camera's.
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