Vana'diel Time: 09/06/1469 (Lightsday) 00:00 81% (Waxing Gibbous)

Sleepless Nights  

Realm:San d'Oria
Start Area: Southern San d'Oria
Start NPC:Paouala (M - 8)
Related Areas:Konschtat Highlands
Related Mobs:Paouala (M - 8)
Stray Mary (F - 8)
Min Level:10
Max Level:75
Grants Gil:5000
(Average from 6 ratings)
Items Required:Mary's Milk
Last Updated: Thu Aug 20 06:00:36 2009

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Paouala cannot sleep, so bring her some Mary's Milk to cure her insomnia.


Paouala is located in the second floor of a house located at (M-8) on your map. She is having trouble falling to sleep at night and wants you to fetch her some Mary's Milk to help her sleep. This drops from a named sheep called Stray Mary who spawns in the Konschtat Highlands.

This page last modified 2008-05-22 22:47:23.
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# Jun 28 2008 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
i have a Question is this quest Repeatable?
# May 09 2006 at 7:44 PM Rating: Decent
Also gives you the title "Sheep's Milk Deliverer"
Got her not even realizing
# Nov 06 2005 at 4:59 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
I was just out farming Mad Sheeps for the skins and I come up over a hill following one.. out of the corner of my eye I see another sheep just disappeared... so leaving my marker on the one I was following I decide to go over and get the other first... target.. attack... not paying attention I was talking to my wife about dinner... turn back to the pc and sheep still isnt dead... and I realize its Stray Mary... only get the Milk though.

What is needed in order to get Quest?

Edited, Sun Nov 6 17:11:20 2005
# Sep 15 2005 at 4:33 PM Rating: Decent
I was in the Highlands one day farming elementals.I was lookin on wide scan and saw it pop.I had never seen/heard the name before so I went to check it out.I one shotted her w/ Barrage n got the drop.My BRD friend was talkin about it,and I've been letting him borrow it till this day.
too easy
# Jul 10 2005 at 7:57 PM Rating: Decent
was farmin some beehive chips today for sumthin to do. Well i see this whm fleeing so I pop up ws bam!! stray mary! I flee , im 65 thf/rngr btw and run past whm ,there she is get to her, steal, claim few hits,
believer obtains : giant sheep meat
mary's horn
mary's milk

btw i was there for 20 min lol any way gl keep tryin if u want it^^
Just killed
# Apr 23 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
479 posts
Just killed her 2 minutes ago, only got milk.
RE: Just killed
# Apr 26 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,276 posts
That's All I Need, is the Freakin Milk! Am I just not being patient enough to wait? I kill all kinds of sheep....some tiny taru bas**** must be following right behind me....
nothing happens
# Mar 24 2005 at 11:34 PM Rating: Default
hi I was able to get the milk but now nothing happens when I try to give it to the person..I have sat there and tried to give it to them every hour and nothing works..thanks
# Mar 20 2005 at 10:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,314 posts
I was on my way to valkurm with a bunch of boyahda moss for fame on my chocobo, about to zone into valkurm when i see a shout from some lowbie who was running away from stray mary. I turn around to see a couple low level people running into valkurm zone training mary & 3 or 4 other sheep into the zoneline.

I hop off my chocobo and sleep it once the name goes white when they zoned. I already had a horn so i sent a tell to a friend to teleport to dem in case the horn dropped. i must have stood there for a good 2-3 minutes recasting lullaby on it while waiting for friend to get a tele. Was kind of funny had a few people pestering me saying they needed the horn.. I spent 250k on mine i'd like to get that money back too, just because i already have one doesnt mean i shouldn't get my gil back.

Anyways friend teleports, i kill it and just get the milk. Oh well, at least now i can complete this milk quest. Question, is this quest repeatable?

Edited, Sun Mar 20 22:13:44 2005
Camped Tonight
# Mar 15 2005 at 4:33 AM Rating: Default
Alright i'm a lvl 46 blm and i actually was there just to fool around with my new scythe :) But i was also farming to make a litte money by camping tremors. But i figured what the hell, and went and trained like 20 sheep, give or take a few and about 5 minutes later i picked up mary on wide scan. Tracked her down and killed her in matter of minutes. Didn't get the horn though, kind of sucks i could have used the money.
Stray Mary
# Feb 25 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
doh, kinda double post.

Anyways, I was camping this sheep for 3 hours today, 2nd time ive ever camped it. I was 57blm/rng for widescan. Usually I stay still when i camp, but i figured it would be better to move around, so I kept running in a big circle around the mountain and down south near all the windmills.
*useful stuff*
After 3 hours of camping i looked at widescan and saw mary + tracked it down. I was at G-9 in case if neone is wondering. I also had just trained a ton of sheep maybe 20 minutes before. I killed it pretty quickly, its not hard at all if ur lvl 30 i guess.
Sadly the horn didnt drop. I dont know why its not worth alot more than it is, cuz its really hard to camp and the horns not a definate drop, however there were hardly any people camping it.
Just thought i'd share my story for those who are interested.
Stray Mary
# Feb 25 2005 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
title given
# Feb 10 2005 at 10:25 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
This quest gives the title "Mary's Milk Deliverer" I believe... I'll have to re-check to make sure...
Lucky Me...
# Jan 30 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
706 posts
I had to do this as part of a quest, didn't give a hoot about horn, if I got it, it was nice little quirk! But if not, still got meh milk!

Well anyway, I was walking along killing mad sheep, must of been doing it an hour or so, got bored so decided to rest, go to next to max mp and Stray mary pops literally on top of me! I get up, kill it easily (29Blm/14Whm), get my milk and no horn! Still happy! ^_^
Server = Remora - Rank 10 Windurstian

75 BLM (Main)
37 WHM
37 RDM
25 SMN (Future Main ^^)
ZM Complete - CoP Complete - Windurst - Complete
LS - Dragonflies
RE: Lucky Me...
# Feb 11 2005 at 6:58 PM Rating: Decent
1,276 posts
AAAAAAARGH!!! I have spent HOURS upon HOURS out there. Ppl MUST have thought I was lost. i know she spawns anywhere by the windmills, but my Gods!, I've beat down four or five of those Rampaging Rams, and still no Mary. She sure is one Shy-a$$ biznatch
Stray Astray
# Jan 20 2005 at 4:39 PM Rating: Decent
whats funny is your all fighting over MILK for gil..

Maybe you didnt know, mary is hunted for the horn, not the stupid milk, the horn sells for near 100k...

Well i dont know about others but I want to have every quest available in the game completed. It just feels damn good. First time i'm fighting mary i'll take milk over horn anyday. Second time it's a different story. And i do hate whn ppl camp nm, especially the ones that are needed for quests, it's just very annoying.
#REDACTED, Posted: Dec 30 2004 at 7:43 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) It would be nice if the Gil Mongers would camp other NMs that aren't quest related. I need gil as much as the next person, but I don't ***** it up for people who are doing quests. I have found easier, quicker ways to make more Gil faster than camping an NM for hours/days. Most of which you don't even have to leave the town. If I spent as much time 'farming' the town/AH as others spend camping NMs like Mary, I could pull nearly 50k a day. Basically, as one who is looking to finish the quest for the milk at least even, I ask the NM campers to find some other way to make Gil and leave Stray Mary (and other NMs) to those who are doing the quest. If MNs popped every 15 minutes, it wouldn't be so bad. But since they don't stop being greedy b@$tards and leave the NMs for quests.
RE: Stray Mary
# Apr 18 2005 at 10:55 PM Rating: Decent
But what if you need the Horn for your Bard like me? Is it wrong to camp it then? What's so wrong about camping for the Horn just for money anyways? If you can make money "farming the town" then just buy the milk with the money you earned from a day of that. That way you don't have to spend hours camping something and getting mad at people who want the Horn like me. I am way too poor to afford this and I plan on camping Stray Mary till I get it.
RE: Stray Mary
# Oct 23 2005 at 2:20 PM Rating: Default
Late reply, but figured since you asked a question I should give you an answer.
If you are going after Mary because it is related to completing a quest, then THAT is cool, even if it is to help someone. That is what Mary is all about. But if you are just trying to get the Horn to sell, you are interfering with others who are questing and THAT is just being an a$$ho!e. If she spawned often it wouldn't be a big deal, but her spawn rate is low.
Maybe SE will do us a favor and make all quest/mission related items EX so less players would be camping the related mob.
I was looking for the milk drop because it was going for 100K at the time on Carbuncle. The return from the quest is not worth paying that much.
Though I do buy quest/mission items from AH (when possible, and reasonably priced) on occassion, I much rather do it myself when I can and play the game as it was intended.
If I'm farming and someone comes along neesing to kill the mobs I am killing, I let them have it just because it is what I would like for someone to do for me. In most cases I will even help if I can.
#REDACTED, Posted: Jan 04 2005 at 5:54 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) PLEASE STOP CAMPING NMs THAT DROP QUEST ITEMS !
RE: Stray Mary
# Jan 04 2005 at 7:44 AM Rating: Default
please shut up...
RE: Stray Mary
# Jan 09 2005 at 1:21 PM Rating: Default
I guess you most be one of them.
RE: Stray Mary
# Jul 08 2006 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
55 posts
Why the hell would you want to spend 3 hours camping an NM for a 5k gil reward? You can obtain fame much easier from other quests. But I'm sure you'd be noble to the cause of the quest and throw away Mary's horn if it dropped to you right? Give me a break. Some people are camping it for their BRD (most noble cause in my opinion), some are camping for gil (perfectly acceptable, everyone needs money to advance in this game), and some are camping for a ridiculous quest.

The biggest problem with Stray Mary campers isn't that they're interfering with people who want to do the quest. It's killing all the sheep in the area that people level up on.

FFXI has a big competitive element to it, you should already know this by now.
not repeatable
# Sep 16 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
I just got this quest today and am not looking forward to camping Stray Mary. I personally have zero patience when it comes to sitting and waiting for a NM to spawn. But anyway NO this quest is not repeatable.
It Spawns....
# Jul 20 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
I heard it spawns quicker when you kill the sheep. I'm not sure if it's true though....
# Jul 07 2004 at 11:21 PM Rating: Decent
ez quest thats all
Location of Stray Mary
# Jun 21 2004 at 6:18 PM Rating: Default
You ppl really think you're something must take you all day to think of how to tell your stories. OMG!
Why doesn't ANYONE include the grid? Where'd you see it? "I saw it to the left of the windmill, just about in the middle of the map" Cripes.. do you know there's more than ONE windmill?? In the middle of the map.. whoe's map? ..and another "I saw Stray Mary when I was only a Lvl 10" WHERE??? WHERE???
If you just wanna brag.. got a chat line.. if you have something HELPFUL to say, that's what we need..
I can't believe the loads I see typed on a website that's all about helping.. not about BRAGGING!!
RE: Location of Stray Mary
# Aug 07 2004 at 2:14 AM Rating: Decent
chill out jerk, if you'd actually check the mobs listings ud be able to see all this
RE: Location of Stray Mary
# Jun 25 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Excellent
37 posts
Dude, over there to the left:

Mob Lookup...

Click it, type in "Stray Mary".

Voila, grid, spawn area, drops, level, weaknesses. Everything you ever wanted to know.
RE: Location of Stray Mary
# Sep 07 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
1,534 posts
-.- use some common sense
Mecorx - Ifrit 75WAR/75WHM [Retired]
Mecorx - Odin 99WAR/99WHM/99DNC [Retired]
Milk Price
# Apr 10 2004 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Just wanted to say that on Lakshimi the milk only sells for 5k and occasionally for 6k for about the past 5 days. (There are currently 9 up for grabs.) I am a BRD and have been trying for Mary's Horn for about a week now. My milk just chilling in my mog safe fridge, waiting for the price to go back up some.

Edited, Mon Apr 12 14:30:15 2004
# Mar 19 2004 at 7:03 PM Rating: Default
31 posts
Milk sells at the AH for 9k gil, quest grants 5k gil. Unless you are in desperate need of fame I suggest either A: forgetting this quest or B: Selling the milk at the AH for people who need the fame.

32 DRK, 30 WHM, 20 BLM, 20 THF
Pheonix Server
# Mar 11 2004 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
This quest gives you the title Sheep's Milk Deliverer.
# Feb 20 2004 at 2:06 AM Rating: Default
I suggest buying the milk, b/c trying to find mary is a pain in the ***. Plus many ppl camping the area.
#Anonymous, Posted: Feb 13 2004 at 6:53 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I recomend doing ranger quest if you are high enough, and sub it for the quest, that track might be useful
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