- /say - Say something to anyone in your local area
- /groupsay - Say something to members of your group
- also /group, /g, /party and /p
- /tell name - Send a private message to another person (use quotes around names with a space)
- /reply - Send a private message to the last person that sent you a private message
- /shout - Shout a message to everyone in the same region (like say but broader)
- /invite name - Invite another person to join a group with you (no quotes needed)
- /leave - Leave your current group
- /kick name - Kick the specified person from your group (no quotes needed; must be leader)
- /promote name - Promote the specified person to be the group leader (no quotes needed; must be leader)
This page last modified 2011-01-14 22:57:55.