how many stacks does it take till i get enough fame to go for tele scrolls? and can someone tell me a way to get fame in the other nations so i cango for my tele scrolls, this will be much apreciated =^.^=
A_A Yay a NYC rat, my favorite! =(^x^)= ~w~w~~( ][\ D')>#
Confirmed to buy from Raimbroy's Grocery u have to be San d'Orian, im from bastok and couldnt buy em, but i had a friend log into a san d'orian mule to see and he could buy them, san d'oria is currently in first place, dont know if that has anything to do with it.
this just goes to show u SE's favoratism towards the elvaan
Once you've beaten diabolos, and have the auction house in tavnazia, the vendors will be less stingy, and Komalata at (G-7) on the main floor of the safehold. Hope this helps. ^^;
If Aragoneu is under beastmen control and millioncorn isn't sold by the regional NPCs... one other way of getting millioncorn:
Create Mules in these countries if you are not from here:
IF Sandy is #1 and IF your character is Sandy citizen.. millioncorn is sold at Raimbroy's Grocery. This only applies to Sandy citizens.
For Windy citizens... I just checked Windy's Culinarian's Guild and Millioncorn is sold for about 53 gil each (with lvl 1 fame) for Windy citizens only and Windurst is #3 atm on my server.
For Bastok citizens... I'm not sure yet cuz I haven't searched in Bastok for millioncorn, but I'm not sure if there is any shop that sells anything related to food here... so if something comes up.. i'll post new info again.
People should learn a few things before they open their mouths. If this region is under beastmen control, no vendors will sell this, so go to the culinary guild in windurst waters. kopopo will sell it there. There are vendors for each city. Depending which city is in first place, this is where you must travel to get the million corn. It does NOT matter your nationality. Trust me, cooking is my craft. If the guild runs out I hop on the airship to whatever vendor is selling the stuff I need and I go buy it. So once more. you do NOT have to be from the city that the vendor is selling in.
Actually, there are items, such as Raimbry's Grocery's millioncorn that can only be bought if you are a citizen of that nation, though they're few and far between. I had to go buy corn for a windurstan friend of mine when he was getting fame up for avatar battles, even though he was standing in the store, because they wouldn't sell it to him. I just walked up and bought it, he traded me the money, and that was that.
Actually, you fail. It's a well known fact that some shop NPCs will offer certain items only to players of that nationality. Raimbroy only sells Millioncorn to San D'orians, and the lady in the armor shop there is the same way with Chain gear.
Alrighty, lots of conflicting, confusing posts going on, so here's my (hopefully) end all "mini-guide" on the elusive beast known as the "Millioncorn".
Buy it from NPCs
Asides from one exception (see below), the only way you can buy corn from an NPC is if the Aragoneu region is NOT under Beastman control. You can check this by going to Map > Region Info and scrolling around until you find Aragoneu.
If a city DOES control Aragoneu, this is where you can find an NPC that will sell you corn... (NOTE: ONLY the city that controls Aragoneu will have an NPC that sells the corn... i.e., if Aragoneu is under beastman control, you will be unable to purchase corn from an NPC*.)
*It's been brought to my attention that if Sandy is in first, Raimbroy's Grocery has an NPC that sells corn. I'm assuming the same is true for similar NPC's in Bastok and Windy that sell food items. If anyone can find the names and <pos>'s of these, reply to this post and I will edit them in. (Basically, if a city is in first, there's likely an NPC somewhere that also sells millioncorn).
EDIT: The info I had in here earlier about Norvallen being a region that let's city's regional vendors sell corn was incorrect. Sorry ^^;;;.
The price of corn will vary, depending on your fame and possibly who is in first as far as overall conquest goes. The higher your fame, the cheaper the corn. Simple as that.
***** that, I'm growin' it
Good for you (^_~)b. Alright, so this is what you'll need...
1.Ceramic Pot. -This pot is the best for growing corn, possibly due to the "element" of the pot matching the "element" of the crystal (wind). The info for the NPC that sells it can be found on the item's page... should cost ~1k depending on fame. Once you get the pot, put it in your mog safe. Next, select 'layout' and pick a spot to place your purdy lil' pot. (NOTE: Yes, you can grow corn in other pots, but this will net you the best yields.)
2.Grain Seeds. -An explanation on methods to get grain seeds is at the very bottom of this guide, to save space here. Anyhoo, once you've got them, you can put ONE 'grain seeds' item in EACH pot. So if you've got 10 pots, you'll want to get 10 grain seeds, and put one in each by selecting 'gardening' from your Mog House menu. "Examine" your plant at least once every 24 (real time) hours, or it will wither and die. Eventually your moogle will give you the opportunity to feed it a crystal...
3. Wind Crystal. -Get signet cast on you and go fight things that give you XP and drop crystals... or you can take the lazy way out and just buy a stack from the AH. If wind crystals are ridiculously expensive on your server, consider "farming" them. Eventually your moogle will tell you something along the lines of "Uh oh, this plant doesn't look so well kupo..." Don't worry, this is normal. Just feed it a wind crystal and keep examining it once a (real time) day.
Shucks, when ahm I gunna get muh durn corn
After a few (real life) days, your plants will start to glow a neon color. If you'd like, you can select "dry flowers" and have trippy glowing plants hanging around in your mog house. If you'd like, you could also throw 3-5 days, a wind crystal, and a bag of grain seeds in the trash. But if they're just SOOOO PURDY YOU CAN'T STAND IT go ahead. If you want your corn, select "Harvest" once your plants are glowing, and voila! CORN! Woohoo!
Wait, you forgot something...
Well sort of, but I *did* say I'd put it at the bottom of the guide. Grain seeds. About ~5k for a stack on Valefor server (as of 1/4/04). I thought we wanted to SAVE money, right? So here's what you do.
1st off, I would recommend having THF lvl'd to 15. I know that's a big thing to ask, but this will help you in general for farming *ANYTHING*, as you will have the Treasure Hunter ability that makes mobs drop cool stuff more often.
2nd, if you have WHM at 36 and have teleports ready, it'll make life a lot easier. If not, bum a ride off a WHM friend or bite the bullet and pay 400 gil for a tele.
3rd, If you're at least lvl 30 and still haven't done the ranger flag quest, do it. If you sub RNG, even at level 1, you get the Wide Scan ability which makes it much easier to hunt down specific mobs (i.e. saplings).
If you don't have any of the 3 above jobs/abilities, consider getting them, not only for gardening corn, but for making gil and/or farming in general.
You'll want to kill "sapling" type mobs (click on the grain seeds link above to see specific names), as they will drop the seeds you'll need. Anyhoo, I would recommend swinging by the Dem Crag in Konschtat Highlands... you can also try Tahrongi Canyon and La Theine Plateau, but I've had the best luck in Konschtat. There's a "line" of saplings that spawn from the crag, outwards... so if you kill the ones near the crag, and work your way away from it, you can come back to the crag and kill the "first" saplings that have re-spawned. If no one else is hunting saplings, you can do this continuously. You'll probably end up with some vegetable seeds and lots of treant bulbs, but you can sell this at the AH for a decent sum (on Valefor server, a stack of treant bulbs has recently sold for ~1.2k).
Any other questions or comments, tear me apart, rate me up for a good guide or rate me down for rambling, your choice =p. Hope this helps ^^
-------------- EDITED: 1/4/04, right after i posted it... added: info about regional control vendor fixed: Norvallen Regional Vendors, need more info
Problem. The Norvallen dealer in bastok is Mille in Basktok Mines. But even though bastok was controlling Norvallen and was in first on CP, he wasn't selling Millioncorn.
the best way to grow millioncorn (that is with the highest number of corn is the following) ceramic pot+grain seeds+wind crystal=20-22 millioncorn trust me using different pots makes the number of items grown reduced but some pots are better with things then others but there u go
Yes, very nice to grow. Very very easy. You don't really need to keep track of what days or moon phases you plant, feed, or harvest on. I've planted 10 plants so far, all on various days, all fed on various days, all harvested on various days. 4 of the plants grew 20 ears, 3 grew 21 ears, and 3 plants grew 12, 8, and 11 earth crystals, which isn't great, but on my server, earth crystals have been hitting 900-1k a stack (when they use to be 300-500 max).
so 10 grain seeds, and harvested 143 ears of corn, and 31 earth crystals. Excellent for fishers that make their own pastes, or people that sell pastes.
Four more plants harvested, fed crystals on watersday, harvested on about a 30% moon, got 22, 22, 21, 21, ears of millioncorn, best yeild out of 4 plants so far, (I only grow 4 at a time).
With my experience, you can feed the wind crystal on just about any day. In five pots I grow, most of the time 4 of the five will produce 20-22 ears and the other will either grow 20-22 ears of corn or 5-8 earth crystals. I plant on random day, and feed crystal on random day and always get the abov result.
I've herad a lot of ruomours and I don't know if this is true. I've heard that some players have bought million corn at 20 gil a piece and given 3 pieces at a time to Melyon for 120 gil hence doubling your gil. I've also heard that the million corn sells at Rombarry's Grocer at 20 gil a piece when San is in first in the conquest tally. However I just went to Rombarry's Grocer, San is in first and they're not selling the million corn. Million corn is selling in Northern San but for 48 gil a piece from an NPC named Antonian. Can someone tell if I can buy the million corn at 20 gil piece from somewhere?
It is not far as I know. And if you want to buy million corn or any other item that the stores get when they are #1 or #2 in conquest. You have to be allied with that country. I.E if you want to buy million corn in Rombarry's Grocer San D'oria have to be #1 and you have to be a San D'orian. FYI, they sell million corn for 47-44 gill....
Plus, the price of the millioncorn varies based on fame and/or rank. . . i am rank 5, and max sandy fame and i bought millioncorn to up my fame through sandy. i ended up coming out about 10 gil short per stack via exchange.
Found at H-8 in Windurst Waters by a lone Mithra near the exit to Port Windurst named Maqu Molpih. Windurst would seem to need control of the Aragoneu region.
Posted:Feb 04 2004 at 11:46 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) all the **** on my server buy all the corn from the guilds and sell it on AH at a higher price...and argoneu is controlled by beasites atm :(
There's also a Mithra in the top of the sacred tree next to the stairs in WindyWalls. Go into the Star Tree and climb the stairs inside the office. Once at the top, you look to your left you'll see a ???. Search it and she'll be shocked that oyu found her and sell you corn for 20 gil an ear!!! >^-^<