Executioner (TSW DECK ACH)  

The Secret World
The Executioner gets their hands dirty with fist and chaos magic melee. This deck is built around delivering a flurry of damage, with many burst abilities that cascade damage over additional hits. Crowd control and fast movement abilities allow the Executioner to swiftly prioritize targets and maintain the pressure.

For maximum effectiveness with an Executioner, hit rating boosting gear can be useful to ensure multiple attacks and avoid glances.

Requires the following abilities:

Active Passive
Prey on the Weak Ripple Effect
One-Two Cutting Thoughts
Four Horsemen Ferocity
Helter Skelter Follow Through
Bushwhack Healing Sparks
Chaotic Pull Pressure Point
See Red Adrenalise
Reward: Executioner

Category: The Secret World
This page last modified 2012-09-14 02:25:42.