| | | | | |
| Talk with Letum in Morheim
at Alsig Village.
Description |
Level 31 Combat Preparation - Asmodian |
Go to Grammati and Sarinerk and see if Watch Leader Letum's equipment is ready. |
† All quests reward XP but NCSoft is fond of changing the amounts frequently, to the point that it is simply not wise to try to track the exact amount in a wiki.
Sarinerk appears in the Sky Temple of Arkanis, but only at night, due to a curse. Her lover, Padinerk, is there only in the day so they see each other for a brief moment only at sunrise and sunset.
The easiest way to get to her is to fly to the Desert Garrison, then from there to Slag Bulwark, then run from there to the west to enter the Temple. She and Padinerk appear on a ledge on the south side of the Temple.
This page last modified 2010-06-15 15:25:43.