EQ2 Zone:Nexus Core (Advanced Solo)  

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# Nov 14 2013 at 2:00 PM Rating: Good
159 posts
It took 22 deaths but I figured it out....as a ranger...I had to constantly kite the Boss mob in a big circle.....joust/run away when the day/night (missiles) shout went off....and constantly run in a circle around him after the "massive laser" shout.......you have to continually kite to keep your merc alive also....if the merc is anywhere near him when the missiles shout goes off..it will die...

When the balls are up...get on the far side of the center from him...and continue running along edge of the combat area....

Hope all this helps...good hunting! And Nevah give up.......
Almost impossible
# Nov 14 2013 at 1:35 AM Rating: Good
159 posts
This is the entry level advanced solo zone for the new instance and the boss mob is just insanely difficult to solo. I have on the full set of legendary TOV quest gear..mastered spells..etc. The boss first engages you and at 60% health or so shouts...you must run to the far side of the room...other side of the center forcefield....so that the forcefield absorbs the missiles he casts...he does this twice....almost soon as you can reengage him after the second time....he shouts and you have to get BEHIND him...which is proving to be impossible....I know it has been done..but at a dozen deaths already..pretty discouraging....

AND when he does the missle shout...large black balls (slow you down) and large yellow balls (speed you up) appear...with a lot more black balls near you than yellow......

Haven't run into anything this difficult in EQ2 outside of raid mobs...If the boss would root himself when casting the "frontal shout" so that you can run behind him..might be more of challenge....right now it looks like you just do it until you get lucky.....

Any suggestions/tactics someone has used to successfully beat him?

Edited, Nov 14th 2013 12:39am by Duladan
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