Category:Realms of WAR  

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The Realms of Warhammer Online

DwarfsWAR Story
EmpireWAR Story
High ElvesWAR Story
GreenskinsWAR Story
ChaosWAR Story
Dark ElvesWAR Story

Warhammer Online

Upon entering WAR, players must determine their allegiance and join an army. Those inclined towards the side of good may fight for the Realms of Order as an obstinate Dwarf, noble High Elf, or loyal human soldier of the Empire. Those inclined towards darker deeds may side with the sinister Realms of Destruction as a savage Greenskin (Orc or Goblin), corrupt Dark Elf, or marauding human worshiper of Chaos.

Category: Warhammer Online
This page last modified 2008-08-02 17:45:01.

Articles in category "Realms of WAR"

There are 3 articles in this category.