Category:Quest Mob (RoM Mob Type)  

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Runes of Magic
Mob Types
A Quest Mob is, usually, triggered by the presence or actions of a person with the quest and has no drops or usefulness to players outside of the quest he is named in.

This page last modified 2010-05-24 16:59:44.

Articles in category "Quest Mob (RoM Mob Type)"

There are 13 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Baming (RoM Mob) Blackie (RoM Mob) Boca (RoM Mob)
Carfcamoi (RoM Mob) Demon Witch Ancalon (RoM Mob) Gjudir (RoM Mob)
Goblin Egg Thief (RoM Mob) Mithra (RoM Mob) Ravine Spider (RoM Mob)
Ravine Spider King (RoM Mob) Redeye Night Bear (RoM Mob) Rudro (RoM Mob)
Tatus (RoM Mob)