Category:Public (WAR Quest Type)  

Warhammer Online
A Public Quest, a.k.a "PQ", involve performing a series of tasks that may be accomplished by yourself or through a area group effort, combining any of the following:

  • Accomplishing key objectives
  • Collecting items
  • Delivering items to NPCs
  • Killing creatures and other players
  • Rescuing NPCs

"I truly feel that Public Quests are absolutely revolutionary in the industry. Again, a hard thing to show because ... it's not that they're hard to get into, but they feel best as you progress through the game. As you're doing your quests and unlocking your tome, doing some crafting, doing your thing ... then boom you step into your first Public Quest and it's like "oh!". You know how to play your character, you understand how that quest fits in the world. There are over 300 in the world, they are truly everywhere, and the players just love them. The way that we put them together, the way we put the loot system together, the feedback on them is just phenomenal. We're really proud of them." - Jeff Hickman

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Public Quests

Both Order and Destruction have their own PQ lines. In PQs there are a number of stages, escalating in difficultly as you complete them. Each zone along your Army's Campaign path have a set number of PQs. Most starter zones will have four to seven, while later Tiers may have well over 10 for each zone! Each zone has a mix of Order and Destruction PQs, but you can only participate in your Realm's PQs.

PQs are quests that everyone of your Realm can participate in at the same time, but not be required to group. For example, in the first PQ for Chaos, "Ruinous Powers", the Sorcerers of Tzeentch are performing a dark ritual to summon a great beast of change. To finish the quest, players need to kill 25 meddling Thorshafn Militiamen. Each Militiaman that is killed advances the counter. Your reward when the quest is completed is based on how many of the 25 Thorshafn Militiamen were killed by you.

Many of the public quests are done in stages. In "Ruinous Powers", once you have killed the 25 Thorshafn Militiamen, players will need to harvest souls from tombstones to bolster the power of the dark ritual. When you've harvested the correct amount of souls, a demon of dark power emerges, and you must prove the Raven Host's supremacy over all other ruinous powers by defeating the denizen of rage.

When you enter an area where a PQ is underway, a message is displayed in the center of your screen. Progress of public quests is displayed in the top right of the UI.

For example you may have to first kill 30 Dwarfs. You get contribution points based the number of that 30 you help kill. Whether it be from tanking, healing, or doing damage. After killing the dwarfs you may then need to stop reinforcements by taking out a tower that is surrounded by elite dwarf guards. Once this is complete, a big, bad, heavy decked out guard arrives and is the boss. Once he is dead the PQ is finished.

Reward System

When a PQ is finished (the PQ tracker will let you know) there will be a chest that drops. To determine who will receive a reward from the chest, there is a loot system that gives you choices in how to disperse the loot.

This system has two parts: granting roll bonuses to the top contributors, and randomly rolling amongst all the participants.

The roll bonuses increase the overall roll of the players that earn them. (For example, if a player receives a roll bonus of 200, and the roll system allows roll between 1 and 700, then they will now roll a number between 201 and 700.) You can see, at a glance in the PQ tracker, the relative amount of roll bonus each player received by looking at their "medals". A gold medal indicates a heavy roll bonus and amount of contribution, while silver indicates a moderate bonus and contribution, and bronze indicates a trivial bonus. There is a larger difference in bonuses amongst the top contributors than there is amongst the more average contributors, so make sure to try for top contributor each time.

As an example, one PQ may have a difference of 70 points between contributor #1 and #2, but only 35 points between #5 and #6.

The rolls then take place, modified by any roll bonus you have. The rolling is done automatically. Every player that participated in the PQ will be given a roll, and can win a reward from the chest. Without a roll bonus from contribution, however, such as a player that came into the PQ at the last second, you are unlikely to win a prize.

Most of the rolling, and the actual contribution bonuses, can be viewed by opening the PQ looting window once the PQ is finished. Simply click on the PQ tracker, which should say something like "PQ Status: Finished, Rolling for Loot, Loot in 0:15". If you don't want to watch the rolls, the PQ tracker will tell you how your final roll placed compared to other players, and if you've received a reward. The timer will indicate when the "drum roll" will take place, and then a few seconds after you'll know what you won.

When you win something, the PQ tracker will tell you what it is, and that you should go over to the chest to claim your reward. The chests have a large, yellowish glow to them, and typically appear very close to where the boss engages and becomes open to attack, or where they enter. If you can't open a chest because a dead boss is sitting on them, don't worry: the boss' body should disappear before the PQ resets and the chest disappears.

Reward Offerings

Loot from PQ chests comes in the form of loot bags. In order of increasing value and rarity:

  • Minor Loot Bag (White)
  • Lesser Loot Bag (Green)
  • Greater Loot Bag (Blue)
  • Major Loot Bag (Purple)
  • Massive Loot Bag (Gold/Yellow)

A loot bag will contain a selection of items that are useful to your career (there are still bugs with unusable items being found in loot bags) or to a profession. A bag will contain a single piece of gear from the rarity level the color of the bag corresponds to, with Massive Loot Bags (Gold) currently containing similar items as a Major Loot Bag (Purple), and possibly rarer items. A bag will almost always contain the contents of the lower bag colors as well, at least in regards to the gear rewards. This means a Major Loot Bag (Purple) will give you the option of a Purple-, a Blue-, and a Green-rarity item, as well as the Minor Loot Bag items that all bags share (an assortment of Grey- and White-quality crafting items and armor).

After you win a bag, open the chest and you will take the loot bag you won after a few confirmations. The bag will then appear in your inventory, and you can right-click it to view the loot options inside. You are allowed a single choice from the loot bag. If you don't see anything you like, or you have a bugged or unusable option and nothing else is needed, then you can take the money instead. This amount is very close, but almost always higher, than the vendor price of the armor (typically the most expensive reward of a bag). Taking the money saves you a trip to a vendor and an occupied Backpack slot until then, and is usually more money anyways.

Public Quest List

This page last modified 2008-11-17 08:27:33.

Articles in category "Public (WAR Quest Type)"

There are 59 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Chaos WAR Story (WAR Quest Series)
Dark Elves WAR Story (WAR Quest Series)
Dwarfs WAR Story (WAR Quest Series)
Empire WAR Story (WAR Quest Series)
Greenskins WAR Story (WAR Quest Series)
High Elves WAR Story (WAR Quest Series)