Category:Merchant (Aion Mob Type)  

Mob Types
Merchants will Sell you goods based on their Merchant Type, and will also Buy your unwanted goods, putting coin in your pocket and freeing space in your Cube.

Categories: Mob Types (Aion) | Aion
This page last modified 2009-07-11 20:33:16.

Articles in category "Merchant (Aion Mob Type)"

There are 82 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Alran (Aion Mob)
Amus (Aion Mob)
Aprily (Aion Mob)
Arcinia (Aion Mob)
Areke (Aion Mob)
Bacorerk (Aion Mob)
Bergard (Aion Mob)
Bloitinerk (Aion Mob)
Boburunerk (Aion Mob)
Brantes (Aion Mob)
Caochenrinerk (Aion Mob)
Cartiros (Aion Mob)
Chaokin (Aion Mob)
Chauminerk (Aion Mob)
Cheorunerk (Aion Mob)
Chiyorinrinerk (Aion Mob)
Crizpinerk (Aion Mob)
Dalor (Aion Mob)
Daraia (Aion Mob)
Denma (Aion Mob)
Dorein (Aion Mob)
Eradis (Aion Mob)
Evestina (Aion Mob)
Garurunerk (Aion Mob)
Gilungk (Aion Mob)
Girrinerk (Aion Mob)
Gogirunerk (Aion Mob)
Grupaks (Aion Mob)
Hannet (Aion Mob)
Hannet (Aion Mob)
Harbarth (Aion Mob)
Harumonerk (Aion Mob)
Hephe (Aion Mob)
Herthia (Aion Mob)
Himusus (Aion Mob)
Huron (Aion Mob)
Idomeneus (Aion Mob)
Irian (Aion Mob)
Ivis (Aion Mob)
Jooma (Aion Mob)
Koryak (Aion Mob)
Kroia (Aion Mob)
Lakurunerk (Aion Mob)
Lark (Aion Mob)
Liurerk (Aion Mob)
Luelas (Aion Mob)
Maniparas (Aion Mob)
Minalinerk (Aion Mob)
Mune (Aion Mob)
Nornes (Aion Mob)
Orashunerk (Aion Mob)
Pulo (Aion Mob)
Ramorunerk (Aion Mob)
Relir (Aion Mob)
Reyrinirerk (Aion Mob)
Servillia (Aion Mob)
Shaoranyerk (Aion Mob)
Smootinerk (Aion Mob)
Tabrinerk (Aion Mob)
Tunotos (Aion Mob)
Ungfu (Aion Mob)
Uno (Aion Mob)
Varya (Aion Mob)
Vascus (Aion Mob)
Zena (Aion Mob)