Category:Ferret (RoM Mob Race)  


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Runes of Magic
Mob Races

These are not even close to Terrestrial ferrets although they do move a bit like them if you ignore the part about floating 3 feet off the ground. They seem more like a ferret-lovers fantasy-inspired version of a ferret.

This page last modified 2010-04-15 13:06:09.

Articles in category "Ferret (RoM Mob Race)"

There are 5 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Fire-eyed Snow Ferret (RoM Mob) Ystra Ferret Cub (RoM Mob) Ystra Snow Ferret (RoM Mob)
Ystra Snow Frog (RoM Mob) Ystra Winter Spider (RoM Mob)