Category:Altdorf (WAR Noteworthy Persons)  

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While the streets of Altdorf may never truly be called quiet, the pall of gloom over the city seems to have suffocated the usual clamor of its streets. Yet the city thrives, and is led now by the most cunning leader to ever sit the throne of the Imperial Palace. Karl Franz will not let the city fall while he still lives, and he has many powers he may call upon to defend the city. Between the elite Reiksguard and the Wizards of the Colleges of Magic, it is foolish to dream of successfully besieging Altdorf.


Noteworthy Persons

Warhammer Online

This page last modified 2008-11-03 05:26:31.

Articles in category "Altdorf (WAR Noteworthy Persons)"

There are 6 articles in this category.