Category:Mobs (Aion)  

It has been noted that a great many NPC and place names in Aion are taken from Mythology: Norse for the Asmodians, and Greek for the Elyos.

When considering a mob and whether you should fight or avoid it, take into account the styling of the target's "key", and the lights on the target bar. If you target a mob and look at the target bar it tells you the party size, level, health, and distance of your target, but there is also an icon that tells you how it regards you, and an idea of just how tough it is.

A soloable level 10, tier 2, aggressive monster
A soloable level 10, tier 2, aggressive monster

Normal - You should be able to handle this mob by yourself, or with a friend or two, depending on it's rank.
Elite - This mob has more Hit Points and hits harder, and is designed for a full group of 6 players.
Hero - This encounter is designed for 2 groups.
Legendary - This encounter is designed for a full alliance of 24 players (4 groups).

Non-Aggressive - The target will not initiate combat. Of course, be careful of AE attacks when near this mob, unless you want to create your own adds.
Aggressive. The target regards you as an enemy and will attack the moment you move inside it's Aggro Range.

Novice - Young, or a weakling. This mob is there for color, or just to annoy you.
Disciplined - You should be able to defeat it, even if it is a level or 2 higher than you.
Seasoned - A tough fight if you are the same level.
Veteran - Hope you are fully stocked up on potions!
Master - This will be one helluva fight.
Lastly, the color of the name over the mobs head can also tell you one very important thing: The level of the mob, at a glance, relative to your own level.
  • Red - Three or more levels above you, or a player of the enemy faction.
  • Orange - One to two levels above you
  • Yellow - Same level as you
  • Straw - One level below you
  • White - Two levels below you
  • Gray - Three or more levels below you. This does NOT mean non-aggro! That is only if they are more than 10 levels below you.
  • Cyan - This is an NPC and cannot be attacked by you.
If the mob is 15 or more levels above you, or a player of the enemy faction, his level will display only as "??".

As of patch 1.9 Enemy names will now have a color coding representing their relative level to you.

  • Purple - 11 levels, or more, above your level.
  • Red - within 10 levels of you, up or down.
  • Tan - 11 levels, or less, below your own level.

This is relevant because large disparities in level difference now have impact on resistances. It will not be as easy, anymore, to destroy a player that is more than 10 levels below you as they will have improved resistances when attacked. You probably can still destroy them, but it will not be as easy as before. Also, even if you do kill him, you will no longer gain any XP or AP from the kill.

ZAM credits this article at PowerWiki for some of the info in this article.

Categories: PowerWiki Credits | Aion
This page last modified 2010-07-01 13:07:36.

Articles in category "Mobs (Aion)"

There are 1781 articles in this category.


Printable Version
"Bollvig, The Archon of Storm" (Aion Mob)
Abandoned Cargo (Aion Mob)
Abolos (Aion Mob)
Abyss Fragment (Aion Mob)
Abyss Fungus (Aion Mob)
Achelos (Aion Mob)
Acheron Drake (Aion Mob)
Actaeon (Aion Mob)
Adhis (Aion Mob)
Adjutant Epicara (Aion Mob)
Adult Mamut (Aion Mob)
Aegir (Aion Mob)
Aeolus (Aion Mob)
Aerope (Aion Mob)
Aero (Aion Mob)
Aetheric Malekor (Aion Mob)
Agamo (Aion Mob)
Agemonerk (Aion Mob)
Ager (Aion Mob)
Agitated Sheluk (Aion Mob)
Agrips (Aion Mob)
Ahin (Aion Mob)
Ahumla (Aion Mob)
Aifemis (Aion Mob)
Aiokina (Aion Mob)
Aishi (Aion Mob)
Aiskyholos (Aion Mob)
Ai (Aion Mob)
Akeras Stripeback (Aion Mob)
Alexis (Aion Mob)
Alfgeir (Aion Mob)
Alfrigh (Aion Mob)
Alisdair (Aion Mob)
Alluring Temptress (Aion Mob)
Alpine Gorgon (Aion Mob)
Alran (Aion Mob)
Alrunta (Aion Mob)
Alteno (Aion Mob)
Amalen the Forlorn (Aion Mob)
Amarunerk (Aion Mob)
Amethyst Caltrops (Aion Mob)
Amethyst Drake (Aion Mob)
Amethyst Drakie (Aion Mob)
Ampeis (Aion Mob)
Amus (Aion Mob)
Anaka (Aion Mob)
Ananta (Aion Mob)
Anasia (Aion Mob)
Ancient Caryatid (Aion Mob)
Ancient Djantkel (Aion Mob)
Ancient Elyos Spirit (Aion Mob)
Ancient Hero's Spirit (Aion Mob)
Ancient Warrior Umkata (Aion Mob)
Ando (Aion Mob)
Andraste (Aion Mob)
Andre (Aion Mob)
Androkles (Aion Mob)
Angreboda (Aion Mob)
Angry Kalgolem (Aion Mob)
Angry Karnif (Aion Mob)
Angry Mosbear (Aion Mob)
Angr (Aion Mob)
Angwin (Aion Mob)
Ankises (Aion Mob)
Annemari (Aion Mob)
Annju (Aion Mob)
Anobi (Aion Mob)
Anontrite (Aion Mob)
Anoramas (Aion Mob)
Anoramus (Aion Mob)
Antione (Aion Mob)
Anto (Aion Mob)
Anubite Vigilante (Aion Mob)
Anubite Warrior (Aion Mob)
Anund (Aion Mob)
Anusis (Aion Mob)
Aphesius (Aion Mob)
Aprily (Aion Mob)
Araison (Aion Mob)
Archelaos (Aion Mob)
Arcinia (Aion Mob)
Arekedil (Aion Mob)
Areke (Aion Mob)
Arita (Aion Mob)
Arlion (Aion Mob)
Arma Snuffler (Aion Mob)
Armed Tayga (Aion Mob)
Armored Sparkle (Aion Mob)
Armored Tayga (Aion Mob)
Armor Wing Sparkie (Aion Mob)
Armor Wing Sparkle (Aion Mob)
Arnesonerk (Aion Mob)
Aron (Aion Mob)
Arrogant Pecku (Aion Mob)
Asak (Aion Mob)
Asclepius (Aion Mob)
Asellus (Aion Mob)
Asharu (Aion Mob)
Ashikar Apprentice (Aion Mob)
Ashikar Churl (Aion Mob)
Ashikar Vanguard (Aion Mob)
Assassin (Aion Mob)
Assaulter (Aion Mob)
Assault Team Leader Gaku (Aion Mob)
Asteria Trico (Aion Mob)
Asteros (Aion Mob)
Atalante (Aion Mob)
Atera (Aion Mob)
Atropos (Aion Mob)
Atro (Aion Mob)
Aud (Aion Mob)
Aurelius (Aion Mob)
Aurnia (Aion Mob)
Auron (Aion Mob)
Aurtri (Aion Mob)
Axelion (Aion Mob)
Bab-el Madeb Flonpi (Aion Mob)
Babarunerk (Aion Mob)
Baby Agitated Sheluk (Aion Mob)
Baby Octaside (Aion Mob)
Bacorerk (Aion Mob)
Baevrunerk (Aion Mob)
Bakarma Agent (Aion Mob)
Bakarma Crusader (Aion Mob)
Bakarma Deathblade (Aion Mob)
Bakarma Fangsnare (Aion Mob)
Bakarma Grunt (Aion Mob)
Bakarma Petmaster (Aion Mob)
Bakarma Raider (Aion Mob)
Bakarma Vanguard (Aion Mob)
Balder (Aion Mob)
Balom (Aion Mob)
Banatisai (Aion Mob)
Barash (Aion Mob)
Baredo (Aion Mob)
Barosunerk (Aion Mob)
Barzon (Aion Mob)
Basileides (Aion Mob)
Baugi (Aion Mob)
Bearded Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Beautiful Galateia (Aion Mob)
Bejakra (Aion Mob)
Belbua (Aion Mob)
Bellia (Aion Mob)
Belpartan (Aion Mob)
Beramones (Aion Mob)
Bergard (Aion Mob)
Bergilla (Aion Mob)
Beris (Aion Mob)
Bern (Aion Mob)
Berone (Aion Mob)
Berus (Aion Mob)
Bestia (Aion Mob)
Betoni (Aion Mob)
Betrayer Icaronix (Aion Mob)
Bhagwaninerk (Aion Mob)
Bicorunerk (Aion Mob)
Bigfoot Mosbear (Aion Mob)
Bighorn Baku (Aion Mob)
Big Foot Kerub (Aion Mob)
Big Horn Granker (Aion Mob)
Big Wing Fangwing (Aion Mob)
Birgia (Aion Mob)
Blackbeak Airon (Aion Mob)
Blackened Angolem (Aion Mob)
Blackened Angolem Shardling (Aion Mob)
Blackfog Bloodwing (Aion Mob)
Blackheart Undarr (Aion Mob)
Blacktail Scolopen (Aion Mob)
Blacktooth Karnif (Aion Mob)
Blackwater Spirit (Aion Mob)
Black Arachna (Aion Mob)
Black Armor Kirrin (Aion Mob)
Black Branch Gnarl (Aion Mob)
Black Claw Elite Bodyguard (Aion Mob)
Black Claw Hunter (Aion Mob)
Black Claw Patrol (Aion Mob)
Black Claw Searcher (Aion Mob)
Black Claw Sentry (Aion Mob)
Black Claw Sharpeye (Aion Mob)
Black Claw Sleekpaw (AIon Mob)
Black Claw Veteran Warrior (Aion Mob)
Black Claw Warrior (Aion Mob)
Black Foot Karnif (Aion Mob)
Black Mane Keratos (Aion Mob)
Black Mask Spiner (Aion Mob)
Black Smoke Asparn (Aion Mob)
Black Spotted Clodworm (Aion Mob)
Black Tears Sequoel (Aion Mob)
Bladestorm Spirit (Aion Mob)
Blade Wind Spirit (Aion Mob)
Blaze Spirit (Aion Mob)
Blazing Obscura (Aion Mob)
Blind Keraton (Aion Mob)
Bloitinerk (Aion Mob)
Bloodfist Gargoyle (Aion Mob)
Blueback Karnif (Aion Mob)
Bluehide Monitor (Aion Mob)
Blue Crystal Molgat (Aion Mob)
Blue Jaw Monitor (Aion Mob)
Boburunerk (Aion Mob)
Bodyguard (Aion Mob)
Bolir (Aion Mob)
Bolverk (Aion Mob)
Boreas (Aion Mob)
Bored Ramnodase (Aion Mob)
Borender (Aion Mob)
Boromer (Aion Mob)
Borvo (Aion Mob)
Bossman Nukiti (Aion Mob)
Boss Cavil (Aion Mob)
Bowen (Aion Mob)
Bragi (Aion Mob)
Brantes (Aion Mob)
Brass-Eye Grogget (Aion Mob)
Briana (Aion Mob)
Bridget (Aion Mob)
Brigade General Hellion (Aion Mob)
Brirunyerk (Aion Mob)
Broad Kalgolem (Aion Mob)
Broken Rock Kalgolem (Aion Mob)
Broken Wing Kutisen (Aion Mob)
Bronze Garcikhan (Aion Mob)
Bronze Teeth Mosbear (Aion Mob)
Brook Starturtle (Aion Mob)
Brosia (Aion Mob)
Brownbeak Airon (Aion Mob)
Brownbristle Brax (Aion Mob)
Brown Bristle Brax Calf (Aion Mob)
Brutal Black Claw Searcher (Aion Mob)
Brutal Black Claw Stalker (Aion Mob)
Brutal Black Claw Tower Guard (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Bodyguard (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Dark Mage (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Grappler (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Medic (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Patroller (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Pawsoldier (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Priest (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Scratcher (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Stalker (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Summoner (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Tracker (Aion Mob)
Brutal Mist Mane Watcher (Aion Mob)
Bubu Kong (Aion Mob)
Bucktoothed Snuffler (Aion Mob)
Bulagan (Aion Mob)
Bulagin (Aion Mob)
Bulky Buffalid (Aion Mob)
Bulwark Jeshuchi (Aion Mob)
Burning Barghest (Aion Mob)
Burnished Sparkle (Aion Mob)
Burnt Branch Rotron (Aion Mob)
Burnt Zombie (Aion Mob)
Cabon (Aion Mob)
Cadoc (Aion Mob)
Calon (Aion Mob)
Calydon Assassin (Aion Mob)
Calydon Bandit (Aion Mob)
Calydon Chaser (Aion Mob)
Calydon Corsair (Aion Mob)
Calydon Fortuneteller (Aion Mob)
Calydon Mercenary (Aion Mob)
Calydon Shaman (Aion Mob)
Calydon Sorcerer (Aion Mob)
Camana (Aion Mob)
Canyon Griffon (Aion Mob)
Canyon Trico (Aion Mob)
Caochenrinerk (Aion Mob)
Captain Hinden (Aion Mob)
Captain Kinsgreen (Aion Mob)
Captain Subaku (Aion Mob)
Captured Elyos Prisoner (Aion Mob)
Carak Steeltooth (Aion Mob)
Carapace Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Carapace Kselliki (Aion Mob)
Carmen (Aion Mob)
Cartiros (Aion Mob)
Castor (Aion Mob)
Catid (Aion Mob)
Cavalorn (Aion Mob)
Celestine (Aion Mob)
Centurion Ikelus (Aion Mob)
Chagarinerk (Aion Mob)
Chaintail Scolopen (Aion Mob)
Chairman Garnis (Aion Mob)
Chalice Guard Denlavis (Aion Mob)
Chaokin (Aion Mob)
Chaomirk (Aion Mob)
Chaotic Temptress (Aion Mob)
Charites (Aion Mob)
Charna (Aion Mob)
Chaser Sheluk (Aion Mob)
Chauminerk (Aion Mob)
Cheorunerk (Aion Mob)
Chicorinerk (Aion Mob)
Chieftain Akagitan (Aion Mob)
Chieftain Chaikata (Aion Mob)
Chieftain Hapanunu (Aion Mob)
Chieftain Kumbaron (Aion Mob)
Chieftain Shaku (Aion Mob)
Chieftain Suroot (Aion Mob)
Chief Gunner Koakoa (Aion Mob)
Chief Mate Menekiki (Aion Mob)
Chillblow (Aion Mob)
Chiyorinrinerk (Aion Mob)
Chramati Firetail (Aion Mob)
Chrysaor (Aion Mob)
Citadel Blademaster (Aion Mob)
Citadel Fighter (Aion Mob)
Citadel Guard (Aion Mob)
Citadel Healer (Aion Mob)
Citadel Mage (Aion Mob)
Citadel Overseer (Aion Mob)
Citadel Patroller (Aion Mob)
Citadel Raider (Aion Mob)
Citadel Recondo (Aion Mob)
Citadel Sentry (Aion Mob)
Citadel Vaegir (Aion Mob)
Clever Mahiki (Aion Mob)
Clio (Aion Mob)
Coeus (Aion Mob)
Cold Cyclone Spirit (Aion Mob)
Cold Earth Spirit (Aion Mob)
Cold Storm Spirit (Aion Mob)
Cold Terra Spirit (Aion Mob)
Collector Memekin (Aion Mob)
Colossal Garcikhan (Aion Mob)
Columba (Aion Mob)
Combat Team Leader Orku (Aion Mob)
Comrade Sumarhon (Aion Mob)
Considerate Lagos (Aion Mob)
Contaminated Malodor (Aion Mob)
Contaminated Pluma (Aion Mob)
Contaminated Swamp Slime (Aion Mob)
Contaminated Terra Spirit (Aion Mob)
Contamintaed Sylphen (Aion Mob)
Contineo (Aion Mob)
Cornelius (Aion Mob)
Cracked Kalgolem (Aion Mob)
Cracked Nuhas (Aion Mob)
Cracktooth Ettin (Aion Mob)
Crack Kaidan Captain (Aion Mob)
Crack Kaidan Grappler (Aion Mob)
Crack Tursin Tracker (Aion Mob)
Crater Spirit (Aion Mob)
Crawling Clodworm (Aion Mob)
Crested Pluma (Aion Mob)
Crimsontail Pluma (Aion Mob)
Crimson Needle Amphis (Aion Mob)
Crios (Aion Mob)
Critin (Aion Mob)
Crizpinerk (Aion Mob)
Crookhorn Gorgon (Aion Mob)
Crouching Gargoyle (Aion Mob)
Cruel Tayga (Aion Mob)
Crusader (Aion Mob)
Crushed Soul (Aion Mob)
Cursed Ganges (Aion Mob)
Cursed Nagolem (Aion Mob)
Cursed Warrior Shade (Aion Mob)
Cute Ribbit (Aion Mob)
Cyclone Spirit (Aion Mob)
Cyst Baku (Aion Mob)
Dabi (Aion Mob)
Daerunerk (Aion Mob)
Daike (Aion Mob)
Daines (Aion Mob)
Dakaer Churl (Aion Mob)
Dakaer Grunt (Aion Mob)
Dakaer Medic (Aion Mob)
Dakaer Raider (Aion Mob)
Dalor (Aion Mob)
Daminu (Aion Mob)
Dania (Aion Mob)
Daraia (Aion Mob)
Darfen (Aion Mob)
Dark Bloodwing (Aion Mob)
Dark Lake Spirit (Aion Mob)
Daskair (Aion Mob)
Deadly Poison Drynac (Aion Mob)
Dead Body of Shugo Merchant (Aion Mob)
Deathbelcher Imud (Aion Mob)
Dedrun the Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Dellalont (Aion Mob)
Demodocos (Aion Mob)
Demokritos (Aion Mob)
Demro (Aion Mob)
Denarynt (Aion Mob)
Denma (Aion Mob)
Deputy Lamipedon (Aion Mob)
Deputy Lohan
Derot (Aion Mob)
Deryk (Aion Mob)
Desert Baku (Aion Mob)
Desert Crestlich (Aion Mob)
Desert Djantkel (Aion Mob)
Desert Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Desert Kselliki (Aion Mob)
Desert Scorpion (Aion Mob)
Desert Snuffler (Aion Mob)
Desert Spirit (Aion Mob)
Desert Warg (Aion Mob)
Desert Warg Cub (Aion Mob)
Devalin (Aion Mob)
Devourer Sheluk (Aion Mob)
Dewi (Aion Mob)
Deyla (Aion Mob)
Diana (Aion Mob)
Digging Kerub (Aion Mob)
Dimos (Aion Mob)
Diokuroi (Aion Mob)
Diomedes (Aion Mob)
Dionera (Aion Mob)
Dire Acheron Drake (Aion Mob)
Dirty Chindu (Aion Mob)
Discerner Werikiki (Aion Mob)
Disciple of Jeshuchi (Aion Mob)
Disciple of Zapiel (Aion Mob)
Disguised Germerk (Aion Mob)
Disturbed Resident (Aion Mob)
Divine Sea Spirit (Aion Mob)
Divine Shard
Dobar (Aion Mob)
Dokurunerk (Aion Mob)
Doman (Aion Mob)
Dorein (Aion Mob)
Draconute Vaegir (Aion Mob)
Drasia (Aion Mob)
Dried Gnarl (Aion Mob)
Drudgelord Kakiti (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Berserker (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Bruiser (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Champion (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Fighter (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Flagbearer (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Miner (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Patrol (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Peon (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Protector (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Searcher (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Thug (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Warrior (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Watcher (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Watchman (Aion Mob)
Dukaki Woodcutter (Aion Mob)
Duna (Aion Mob)
Dundun Farmer (Aion Mob)
Dundun Highsitter (Aion Mob)
Dundun Looklook (Aion Mob)
Dune Ampha (Aion Mob)
Dune Basilisk (Aion Mob)
Earth-shaking Moomba (Aion Mob)
Earth Spirit (Aion Mob)
Ebon Sorcerer Lich (Aion Mob)
Edoras (Aion Mob)
Eggther (Aion Mob)
Eiren (Aion Mob)
Ekseus (Aion Mob)
Elder Kaidan Soothsayer (Aion Mob)
Elder Kaidan Witchdoctor (Aion Mob)
Elgar (Aion Mob)
Eliana (Aion Mob)
Elite Mage (Aion Mob)
Elote (Aion Mob)
Elpas (Aion Mob)
Elram (Aion Mob)
Elroco (Aion Mob)
Embla (Aion Mob)
Emgata (Aion Mob)
Endyon (Aion Mob)
Engineer Lahulahu (Aion Mob)
Enia (Aion Mob)
Eninte (Aion Mob)
Enticing Temptress (Aion Mob)
Eracus Gargoyle (Aion Mob)
Eradis (Aion Mob)
Erato (Aion Mob)
Erdil (Aion Mob)
Erdos (Aion Mob)
Ernia (Aion Mob)
Erone (Aion Mob)
Esaias (Aion Mob)
Esclados (Aion Mob)
Esera (Aion Mob)
Estino (Aion Mob)
Eternal Soldier (Aion Mob)
Eternal Warrior (Aion Mob)
Etheral Windwisp (Aion Mob)
Ethereal Windwisp (Aion Mob)
Etun (Aion Mob)
Eumelos (Aion Mob)
Eunomia (Aion Mob)
Euripia (Aion Mob)
Euterpe (Aion Mob)
Everglade Sylphen (Aion Mob)
Evestina (Aion Mob)
Excelin (Aion Mob)
Exedil (Aion Mob)
Expelled Kaidan Warrior (Aion Mob)
Eyvindr Peon (Aion Mob)
Eyvindr Sailor (Aion Mob)
Fang Karnif (Aion Mob)
Fantail Crestlich (Aion Mob)
Fat Athos (Aion Mob)
Fauron (Aion Mob)
Favyr (Aion Mob)
Fearless Fungie (Aion Mob)
Feira (Aion Mob)
Feral Black Claw Hunter (Aion Mob)
Feral Black Claw Patrol (Aion Mob)
Feral Black Claw Sharpeye (Aion Mob)
Feral Black Claw Warrior (Aion Mob)
Ferenna (Aion Mob)
Ferocious Condor (Aion Mob)
Ferocious Griffon (Aion Mob)
Ferocious Tayga (Aion Mob)
Fertile Soil Spirit (Aion Mob)
Fertile Terra Spirit (Aion Mob)
Fetid Malodor (Aion Mob)
Fierce Daru (Aion Mob)
Fierce Drake (Aion Mob)
Fierce Gray Worg (Aion Mob)
Fierce Humpback Worg (Aion Mob)
Fierce Maeki (Aion Mob)
Fierce Mosbear (Aion Mob)
Fierce Rynoce (Aion Mob)
Fierce Sylphen (Aion Mob)
Fierce Tog (Aion Mob)
Fierce Waterworm (Aion Mob)
Fire-eating Barghest (Aion Mob)
Firefly Sparkie (Aion Mob)
First Silikor Guard (Aion Mob)
First Weapon Pahan (Aion Mob)
Fjorgin (Aion Mob)
Flame Barghest (Aion Mob)
Flame Branch Flavi (Aion Mob)
Flame Fungie (Aion Mob)
Flame Leaf Agrint (Aion Mob)
Flora (Aion Mob)
Florescent Hornskull (Aion Mob)
Footsoldier (Aion Mob)
Foraging Kurin (Aion Mob)
Forest Protector Noah (Aion Mob)
Forktail Sylphen (Aion Mob)
Fork Ear Rokes (Aion Mob)
Fourth Weapon Dorhan (Aion Mob)
Fragmented Icy Kalgolem (Aion Mob)
Frana (Aion Mob)
Freed Genie (Aion Mob)
Fregion (Aion Mob)
Freki (Aion Mob)
Freyja (Aion Mob)
Freyr (Aion Mob)
Frightcorn Monster (Aion Mob)
Frostfist (Aion Mob)
Frostmane Trico (Aion Mob)
Frostspirit Fighter (Aion Mob)
Frostspirit Healer (Aion Mob)
Frostspirit Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Frostspirit Shaman (Aion Mob)
Frost Crasaur (Aion Mob)
Frost Eye Ettin (Aion Mob)
Frost Slink (Aion Mob)
Frost Wind Spirit (Aion Mob)
Frozen Blobble (Aion Mob)
Frozen Harint (Aion Mob)
Fuchsia (Aion Mob)
Fugitive Scopind (Aion Mob)
Fulla - Asmodian (Aion Mob)
Fulla - Elyos (Aion Mob)
Fungen Boy Shroomy (Aion Mob)
Furiga (Aion Mob)
Gaamel (Aion Mob)
Gagrad (Aion Mob)
Gaia (Aion Mob)
Gaione (Aion Mob)
Gairos (Aion Mob)
Gaivolt (Aion Mob)
Galar (Aion Mob)
Gamedes (Aion Mob)
Gangleri (Aion Mob)
Ganimerk (Aion Mob)
Gano (Aion Mob)
Gaphyrk (Aion Mob)
Garkbinerk (Aion Mob)
Gark (Aion Mob)
Garm (Aion Mob)
Garnisian Spawn (Aion Mob)
Garrett (Aion Mob)
Garuntat (Aion Mob)
Garurunerk (Aion Mob)
Garuvagg (Aion Mob)
Gatekeeper (Aion Mob)
Gatekeeper Kirrin (Aion Mob)
Gaurinerk (Aion Mob)
Gefion (Aion Mob)
Gelkugin (Aion Mob)
Gellar (Aion Mob)
Gelundorf (Aion Mob)
Gemyu (Aion Mob)
Geolus (Aion Mob)
Gerania (Aion Mob)
Gercus (Aion Mob)
Germir (Aion Mob)
Gestanerk (Aion Mob)
Ghost of Oblivion (Aion Mob)
Giant Fan Mane Frillneck (Aion Mob)
Giant Rakeclaw Frillneck (Aion Mob)
Gigantic Mamut (Aion Mob)
Gigrite (Aion Mob)
Gilden (Aion Mob)
Gilungk (Aion Mob)
Girrinerk (Aion Mob)
Glaciont the Hardy (Aion Mob)
Glati (Aion Mob)
Glifko (Aion Mob)
Glittering Malekor (Aion Mob)
Gloomy Specter (Aion Mob)
Gnalin (Aion Mob)
Gogaerunerk (Aion Mob)
Gogirunerk (Aion Mob)
Gojira (Aion Mob)
Gojirunerk (Aion Mob)
Golden Eye Mantutu (Aion Mob)
Goldthorn Arachna (Aion Mob)
Gold Arachna (Aion Mob)
Gomurinerk (Aion Mob)
Gooey Sylphen (Aion Mob)
Gorgos (Aion Mob)
Gor (Aion Mob)
Gourd Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Govanon (Aion Mob)
Graa (Aion Mob)
Grabakr (Aion Mob)
Grain Snuffler (Aion Mob)
Grak (Aion Mob)
Grammati (Aion Mob)
Grand Chieftain Saendukal (Aion Mob)
Granite Gorgon (Aion Mob)
Grassland Rynoce (Aion Mob)
Graveknight Sellsword (Aion Mob)
Grave Robber Fighter (Aion Mob)
Grave Robber Sentry (Aion Mob)
Grave Robber Smuggler (Aion Mob)
Grave Robber Swordsman (Aion Mob)
Grave Sparkle (Aion Mob)
Gray Brax (Aion Mob)
Gray Mane Guard Fighter (Aion Mob)
Gray Mane Scratcher (Aion Mob)
Gray Mane Stalker (Aion Mob)
Gray Worg (Aion Mob)
Greenclaw Rotron (Aion Mob)
Green Ribbit (Aion Mob)
Griffonix (Aion Mob)
Grimhild (Aion Mob)
Groken (Aion Mob)
Grove Abex (Aion Mob)
Grove Malodor (Aion Mob)
Grove Pluma (Aion Mob)
Grove Sparkie (Aion Mob)
Grove Vespine (Aion Mob)
Grundt (Aion Mob)
Grupaks (Aion Mob)
Guanyerk (Aion Mob)
Guardian Vampire (Aion Mob)
Guheitun (Aion Mob)
Gulkalla (Aion Mob)
Gullveig (Aion Mob)
Gulux (Aion Mob)
Guneus (Aion Mob)
Gunghelm (Aion Mob)
Gunmarson (Aion Mob)
Gurkel the Ancient (Aion Mob)
Gurt (Aion Mob)
Guzzling Kurin (Aion Mob)
Gygaxunerk (Aion Mob)
Hagen (Aion Mob)
Haimon (Aion Mob)
Hakon (Aion Mob)
Halabana Ambusher (Aion Mob)
Halabana Fighter (Aion Mob)
Halabana Healer (Aion Mob)
Halabana Mage (Aion Mob)
Halabana Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Halabana Trooper (Aion Mob)
Hamerun the Bleeder (Aion Mob)
Hamerun the Leech (Aion Mob)
Hammerhoof (Aion Mob)
Hannet (Aion Mob)
Hannet (Aion Mob)
Hanontus (Aion Mob)
Hapenill (Aion Mob)
Harbarth (Aion Mob)
Harmone (Aion Mob)
Harumonerk (Aion Mob)
Hasyaditan (Aion Mob)
Head Chef Pamsey (Aion Mob)
Healer (Aion Mob)
Heather (Aion Mob)
Heerunerk (Aion Mob)
Heidunn (Aion Mob)
Heimdall (Aion Mob)
Hephe (Aion Mob)
Heropres (Aion Mob)
Hero Spirit (Aion Mob)
Herthia (Aion Mob)
Hestia (Aion Mob)
Hianu (Aion Mob)
Hibrion (Aion Mob)
Hideros (Aion Mob)
Hierni (Aion Mob)
Highland Sparkle (Aion Mob)
High Shaman Abija (Aion Mob)
Hikarunerk (Aion Mob)
Hild (Aion Mob)
Hill Sparkie (Aion Mob)
Himingleva (Aion Mob)
Himusus (Aion Mob)
Hippotades (Aion Mob)
Hissing Frillneck (Aion Mob)
Hisui (Aion Mob)
Hoarfrost Survivor (Aion Mob)
Hod (Aion Mob)
Honir (Aion Mob)
Hooked Sylphen (Aion Mob)
Hook Horn Keratos (Aion Mob)
Hook the One-Armed (Aion Mob)
Horned Tipolid (Aion Mob)
Horu (Aion Mob)
Hreidmar (Aion Mob)
Huarinrinerk (Aion Mob)
Huge Snowy Mosbear (Aion Mob)
Hulker (Aion Mob)
Hulking Ettin (Aion Mob)
Hulking Kurin (Aion Mob)
Hulking Pelleru (Aion Mob)
Humpback Worg (Aion Mob)
Hungry Mudthorn (Aion Mob)
Hungry Worg (Aion Mob)
Hunmir (Aion Mob)
Huron (Aion Mob)
Huvat (Aion Mob)
Hyacinte (Aion Mob)
Hygea (Aion Mob)
Hynops (Aion Mob)
Hypnus (Aion Mob)
Iandeus (Aion Mob)
Ibelia (Aion Mob)
Icaronix the Betrayer (Aion Mob)
Iceback (Aion Mob)
Iceghost Mage (Aion Mob)
Iceghost Priest (Aion Mob)
Iceghost Warrior (Aion Mob)
Ice Airon (Aion Mob)
Ice Claw Guard (Aion Mob)
Ice Crasaur (Aion Mob)
Ice Lake Pluma (Aion Mob)
Ice Slink (Aion Mob)
Ice Sparkie (Aion Mob)
Ice Tail Kirrin (Aion Mob)
Ice Waterworm (Aion Mob)
Icy Kalgolem (Aion Mob)
Idomeneus (Aion Mob)
Illos (Aion Mob)
Immortal Healer (Aion Mob)
Immortal Pluma (Aion Mob)
Immortal Soldier (Aion Mob)
Immortal Warrior (Aion Mob)
Impetusium Gargoyle (Aion Mob)
Imposing Crestlich (Aion Mob)
Injured Lepharist Fighter (Aion Mob)
Injured Lepharist Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Iorene (Aion Mob)
Ipoderr (Aion Mob)
Irian (Aion Mob)
Irlein (Aion Mob)
Iron-clad Wooden Box (Aion Mob)
Iron Armor Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Iron Explosive Mine (Aion Mob)
Iron Horn Gorgon (Aion Mob)
Isson (Aion Mob)
Itu (Aion Mob)
Ivis (Aion Mob)
Ixion (Aion Mob)
Jailer Ghost (Aion Mob)
Jakurerk (Aion Mob)
Japayerk (Aion Mob)
Jarumonerk (Aion Mob)
Jephani (Aion Mob)
Jeweled Kalgolem (Aion Mob)
Jielinirerk (Aion Mob)
Jikurunerk (Aion Mob)
Jolk (Aion Mob)
Jooma (Aion Mob)
Joreston (Aion Mob)
Jorund (Aion Mob)
Josnack (Aion Mob)
Jucleas (Aion Mob)
Jumentis (Aion Mob)
Jungle Vespine (Aion Mob)
Jurwen (Aion Mob)
Justachys (Aion Mob)
Juvenile Sparkie (Aion Mob)
Kacias (Aion Mob)
Kaganta (Aion Mob)
Kagas (Aion Mob)
Kagorinerk (Aion Mob)
Kaibech (Aion Mob)
Kaidan Assaulter (Aion Mob)
Kaidan Healer (Aion Mob)
Kaidan Scout (Aion Mob)
Kaidan Veteran Scout (Aion Mob)
Kaindal (Aion Mob)
Kairon (Aion Mob)
Kales (Aion Mob)
Kalgolem of Sorcery (Aion Mob)
Kalione (Aion Mob)
Kalio (Aion Mob)
Kalitan (Aion Mob)
Kalka (Aion Mob)
Kalsten (Aion Mob)
Kamer (Aion Mob)
Kamochinicherk (Aion Mob)
Kanensa (Aion Mob)
Kane (Aion Mob)
Karabe (Aion Mob)
Karanus (Aion Mob)
Karina (Aion Mob)
Karl (Aion Mob)
Karollin (Aion Mob)
Kasir (Aion Mob)
Katin (Aion Mob)
Kedomke the Drinker (Aion Mob)
Keindor (Aion Mob)
Kellan (Aion Mob)
Kentari Fighter (Aion Mob)
Kentari Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Kerubar Loot Grabber (Aion Mob)
Kerubar Worker (Aion Mob)
Kerubian Bandit (Aion Mob)
Kerubian Fighter (Aion Mob)
Kerubian Gatherer (Aion Mob)
Kerubian Hunter (Aion Mob)
Kerubian Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Kerubiel Fighter (Aion Mob)
Kerubiel Looter (Aion Mob)
Kerubiel Ringleader (Aion Mob)
Kerubiel Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Kerubim Worker (Aion Mob)
Kettar (Aion Mob)
Key Eater (Aion Mob)
Khidia (Aion Mob)
Khrudgelmir (Aion Mob)
Kierunerk (Aion Mob)
Kimela (Aion Mob)
Kimissi (Aion Mob)
Kimssi (Aion Mob)
King Consiered (Aion Mob)
King Zugog
Kinot (Aion Mob)
Kinterun (Aion Mob)
Kirca (Aion Mob)
Kirhen (Aion Mob)
Kirrin Scout (Aion Mob)
Kisment (Aion Mob)
Kistenian (Aion Mob)
Kistig (Aion Mob)
Klaus (Aion Mob)
Klaw Defender (Aion Mob)
Klaw Gatherer (Aion Mob)
Klaw Patrol (Aion Mob)
Klaw Peon (Aion Mob)
Klaw Scouter (Aion Mob)
Klaw Seeker (Aion Mob)
Klaw Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Klaw Sentry (Aion Mob)
Klaw Soldier (Aion Mob)
Klaw Spawner (Aion Mob)
Klaw Spy (Aion Mob)
Klaw Worker (Aion Mob)
Kleio (Aion Mob)
Klotho (Aion Mob)
Kobold Cook (Aion Mob)
Kobold Worker (Aion Mob)
Kohrunerk (Aion Mob)
Komu Silverclaw (Aion Mob)
Koreumtor (Aion Mob)
Koruchinerk (Aion Mob)
Korumonerk (Aion Mob)
Koryak (Aion Mob)
Krato (Aion Mob)
Kravis (Aion Mob)
Kroia (Aion Mob)
Kromede the Corrupt (Aion Mob)
Krotan Klaw Bodyguard (Aion Mob)
Krotan Klaw Fighter (Aion Mob)
Krotan Klaw Looker (Aion Mob)
Krotan Klaw Searcher (Aion Mob)
Krotan Klaw Seeker (Aion Mob)
Kuenunerk (Aion Mob)
Kumonga (Aion Mob)
Kunandes (Aion Mob)
Kunberunerk (Aion Mob)
Kuninasha (Aion Mob)
Kuobe (Aion Mob)
Kuriuta (Aion Mob)
Kuruminerk (Aion Mob)
Kushar (Aion Mob)
Kustanon (Aion Mob)
Kvasir (Aion Mob)
Kypros (Aion Mob)
Laborer (Aion Mob)
Lab Researcher (Aion Mob)
Lachesis (Aion Mob)
Ladacus (Aion Mob)
Ladamantrun (Aion Mob)
Ladon (Aion Mob)
Lady Angerr (Aion Mob)
Laggard Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Laigas (Aion Mob)
Lainita (Aion Mob)
Lakaias (Aion Mob)
Lake Braxie (Aion Mob)
Lake Brax (Aion Mob)
Lake Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Lake Spirit (Aion Mob)
Lake Waterworm (Aion Mob)
Laksyatil (Aion Mob)
Lakurunerk (Aion Mob)
Lakutu (Aion Mob)
Lamega (Aion Mob)
Lamir (Aion Mob)
Lano (Aion Mob)
Lanse (Aion Mob)
Laokones (Aion Mob)
Lapion (Aion Mob)
Larail (Aion Mob)
Largimark the Smoker (Aion Mob)
Lark (Aion Mob)
Laskis (Aion Mob)
Lateni (Aion Mob)
Latri (Aion Mob)
Laufey (Aion Mob)
Lava Barghest (Aion Mob)
Lava Basilisk (Aion Mob)
Lava Gatneri (Aion Mob)
Lavrintos (Aion Mob)
Leaf Pluma (Aion Mob)
Leah (Aion Mob)
Leanor (Aion Mob)
Leban (Aion Mob)
Legionary (Aion Mob)
Lemia (Aion Mob)
Leone (Aion Mob)
Lepios (Aion Mob)
Lethe (Aion Mob)
Letia (Aion Mob)
Leto (Aion Mob)
Letum (Aion Mob)
Lewin (Aion Mob)
Lidorasa (Aion Mob)
Lidun (Aion Mob)
Lif (Aion Mob)
Lightningfoot Tuka (Aion Mob)
Lightning Horn Drul (Aion Mob)
Lindhelm (Aion Mob)
Linevir (Aion Mob)
Liske (Aion Mob)
Liuk (Aion Mob)
Liurerk (Aion Mob)
Livius (Aion Mob)
Liyterses (Aion Mob)
Lodas (Aion Mob)
Logi (Aion Mob)
Lohaban (Aion Mob)
Loki (Aion Mob)
Loktania (Aion Mob)
Lomulias (Aion Mob)
Long-armed Trollkin (Aion Mob)
Long-Legged Octaside (Aion Mob)
Long-tusked Rynoce (Aion Mob)
Longnosed Snuffler (Aion Mob)
Long Nose Snuffler (Aion Mob)
Long Tongue Puror (Aion Mob)
Lorando (Aion Mob)
Loriniah (Aion Mob)
Lostes (Aion Mob)
Loyaad (Aion Mob)
Ludina (Aion Mob)
Luelas (Aion Mob)
Lugbug (Aion Mob)
Lug (Aion Mob)
Luimerk (Aion Mob)
Luke (Aion Mob)
Lumbering Agrint (Aion Mob)
Lunax (Aion Mob)
Lurker Gargoyle (Aion Mob)
Luurinerk (Aion Mob)
Lycian (Aion Mob)
Lyeanenerk (Aion Mob)
Lyfjaberga (Aion Mob)
Mabangtah (Aion Mob)
Mabrunerk (Aion Mob)
Machaon (Aion Mob)
Macus (Aion Mob)
Madame Bovariki (Aion Mob)
Mael (Aion Mob)
Magical Malekor (Aion Mob)
Magma Spirit (Aion Mob)
Magni (Aion Mob)
Magnus (Aion Mob)
Maias (Aion Mob)
Mairon (Aion Mob)
Major Gennaion (Aion Mob)
Makarion (Aion Mob)
Makidna (Aion Mob)
Malak (Aion Mob)
Malek Drakie (Aion Mob)
Malonimus (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Fighter (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Flagger (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Peon (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Veteran Patrol (Aion Mob)
Mamaki Warrior (Aion Mob)
Manduri Fighter (Aion Mob)
Manduri Gatherer (Aion Mob)
Manduri Hunter (Aion Mob)
Manduri Looter (Aion Mob)
Maned Basilisk (Aion Mob)
Maniparas (Aion Mob)
Manir (Aion Mob)
Mani (Aion Mob)
Manos (Aion Mob)
Mantigar (Aion Mob)
Maphrodi (Aion Mob)
Mapirerk (Aion Mob)
Marana (Aion Mob)
Marmeia (Aion Mob)
Marra (Aion Mob)
Marshland Mudthorn (Aion Mob)
Masto the Ancient (Aion Mob)
Mau Shaman (Aion Mob)
Maxeldor (Aion Mob)
Mean Ettin (Aion Mob)
Medea (Aion Mob)
Medeus the Vile (Aion Mob)
Meek Crestlich (Aion Mob)
Megin (Aion Mob)
Meiyer (Aion Mob)
Melampus (Aion Mob)
Melginie (Aion Mob)
Melleas (Aion Mob)
Melpomene (Aion Mob)
Melponeh (Aion Mob)
Memnes (Aion Mob)
Mempion (Aion Mob)
Menaxia (Aion Mob)
Menelohis (Aion Mob)
Mersephon (Aion Mob)
Metea (Aion Mob)
Meteina (Aion Mob)
Meteria (Aion Mob)
Methu (Aion Mob)
Michalis (Aion Mob)
Midas (Aion Mob)
Midheim (Aion Mob)
Midori (Aion Mob)
Mijou (Aion Mob)
Mikarinerk (Aion Mob)
Mikero (Aion Mob)
Mikurunrunerk (Aion Mob)
Mileno (Aion Mob)
Minalinerk (Aion Mob)
Mine Drudge (Aion Mob)
Mine Fencer (Aion Mob)
Mine Fighter (Aion Mob)
Mine Lookout (Aion Mob)
Mine Outrider (Aion Mob)
Mine Overseer (Aion Mob)
Mine Peon (Aion Mob)
Minusha's Spirit (Aion Mob)
Minu (Aion Mob)
Miobera (Aion Mob)
Miraju Gargoyle (Aion Mob)
Mirborante (Aion Mob)
Mires (Aion Mob)
Miriya (Aion Mob)
Mirka (Aion Mob)
Mirmak (Aion Mob)
Mirrorglass Waterworm (Aion Mob)
Mist (Aion Mob)
Mist Spirit (Aion Mob)
Modgud (Aion Mob)
Mokkurkalfi (Aion Mob)
Molota (Aion Mob)
Momorinrinerk (Aion Mob)
Moofrenerk (Aion Mob)
Moorilerk (Aion Mob)
Morn (Aion Mob)
Moss Spirit (Aion Mob)
Motgar (Aion Mob)
Mothir (Aion Mob)
Mottled basilisk (Aion Mob)
Mountain Abex (Aion Mob)
Mud Potcrab (Aion Mob)
Mud Ribbit (Aion Mob)
MuMu Bon (Aion Mob)
MuMu Farmer (Aion Mob)
MuMu Gatherer (Aion Mob)
MuMu Herb Gatherer (Aion Mob)
MuMu Highsitter (Aion Mob)
MuMu Looklook (Aion Mob)
MuMu Mechanic (Aion Mob)
MuMu Patrol (Aion Mob)
Mumu Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Mumu Sentry (Aion Mob)
MuMu Worker (Aion Mob)
Mune (Aion Mob)
Munin (Aion Mob)
Munmun Brave (Aion Mob)
Munmun Gatherer (Aion Mob)
Munmun Lookout (Aion Mob)
Muorinerk (Aion Mob)
Muranes (Aion Mob)
Mutated Caltrops (Aion Mob)
Mysteris (Aion Mob)
Mystic Kaidan Greatlama (Aion Mob)
Nabaru (Aion Mob)
Nagel (Aion Mob)
Nagrunerk (Aion Mob)
Naia (Aion Mob)
Nalto (Aion Mob)
Namarinerk (Aion Mob)
Namus (Aion Mob)
Nanuz (Aion Mob)
Nargatal (Aion Mob)
Nasuri (Aion Mob)
Naughty Pocaching (Aion Mob)
Needletail Karnif (Aion Mob)
Needle Thorn Keratos (Aion Mob)
Negi (Aion Mob)
Neifenmer (Aion Mob)
Neior (Aion Mob)
Neisthea (Aion Mob)
Nekorunerk (Aion Mob)
Nemnef (Aion Mob)
Neparinerk (Aion Mob)
Nereus (Aion Mob)
Nerhel (Aion Mob)
Nerison (Aion Mob)
Nerita (Aion Mob)
Nestor (Aion Mob)
Nimble Aracha (Aion Mob)
Nimble Arachnaling (Aion Mob)
Nimble Aramis (Aion Mob)
Nimble Maeki
Nina (Aion Mob)
Ninis (Aion Mob)
Nobekk (Aion Mob)
Nokir (Aion Mob)
Nola (Aion Mob)
Nomed (Aion Mob)
Noridia (Aion Mob)
Nornes (Aion Mob)
Noroia (Aion Mob)
Nott (Aion Mob)
Novan (Aion Mob)
Nukurinerk (Aion Mob)
Observing Oculazen (Aion Mob)
Obsidian Kirrin (Aion Mob)
Obsidian Spiner (Aion Mob)
Obstinate Abex (Aion Mob)
Ocho (Aion Mob)
Octanu's First Spawn (Aion Mob)
Octanu's Second Spawn (Aion Mob)
Octaside (Aion Mob)
Odium Golem (Aion Mob)
Okonus (Aion Mob)
Olenja (Aion Mob)
Ondanius (Aion Mob)
One-day Sparkie (Aion Mob)
Onesimus (Aion Mob)
Ophelos (Aion Mob)
Orashunerk (Aion Mob)
Ordais (Aion Mob)
Orissan (Aion Mob)
Orphe (Aion Mob)
Osmar (Aion Mob)
Osvi (Aion Mob)
Otis (Aion Mob)
Oz (Aion Mob)
Padinerk (Aion Mob)
Paeru (Aion Mob)
Paksigue (Aion Mob)
Paku the Middle (Aion Mob)
Pale Worg (Aion Mob)
Pale Zombie (Aion Mob)
Panaita (Aion Mob)
Paruru Slowlegs (Aion Mob)
Pecku (Aion Mob)
Peder (Aion Mob)
Pelasgus (Aion Mob)
Peon (Aion Mob)
Peperinrinerk (Aion Mob)
Perento (Aion Mob)
Perikles (Aion Mob)
Perinens (Aion Mob)
Pernos (Aion Mob)
Peroniad (Aion Mob)
Phogus (Aion Mob)
Phomona (Aion Mob)
Phosphor (Aion Mob)
Phuthollo (Aion Mob)
Phyper (Aion Mob)
Piera (Aion Mob)
Piercing Vespine (Aion Mob)
Pincerhead Sparkle (Aion Mob)
Pink Beak Airon (Aion Mob)
Piros (Aion Mob)
Plains Vespine (Aion Mob)
Poa (Aion Mob)
Pobina (Aion Mob)
Pobinerk (Aion Mob)
Pointed Starcrab (Aion Mob)
Pointed Tongue Baku (Aion Mob)
Poisonous Bubblegut (Aion Mob)
Poisonsac Ampha (Aion Mob)
Poison Arachna (Aion Mob)
Poison Wing Vespine (Aion Mob)
Polinia (Aion Mob)
Polyidus (Aion Mob)
Pompo (Aion Mob)
Poporinerk (Aion Mob)
Poppy (Aion Mob)
Porgus (Aion Mob)
Port Caryatid (Aion Mob)
Pranoa (Aion Mob)
Pretor Chaser (Aion Mob)
Pretor Key Keeper (Aion Mob)
Pretor Looter (Aion Mob)
Pretor Scout (Aion Mob)
Pretor Searcher (Aion Mob)
Priamos (Aion Mob)
Prokopios (Aion Mob)
Prorite (Aion Mob)
Protesias (Aion Mob)
Pulo (Aion Mob)
Pumpkin Wing Vespine (Aion Mob)
Purra (Aion Mob)
Qooqoo (Aion Mob)
Quartz Tail Kirrin (Aion Mob)
Queen Klint (Aion Mob)
Queen Mahisha (Aion Mob)
Queen Vespine (Aion Mob)
Quintus (Aion Mob)
Qydro (Aion Mob)
Rabinerk (Aion Mob)
Rae (Aion Mob)
Raging Obscura (Aion Mob)
Rahelio (Aion Mob)
Raid Team Leader Maku (Aion Mob)
Rainbow Laupede (Aion Mob)
Rainbow Slime (Aion Mob)
Rakeclaw Frillneck (Aion Mob)
Rakelaw Slink (Aion Mob)
Ramorunerk (Aion Mob)
Rance (Aion Mob)
Randet (Aion Mob)
Raninerk (Aion Mob)
Rattletail Scolopen (Aion Mob)
Raukus (Aion Mob)
Ravenous Bloodwing (Aion Mob)
Reckless Kures (Aion Mob)
Redclaw Frillneck (Aion Mob)
Redthroat Crestlich (Aion Mob)
Red Scale Basilisk (Aion Mob)
Red Spotted Basilisk (Aion Mob)
Red Thorn Monitor (Aion Mob)
Regmos (Aion Mob)
Relic Caryatid (Aion Mob)
Relir (Aion Mob)
Rentia (Aion Mob)
Rerua (Aion Mob)
Research Group Fighter (Aion Mob)
Research Group Raider (Aion Mob)
Resha (Aion Mob)
Rexius (Aion Mob)
Reyrinirerk (Aion Mob)
Rikesh (Aion Mob)
Riley (Aion Mob)
Rinos (Aion Mob)
Rion (Aion Mob)
RM-114c (Aion Mob)
RM-78c (Aion Mob)
Roaring Karnif (Aion Mob)
Roaring Monitor (Aion Mob)
Rocky Back Tipolid (Aion Mob)
Rocky Mountain Behemoth (Aion Mob)
Roina (Aion Mob)
Roseino (Aion Mob)
Rotenan (Aion Mob)
Rotten Branch Gnarl (Aion Mob)
Roya (Aion Mob)
Rubelik (Aion Mob)
Ruby Keraton
Ruined Soil Spirit (Aion Mob)
Rumolt (Aion Mob)
Runty Porthos (Aion Mob)
Rusiridite (Aion Mob)
Rustscale Crynac (Aion Mob)
Rusty Threehands (Aion Mob)
Ruthless Fangwing (Aion Mob)
Ruthless Mosbear (Aion Mob)
Ruthless Worg (Aion Mob)
Sabotes (Aion Mob)
Sadena (Aion Mob)
Sakmis (Aion Mob)
Saltongue Snuffler (Aion Mob)
Salt Fin Cellatu (Aion Mob)
Sanctified Malekor (Aion Mob)
Sandbank Waterworm (Aion Mob)
Sandinas (Aion Mob)
Sandstone Kalgolem (Aion Mob)
Sand Spirit (Aion Mob)
Sangetal (Aion Mob)
Sapling Rotron (Aion Mob)
Sarantus (Aion Mob)
Sarinerk (Aion Mob)
Sartemon the Insane (Aion Mob)
Sarurinrinerk (Aion Mob)
Savvy Daru (Aion Mob)
Sawteeth Frillneck (Aion Mob)
Sawteeth Jaw Sparkle (Aion Mob)
Scar (Aion Mob)
Scoda (Aion Mob)
Scoop Tail Tipolid (Aion Mob)
Scout Bladesman (Aion Mob)
Scout Fighter (Aion Mob)
Scout Vaegir (Aion Mob)
Seal Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Searcher Tayga (Aion Mob)
Sea Starturtle (Aion Mob)
Second Silikor Guard (Aion Mob)
Second Weapon Norhan (Aion Mob)
Securis (Aion Mob)
Seirenia (Aion Mob)
Seku the Youngest (Aion Mob)
Selene (Aion Mob)
Selesti (Aion Mob)
Senea (Aion Mob)
Senir (Aion Mob)
Sentinel's Eye (Aion Mob)
Sentinel Leader Gattban (Aion Mob)
Serdy (Aion Mob)
Seril (Aion Mob)
Seriphim (Aion Mob)
Servillia (Aion Mob)
Shade Fungen (Aion Mob)
Shade Octaside (Aion Mob)
Shadow Vivel (Aion Mob)
Shaman (Aion Mob)
Shaman Spirit (Aion Mob)
Shania (Aion Mob)
Shaoranyerk (Aion Mob)
Shaorunerk (Aion Mob)
Sharphorn Starcrab (Aion Mob)
Shel Snuffler (Aion Mob)
Sheofin (Aion Mob)
Shining Malekor (Aion Mob)
Shipwrecked Crewmember (Aion Mob)
Shipwreck Deck Hand (Aion Mob)
Shoranarerk (Aion Mob)
Shortbristle Bellepig (Aion Mob)
Shroomba (Aion Mob)
Shroomin (Aion Mob)
Shumerurk (Aion Mob)
Sidrunerk (Aion Mob)
Siegfried (Aion Mob)
Sif (Aion Mob)
Sigyn (Aion Mob)
Silikor of Memory (Aion Mob)
Silke (Aion Mob)
Silk Hair Arachna (Aion Mob)
Sillen (Aion Mob)
Silver Blade Rotan (Aion Mob)
Silver Frillneck (Aion Mob)
Silver Granker (Aion Mob)
Silver Granker Fawn (Aion Mob)
Simunai (Aion Mob)
Sinis the Black Widow (Aion Mob)
Sinjah (Aion Mob)
Sinood (Aion Mob)
Sirink (Aion Mob)
Sisandra (Aion Mob)
Skanin (Aion Mob)
Skataon (Aion Mob)
Skatoan (Aion Mob)
Skuld (Aion Mob)
Skurv Tracer (Aion Mob)
Skurv Warrior (Aion Mob)
Sku the Eldest (Aion Mob)
Sleeping Elder (Aion Mob)
Sleipnir (Aion Mob)
Sluggish Zombie (Aion Mob)
Smallfoot Kerub (Aion Mob)
Small Foot Kerub (Aion Mob)
Small Horn Kerub (Aion Mob)
Smootinerk (Aion Mob)
Smouldering Blaze Spirit (Aion Mob)
Snapped Branch Gnarl (Aion Mob)
Snapping Potcrab (Aion Mob)
Snapping Spiner (Aion Mob)
Sneering Boggart (Aion Mob)
Snowfury (Aion Mob)
Snowfur (Aion Mob)
Snowy Brax (Aion Mob)
Snowy Crasaur (Aion Mob)
Snowy Ettin (Aion Mob)
Snowy Kurin (Aion Mob)
Snowy Mamootie (Aion Mob)
Snowy Mamut (Aion Mob)
Snowy Mosbear (Aion Mob)
Snowy Rynoce (Aion Mob)
Snowy Tayga (Aion Mob)
Snow Snuffler (Aion Mob)
Snow Storm Spirit (Aion Mob)
Sogrim (Aion Mob)
Sohonerk (Aion Mob)
Soil Spirit (Aion Mob)
Soldier (Aion Mob)
Sonirim (Aion Mob)
Sora (Aion Mob)
Sorcerer Spirit (Aion Mob)
Sorgrim (Aion Mob)
Spatalos (Aion Mob)
Speartail Skyray (Aion Mob)
Special Delivery (Aion Mob)
Spectral Soldier (Aion Mob)
Speedy (Aion Mob)
Spina (Aion Mob)
Spinegut Cellatu (Aion Mob)
Spiral Lobnite (Aion Mob)
Spiritchaser Parunru (Aion Mob)
Spiros (Aion Mob)
Splash Spirit (Aion Mob)
Splendid Crestlich (Aion Mob)
Spriggan Fighter (Aion Mob)
Spriggan Gatherer (Aion Mob)
Spriggan Looter (Aion Mob)
Spriggle Bundler (Aion Mob)
Spriggle Gatherer (Aion Mob)
Spriggle Hunter (Aion Mob)
Spriggle Raider (Aion Mob)
Spriggle Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Spriggle Warden (Aion Mob)
Sprigg Outlaw (Aion Mob)
Sprigg Sentry (Aion Mob)
Sprigg Worker (Aion Mob)
Sprigg Worker Supervisor (Aion Mob)
Springwater Spirit (Aion Mob)
Spring Water Spirit (Aion Mob)
Spy (Aion Mob)
Squzeu Ironfist (Aion Mob)
Squzii Ironfist (Aion Mob)
Starved Maeki (Aion Mob)
Starved Mosbear (Aion Mob)
Starved Vampire (Aion Mob)
Starving Worg (Aion Mob)
Star Metal Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Statue of Urgasch (Aion Mob)
Steel Beak Griffon (Aion Mob)
Steel Beak Griffo (Aion Mob)
Steel Rake Dark Mage (Aion Mob)
Steel Rake Deadeye (Aion Mob)
Steel Rake Deck Hand (Aion Mob)
Steel Rake Fencer (Aion Mob)
Steel Rake Sailor (Aion Mob)
Steel Rake Watcher (Aion Mob)
Sticky Sulfur Worm (Aion Mob)
Stinking Zombie (Aion Mob)
Stinky Clodworm (Aion Mob)
Stonescale Kselliki (Aion Mob)
Stoneshell Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Stoneshell Kselliki (Aion Mob)
Stoneskin Stoffu (Aion Mob)
Stoneskull Monitor (Aion Mob)
Stone (Aion Mob)
Stone Scale Ksellid (Aion Mob)
Stone Scale Kselliki (Aion Mob)
Strange Lake Spirit (Aion Mob)
Striped Basilisk (Aion Mob)
Striped Gumi (Aion Mob)
Striped Kerub (Aion Mob)
Striped Maeki (Aion Mob)
Strong Tipolid (Aion Mob)
Sturdy Bubukin (Aion Mob)
Sulates (Aion Mob)
Sulfur Oculazen (Aion Mob)
Sulfur Worm (Aion Mob)
Sulphur Slime (Aion Mob)
Summoned Sartemon (Aion Mob)
Summoner Klacha (Aion Mob)
Sunset Sylphen (Aion Mob)
Supervisor Duaguru (Aion Mob)
Supervisor Numonerk (Aion Mob)
Supervisor Yotunmork (Aion Mob)
Suspicious Box (Aion Mob)
Suthran (Aion Mob)
Svafnir (Aion Mob)
Sveinn (Aion Mob)
Svera (Aion Mob)
Swamp Malodor (Aion Mob)
Swamp Mosbear (Aion Mob)
Swamp Mosbear Cub (Aion Mob)
Swamp Mudthorn (Aion Mob)
Swamp Pluma (Aion Mob)
Swamp Ribbit (Aion Mob)
Swamp Slime (Aion Mob)
Swamp Slink (Aion Mob)
Swamp Starturtle (Aion Mob)
Sweeper Nunukin (Aion Mob)
Swordsman Grave Robber (Aion Mob)
Synthesis Researcher (Aion Mob)
Tabrinerk (Aion Mob)
Taera (Aion Mob)
Tafi (Aion Mob)
Taisan (Aion Mob)
Takun the Terrible (Aion Mob)
Talos (Aion Mob)
Tamed Tayga (Aion Mob)
Tanmarn (Aion Mob)
Taora (Aion Mob)
Tartagan (Aion Mob)
Technician Binukin (Aion Mob)
Tegis (Aion Mob)
Tekor (Aion Mob)
Telamone (Aion Mob)
Telemachus (Aion Mob)
Telemos (Aion Mob)
Telmenu (Aion Mob)
Teminon Coin Fountain (Aion Mob)
Temoji (Aion Mob)
Tempest Spirit (Aion Mob)
Ten-day Sparkle (Aion Mob)
Tentacled Lobnite (Aion Mob)
Teora (Aion Mob)
Teos (Aion Mob)
Terba (Aion Mob)
Terentius (Aion Mob)
Test Subject Moonflower (Aion Mob)
Test Subject Slime (Aion Mob)
Test Subject Zombie (Aion Mob)
Test Water Spirit Undine (Aion Mob)
Themis (Aion Mob)
Theon (Aion Mob)
Therf (Aion Mob)
Thersites (Aion Mob)
The Curser's Spirit (Aion Mob)
The Everwatcher (Aion Mob)
Thialfi (Aion Mob)
Thief (Aion Mob)
Third Weapon Lezahan (Aion Mob)
Thorntail Scolopen (Aion Mob)
Thorn Clodworm (Aion Mob)
Thorn Leaf Dionae (Aion Mob)
Thor (Aion Mob)
Thrasymedes (Aion Mob)
Three-day Sparkie (Aion Mob)
Thrud (Aion Mob)
Thurnberg (Aion Mob)
Tigg (Aion Mob)
Tigric Fighter (Aion Mob)
Tigric Looter (Aion Mob)
Tigric Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Tiny Black Arachna (Aion Mob)
Tiny Gold Arachna (Aion Mob)
Tirratirra (Aion Mob)
Titania (Aion Mob)
Titanium Protector (Aion Mob)
Tobu (Aion Mob)
Tofa (Aion Mob)
Tolemos (Aion Mob)
Tonar (Aion Mob)
Topher McGraws Ghost (Aion Mob)
Top Shell Lobnite (Aion Mob)
Torch Spirit Iprita (Aion Mob)
Tough Sipus (Aion Mob)
Toxic Ribbit (Aion Mob)
Toxic Thorny Ampha (Aion Mob)
Trainee Scout (Aion Mob)
Trajanus (Aion Mob)
Trandila (Aion Mob)
Tran (Aion Mob)
Traufnir (Aion Mob)
Treasure Box (Aion Mob)
Trillian (Aion Mob)
Triminos (Aion Mob)
Tripeed Monster (Aion Mob)
Trollkin Thief (Aion Mob)
Troll Bandit (Aion Mob)
Troll Brawler (Aion Mob)
Troll Looter (Aion Mob)
Troll Outlaw (Aion Mob)
Trooper (Aion Mob)
Troublesome Ettin (Aion Mob)
Trou (Aion Mob)
Tufted Ettin (Aion Mob)
Tula (Aion Mob)
Tulberg (Aion Mob)
Tumblusen (Aion Mob)
Tunotos (Aion Mob)
Turiel (Aion Mob)
Tursin Big Boss (Aion Mob)
Tursin Elite Sentry (Aion Mob)
Tursin Loudmouth Boss (Aion Mob)
Tursin Loudmouth Chief (Aion Mob)
Tursin Outlaw (Aion Mob)
Tursin Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Tursin Sentry Captain (Aion Mob)
Tursin Veteran Commander (Aion Mob)
Tursin Veteran Scout (Aion Mob)
Tursin Veteran Sentinel Leader (Aion Mob)
Tursin Veteran Shaman (Aion Mob)
Twiggy Gnarl (Aion Mob)
Typhon (Aion Mob)
Tyr (Aion Mob)
Uikinerk (Aion Mob)
Ulaguru (Aion Mob)
Ulan (Aion Mob)
Ulgorn (Aion Mob)
Ulsaruk (Aion Mob)
Ulut (Aion Mob)
Umkata the Restless (Aion Mob)
Undead Laborer (Aion Mob)
Undead Peon (Aion Mob)
Undead Sharecropper (Aion Mob)
Undin (Aion Mob)
Une (Aion Mob)
Unfest Berserker (Aion Mob)
Unfest Sentinel (Aion Mob)
Ungfu (Aion Mob)
Uno (Aion Mob)
Unstable Triroan (Aion Mob)
Urd (Aion Mob)
Urnir (Aion Mob)
Usener (Aion Mob)
Utgar (Aion Mob)
Vaegir (Aion Mob)
Valendir (Aion Mob)
Valentius (Aion Mob)
Valerius (Aion Mob)
Vali (Aion Mob)
Valley Ribbit (Aion Mob)
Valurion (Aion Mob)
Vanar (Aion Mob)
Vandarnt (Aion Mob)
Vandar (Aion Mob)
Varna (Aion Mob)
Varya (Aion Mob)
Vascus (Aion Mob)
Vatonia (Aion Mob)
Venemous Octaside (Aion Mob)
Vengeful Ghost (Aion Mob)
Verdandi (Aion Mob)
Vergelmir (Aion Mob)
Veteran Dux (Aion Mob)
Veteran Klaw Guard (Aion Mob)
Veteran Klaw Patroller (Aion Mob)
Veteran MuMu Looklook (Aion Mob)
Veteran MuMu Lookout (Aion Mob)
Veteran Smackstopper (Aion Mob)
Veteran Tursin Cracker (Aion Mob)
Veteran Tursin Loudmouth (Aion Mob)
Ve (Aion Mob)
Vice Chairman (Aion Mob)
Vicious Specter (Aion Mob)
Vicious Spectre (Aion Mob)
Vidar (Aion Mob)
Vidohunir (Aion Mob)
Viel (Aion Mob)
Vigbir (Aion Mob)
Vile Judge Kromede (Aion Mob)
Vindachinerk (Aion Mob)
Violent Frillneck (Aion Mob)
Violent Worg (Aion Mob)
Violent Wriggot (Aion Mob)
Virago Looter (Aion Mob)
Virago Poacher (Aion Mob)
Virago Scout (Aion Mob)
Virago Shaman (Aion Mob)
Virago Trapper (Aion Mob)
Virago Warrior (Aion Mob)
Virashak (Aion Mob)
Virdi (Aion Mob)
Viscum (Aion Mob)
Vitalia (Aion Mob)
Vivi (Aion Mob)
Voluptes (Aion Mob)
Votan (Aion Mob)
Vovetirn (Aion Mob)
Vrenseti (Aion Mob)
Vulcanus (Aion Mob)
Wailing Banshee (Aion Mob)
Wailing Tayga (Aion Mob)
Wanderer Sprigg (Aion Mob)
Wandering Kerub (Aion Mob)
Wanted Fork Ear Rokes (Aion Mob)
Wanted Malicious Sinis (Aion Mob)
Warden Tantaka (Aion Mob)
Warrior Spirit (Aion Mob)
Wasp Vespine (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Ampha (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Basilisk (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Drake (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Draky (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Hornskull (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Hydroampha (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Kurin (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Spiner (Aion Mob)
Wasteland Tipolid (Aion Mob)
Watcher Zapiel (Aion Mob)
Watch Archmage (Aion Mob)
Watch Bodyguard (Aion Mob)
Watch Deathblade (Aion Mob)
Watch Footsoldier (Aion Mob)
Watch Patrol (Aion Mob)
Water Bubble Spirit (Aion Mob)
Web Slink (Aion Mob)
Web Vespine (Aion Mob)
Weeping Eninte (Aion Mob)
Weeping Kelaino (Aion Mob)
Whistler Gududom (Aion Mob)
Whitefoot Daru (Aion Mob)
White Hair Kurin (Aion Mob)
White Wriggot (Aion Mob)
Wiggling Clodworm (Aion Mob)
Wild Cyclone Spirit (Aion Mob)
Wild Striped Tog (Aion Mob)
Wild Tayga (Aion Mob)
Wild Tipolid (Aion Mob)
Wild Tog (Aion Mob)
William (Aion Mob)
Wily Kundu (Aion Mob)
Wiokan (Aion Mob)
Wistful Syripne (Aion Mob)
Wrathful Petrahulk (Aion Mob)
Wriggling Clodworm (Aion Mob)
Xanthe (Aion Mob)
Xenophon (Aion Mob)
Yadamonerk (Aion Mob)
Yellow Wing Vespine (Aion Mob)
Yiehmonerk (Aion Mob)
Yoltmund (Aion Mob)
Young Asteria Trico (Aion Mob)
Young Odd Granker (Aion Mob)
Yugorunerk (Aion Mob)
Zelaka (Aion Mob)
Zemurru's Spirit (Aion Mob)
Zena (Aion Mob)
Zerkin the One-eyed (Aion Mob)
Zerpi (Aion Mob)
Zetus (Aion Mob)
Zeuclid (Aion Mob)
Zhayorerk (Aion Mob)
Ziloota the Seer (Aion Mob)
Zyakia (Aion Mob)