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EQ Mob:Lady Vox  

In Permafrost (Level 90 raid): For event and loot information, see this quest entry.

In Permafrost (Ancient Heroes raid): See this quest entry for information.

In Permafrost (regular zone): Lady Vox, along with Lord Nagafen and Phinigel Autropos, is one of EverQuest's original three raid bosses.

Those who would challenge the ice dragon would be advised to increase their Magic and Cold resists to counter her Fear and Ice AEs, respectively. She is also a cleric, and, as such, possesses the ability to cast Complete Heal on herself.

Characters who are over level 52 cannot directly engage Vox in combat, as she will banish them from Permafrost upon gaining aggro.

Vox is a Cleric; has 32,000 hps; summons; and hits for a max 205. (Pic by: Usagi of Mayhem)

Category: EverQuest
This page last modified 2011-07-06 12:30:51.