Category:Thannex (CoS Itemset)  

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City of Steam
Thannex Itemset
Set Bonuses
(2) +1000 Base Damage
(3) +20000 Health
(4) +1000 Armor
Thannex accessories come from the Tower Shop, at a cost of 500 Tower Tokens each. Thannex gear is only item level 50 so you cannot transfer Revamp bonuses, Smelt levels and Upgrade levels to it if your current gear is better than Item level 50.

On the "bright" side, you MUST have all four of the Thannex accessories, plus the Void Vanguard Shield Fragment, to get the level 60 Void Vanguard Shield.

This page last modified 2014-05-28 14:14:57.

Articles in category "Thannex (CoS Itemset)"

There are 4 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Thannex Amulet (CoS Item) Thannex Token (CoS Item) Thannex Tool Belt (CoS Item)
Thannex Waistclock (CoS Item)