Category:Cosmetic Item (COS Item Type)  

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Item Types

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This page last modified 2013-05-25 15:45:53.

Articles in category "Cosmetic Item (COS Item Type)"

There are 56 articles in this category.


Printable Version
Aviator Jacket (CoS Item) Chemical Shield (CoS Item) Coal Stacks (CoS Item)
Electro Shield (CoS Item) Foustian Power Gauntlets (CoS Item) Furnace Shield (CoS Item)
Golden Battlegear's Boots (CoS Item) Golden Battlegear's Breastplate (CoS Item) Golden Battlegear's Greaves (CoS Item)
Golden Battlegear's Helm (CoS Item) Golden Battlegear's Pauldrons (CoS Item) Golden Battlegear's Vambraces (CoS Item)
Heartland Shirt (CoS Item) Jewelers Goggles (CoS Item) Leather Topper (CoS Item)
Matriarch Hat (CoS Item) Mk.II Fury Fists (CoS Item) Mk.II Galvan Grips (CoS Item)
Mk.II Lava Lenses (CoS Item) Mk.II Omega Optics (CoS Item) Mk.II Vexed Vises (CoS Item)
Mk.II Voltaic Visor (CoS Item) Newsboy Cap (CoS Item) New Patron Shield (COS Item)
Ostenian Trousers (CoS Item) Patron's Pistol (CoS Item) Patron's Rifle (COS Item)
Patron's Scepter (CoS Item) Patron's Spear (CoS Item) Poison Pumps (CoS Item)
Silver Battlegear's Boots (CoS Item) Silver Battlegear's Breastplate (CoS Item) Silver Battlegear's Greaves (CoS Item)
Silver Battlegear's Helm (CoS Item) Silver Battlegear's Pauldrons (CoS Item) Silver Battlegear's Vambraces (CoS Item)
Silver Vanquisher's Boots (CoS Item) Silver Vanquisher's Breastplate (CoS Item) Silver Vanquisher's Greaves (CoS Item)
Silver Vanquisher's Helm (CoS Item) Silver Vanquisher's Pauldrons (CoS Item) Silver Vanquisher's Vambraces (CoS Item)
Stoigmari Shirt (CoS Item) Tesla Towers (CoS Item) Toasty Cranial Insulator (CoS Item)
Transmuted Heavy Gauntlet (CoS Item) Transmuted Mechanist Claws (CoS Item) Universal Arm (CoS Item)
Universal Hand (CoS Item) Winter Boots - Female (CoS Item) Winter Coat - Female (CoS Item)
Winter Hat - Female (CoS Item) Winter Legs - Female (CoS Item) Winter Mantle - Female (CoS Item)
Winter Sleeves - Female (CoS Item)