__DEL__1593363919102's Avatar


Posts: 75
So college comes with a lot of free time. I'm always tempted with the more harmful things in life like partying, sex, and homework. So instead I choose to fill my time reading the boards and playing Final Fantasy XI. Now looking at my playtime (over 2400 hours now) YOU'D THINK I'D BE A BIT HIGHER LEVEL!!! Well, guess what, I'm not. This is because I enjoy spending most of my game time pursuing quests (60% of them finished) and helping out newer players (finally got that official little Mentor thingy next to my name). Oh yeah, the other reason I'm not up there with all you fancy players is that for me, Death seems to suit me. I have the WORST luck with staying alive. I'll go to Kazham or Valkrum, and leave after 3 hours having gained 1 level. It's not that I don't know how to play blm (most party's love me) it's more like the Gods at Square-Enix have a secret vendetta to make my life in FFXI harder. grr... I actually really love this game. Look me up any time to party if you're on the Bismarck server, I'd love to help out. I know my stuff and am always up to date with equipment and spells. Also, I do favors...lots of them. You need a favor, go ahead an ask...if I can help, I will. I'm a poor little taru, and I will work for food =P j/k Catch ya on the flip side.