__DEL__1592764907313's Avatar


Posts: 4
RPG's are the best, I love most of Blizzard's games, and I would, I think, fall in love with EverQuest II but I don't have a $150 to blow on a year membership! but I plan on getting a job very soon so i will be able to pay $15 a month to play it! I plan to try to do this very soon (I am 14 yrs old today!) I have never played any of the Ever Quest Games but I have always thought they looked interesting. If you wish to contact me my AIM accnt is Maultheslayer! Or my personal e-mail is duelingmaster_1@hotmail.com Thanks and like I said before I m only 14, and i DO NOT LIKE BUSH! so wanna chat politics? contact me i will.... enlighten you! Thanks!