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Posts: 12
Wiki Edits: 1
WoW: Alleria: Dianaa, Arianrhod (hunters) Narahh, Narahchien (priests), Narahmagic (mage), Narahwitch (warlock). Various others include new Draenei - Chevreau & Gentille (hunter/priest). Horde: Oomah/Porkand/Fleshyum(hunter/druid/priest; new Blood Elves: Belledame/Sanssouci (hunter/priest).I double and sometimes triple box - my highest is a 43 hunter, but I'm always followed by one of my healers (druid or priest). I love the new expansion. The new graphics, areas, and quests rock! Everquest: Narahchien, half-elf druid of the 66th season, and most often followed by her trusty cleric sidekick, Narah (human, level 66) and Naraskei, level 67 enchanter; past leader and current "mommy" of the Earthen Guardians Guild on the Bristlebane Server (having turned the reins of leadership over to hubby, Idiotan). She is known for loyalty to family and friends, compassionate help to newbies, and lack of tolerance for rudeness. She is also lovingly kidded about her senility, being the "ancient" of the guild family, which she protests with a wink ;)Whenever the 3 Naras are in PoK, they cast free buffs at the side of the bridge in front of the Nexus Stone (aka Narahs Bridge.