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Homepage: http://www.safe-haven.us/index.html EQ2Players: http://eq2players.station.sony.com/guilds/guild_profile.vm?guildId=13104 Safe Haven is always seeking mature, fun-loving players to join our ranks. You're invited to meet our members and join in with us on events. Safe Haven has a presence in most of the major Online Role-playing games. Come and make life-long friends and you'll always see a familiar face wherever your gaming travels lead you. Guild Forums: http://www.safe-haven.us/forums/ Due to the fact that Safe Haven is involved in many games at any one moment, we think of ourselves as more of a community of gamers than just a guild in a particular game. Our community forums are part of what helps us stay in touch with other members. Feel free to click the link above and register. You'll be able to browse our forums and see why Safe Haven is really the home for you. Apply for EQ2 Membership: http://www.safe-haven.us/forums/index.php?showforum=59 In EverQuest 2, Safe Haven is based on the Antonia Bayle server. We consider ourselves a casual, family-style guild that does enjoy the challenge of raiding once in a while. We encourage role-playing, but are not strict at all when it comes to guild groups and chat. Our current leaders are Nevaren and Fendor. If you are interested in becoming a recruit, please click the link above to post an application on our forums or contact any of our members online. All levels and professions are welcome. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to meeting you. SH for life! Nevaren Elfstone