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Jacurutu Shadowblade of the Halfelven of the Green Mountains between the Queynos Hills and The Snowfrosted Peaks of Everfrost. Trained in the way of Verde Mont - The Green Mountain - The Shadowblades an ancient family Of mixed races including Barbarians, Elves, Humans, and the Tribal Hill Folk of The Karanas who worship the Night. Giving allegiance to The Rogues of Halas and Queynos, the half-elven folk of VerdeMont make there living off the tax wagons traveling between Queynos and Queynos Hills and an occasional unwilling donation from the Presits of Rodcet Nife. Their main vocation is the raising and selling of The Pipe Weed - The VerdeMont Green. Wizards from near and far as well as the Halflings and Elven Rangers come to purchase the strongest weed in Norrath. Jacurutu was raised to honor life, but not private property. To the Green Mountain Boys all property is theft and the Government is the scourge of Bristlebane. To the killers of the land be warned as Jacurutu is a member of the order of Transendency and he and his noble companion shall match the death of the inncocent with the same price of death for the Murderous Killers who commit such vile acts. Jacurut has sworn to kill one enemy above all others and he is Called Bloodraiser of the hated Shadownight order of the Queynos sewers. Jacurutu lost A pair of Ravenscale leggings to this feind after he attacked Jacurutu in a valiant battle he ran only to get his cowardly shadownight comrades to circle and harmtouch him. Jacurutu will have his vengence and the price of his leggings back as a comrade was able to take the leggings back from Bloodraiser only to demand Jacurutu pay a high price for the return of his property as this comrade favors platinum higher then honoor. Jacurutu Shadowblade of the Halfelven Scouts of Verdemont.