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Lenny lenny i am lenny smart lenny troll lenny smart like troll lenny live in swamp were lenny start lenny kill stuff for fun for eats, for train, to make better troll of lenny lenny start in swamp lenny not know swamp name lenny just call home. lenny grow love mud on feet between toes. smell blood on club lenny use it hit things. lenny meet meet many other trolls we kill many things what me not eat we sell life is good for lenny in home swamp. lenny change when lenny meet elf chase lenny all the way to Guards. then kill elf monster lenny not even get to eat. how lenny find out if elf thing good eat if lenny no try eat many evil elf and dwarf thing live in lenny home swamp someday lenny kill them thing some day. lenny meet bar sham she name tealeef she good to lenny give lenny bow and box to make arrows lenny like arrows lenny hurt kill over there. tea allso teach lenny speak elf now lenny talk to hated elf things. lenny speak elf good lenny smart troll. lenny with arrows can kill more no need to chase stick with arrow and things come to lenny then lenny kill. lenny go north to hill were new thing for lenny to stick arrows in lenny learn new stuff like human like animal called orc. orc things not like lenny so orc are evil so lenny kill orcs lenny need help killing orc lenny party with oger things them nice to lenny so oger good peaple. lenny kill many orc after long time lenny start north again till come to two great water one go far past were lenny see. great water more water then swamp water deep. other water (called lake) with land in middle not big like first water but more water then lenny can drink. this new very dry land with no mud for lenny feet and full of VERY evil peaple many more elfs here most do not bother lenny. them like lenny just hunting stuff. many use power from hands or words. elf lenny not like no trust but anything like like to kill with lenny is ok (sort of) big evil is a new thing called human. human come in many way. most just bad most evil. them try VERY hard to kill lenny. most lenny can not kill. many would kill lenny if see lenny. some not kill lenny like gypsies that sell stuff to me after lenny go north to great home hive were the evil is so great tat lenny must go south to tunnel through wall in mountain to place called commons were human evil is strong but lenny can hunt safe. allso tealeef (see above) come give lenny armer and new weapons now lenny get hurt less and do more hurt to things lenny fight tealeef good to lenny allways. lenny find with tealeef help elf city. city cross river through wood under rock first good elf lenny find many elf here some troll some oger all live happy together all good people here under rock in elf city. lenny find good elf (some call dark elf) and evil elfs (lenny call thing no print here) live across big water with them (good tasting) dwarfs. and something called gnome. no tell gnome from halfling. look same taste not the same. lenny get in with "Bloody Red Hoard" (here on called BRH) with great leader BUZ. lenny and rest of BRH 130 strong go to human hive and start killing guards shop keeps all the evil human types. lenny find not only human evil but not taste good and spread like roach bugs. lenny move to new place cross big water were lizard can talk like troll. lenny swim pass evil elf outpost pass big spiders to lake of talking lizards were lenny hunt free. lenny kill goblin and lizard lenny kill at lake and mill lenny hunt till lenny old anof to marry. lenny ask tealeef giver of bow to lenny maker of lenny armor lenny like tea so lenny go home to swamp get BRH leader Buzz as Best troll and tealeef bride and sara (to bad she be elf) what called wife side girl thing. lenny troll lenny not know. now lenn