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Posts: 2
Once upon a time there was an errant lord from Freeport who struck up an affair with a witch in the kithicor woods. Their offspring produced two daughters, one a lover of the forest and worshipper of the wickedness therein, and the other a mischevious little whelp with little hope for the future. Whereas the first of the children was very popular with her mother, the latter had no such luck, and was abandoned by night in the mountains near highpass. Using her instincts and her ability to become 'naturally invisible', she made her way to Qeynos. For years she lived with the gutter slime of the city, learning their tricks and trades, and the way they made their living off of the unknowing citizens. Now she has set off to earn her fortunes, both by adventuring, and fenced goods. Surely she is someone you can trust.