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Kelthenaon was a very talented mage in life. He was very wise, honorable, and powerful. He led an elite band of mercenaries, called the Kalthonian Order, named partially after their founder, fought for what was right as much as they were fighting for profit. They were employed by the humans, elves, dwarves, and sentient natives that needed help. Unfortuneately, when the orcs had lost what made them evil, they could not fight them, while at the same time, they would never betray their friends and family. As controversy surrounded them, as it did to all who fight for a living, they were killed by the corrupt humans that lead stormwind, when they were thought to be secretly aiding the orcs of Durotar. Unfortunately, the lich king arthas revived Kelthenaon and his comrades to fight for his cause. They fought for months under his control, but Kelthenaon had waited for an opportunity to escape. Using his arcane knowledge, or what remained of it from his past life, he broke free from the lich kings control, along with a few of his companions, although most had been lost to insanity. He went to the only place he could find refuge, and joined, although uneasy about their dark intentions, the Forsaken. He know fights for them, regaining his power lost in death, searches for a way to exact his revenge, and for a cure to his undead existence. One day, he hopes to regain his blood elf heritage, and return to his family and friends in Quel'Thalas.