__DEL__1591886140247's Avatar


Posts: 8
yo, i got hacked by some1 called Shyne on Remora server, if u c that dude, give him hell for me. also, ne1 who sees this send a /t tho these ppl on Remora: Urubaen, Gullywing, Jarolim, Midgetofdoom, Shadowboxing, Pwulp, Mattthemaster, Uzimaki, Dangeta, Oriencor, Bambamm, Dataloss, Horadrius, Volcomguy, Omradelf, Tachijiru, Cry, Littledevil, Sinspawn, Rosencrantz, Browneyes, Edz, Veon, Jotant, Luve, Thelover, and any of the people in these Linkshells: Ketsueki, ThirteenWarrior, Forsaken, SalveVirtas. tell them to give Shyne hell for me. If u dont c me bk soon, ive moved to Pandemonium server with my bro, Gagien (SAM too weak btw :-P) and im starting up again over there. If u c me again on Remora, Tell me btw, GIVE SHYNE HELL!! THAT DUDE JACKED MY CHAR SHIT AND IS A BITCH, guess my 71 thf was to pimp for his 75nin and 73 rng so he had to jack me -.-