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Posts: 26
Dulin Nightsinger was originally born as a Jenquai Explorer on the Orion Server of Earth and Beyond. She has undergone many incarnations since her birth but one thing remains the same: She has always been composed of Ill fitting and backwards pieces to become an unlikely character that in a best case opinion, is viewed as insane. Dulin is the Elven word for Nightengale under JRR Tolkien's Middle Earth Mythos. Nightsinger is the Human version of the same word. Together they make up a distinctly sounding name unique to my personal tastes and imagination. Please don't call her Dublin....that is a City in Ireland, not a startlingly sexy Character with a maniacal personality in a fictional escapism wrought world. I am for the record, Male in real life. Heterosexual with no gender confusing issues to speak of. Dulin is and always will be a female character for a couple of reasons. the first is that it is a distinctly female sounding name. The second reason is that as a Heterosexual male, I don't wish to watch my Male character in a skimpy speedo-esque subligar run around Vana'Diel all day long. Thats too homoerotic for me thank you very much.