I have died a lot lately. I don't understand what is up with that... =/ I've died about 20 times in the last couple of weeks. It's getting to be pretty bad.
Of course you did the good thing, and we hunted in the super boring DL and I still died twice! I mean this is just getting out of hand
We took him down tonite hits hard has tons of hp
but snare slow root stunn all debuffs stick he was 52nd level Warr type. Dropped a saber magic 29/1 ...
Bio: A slightly confused domineering wizard who tends to level very slowly from his suicidal (some might say) wish ter take on dungeons/quests/mobs that are listed as much higher than his current level...... but some times he succeeds).
Boon Companion of Sondilla, Torad, Fazyen, Fabi, LLumien, Kelvena, Aalil, Jadarr in a as yet Unamed Future Guild..Perhaps the L.C.A. and other assorted mates too many fer me fingers ter type ( i am lazy after all). Okies FYI this is a journal for Mistakes Oopses Interesting Deaths and of course those that I call friend). OH YES and i wont change anythinng if you tell me on EQ you better post it dammit)