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Posts: 2
Raised in the tree city of Kelethin, Belorin was taught to hate orcs from day one. Originally planning on following the ways of the warrior, Belorin took up the mace. It was a dark night of fighting the Crushbone that changed this... That night, while pawns were falling left and right to the wrath of the Emerald Warriors, Faydarks Champions and the Soldiers of Tunare, a storm came up. The winds swirled around the trees and the skin of the orc armies glistened in the wetness. Belorin charged forward and struck a mighty blow to an orc, but at the same time, lightning struck down from the sky, smiting the orc dead. Belorin was blown off his feet and landed a few yards back, stunned and confused. It was seeing the calm before the storm, the intense winds, and the power of the lightning in nature that caused Belorin to become a Druid. The powers that Tunare have granted Belorin have aided him well, as he becomes ever more powerful in the lands of EverQuest.