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Posts: 2
After my mother died shortly after childbirth, my grandmother raised me as her own, teaching me the ways of the druid. Upon coming of age, I began my search for my long lost father, a renowned and free-spirited bard. My quest took me across all 3 known lands and uncovered a young dark elf brother, a budding enchanter. I journeyed from Freeport to Qeynos. It was in the hills around Qeynos that I met my husband, dying from terrible wounds, the result of a duel he had won, but barely survived. I healed him and in gratitude he offered to accompany me through the famous island of Odus, and thus we began our travels together. Many years have I been searching for that famous bard who is my father, across all the world and into the new frontiers of Luclin. Through dungeons, jungles and deserts have I searched but always too late, in time only to find empty rooms, love-struck women, angry husbands and the occassional warrant for his arrest by a city guard or two. My journey has not ended. My father has led a wonderous life, full of adventure, and so have I, treading in his foot steps.