RMT Countermeasures

From Square-Enix: Since the end of last year, item values have risen astronomically on all Worlds due to the manipulation of prices by a small percentage of the player base. The development team and the GMs carried out a detailed investigation of this problem, and discovered the existence of a group using illicit methods to produce large amounts of gil that are later sold in the real world (Real Money Trading). We would like to take this opportunity to outline the measures that have been taken to correct this issue. Based on the results of this investigation, more than 700 accounts among those found to be involved in large-scale RMT operations have been terminated. We will continue to monitor accounts suspected of dealing in gil created or obtained in an unfair manner. Thanks to these measures, more than 300 billion gil has been removed from circulation, and the overly inflated prices of items have begun to fall to more realistic levels. Furthermore, emergency maintenance has already been performed on all worlds for the purpose of implementing RMT countermeasures. This maintenance took place over two stages, starting on January 17th. As has been previously stated, acts of RMT will not be tolerated in FINAL FANTASY XI, and any violations of the user agreement will be dealt with severely. We would like to assure our players that all efforts are being made to ensure a fair playing experience. We hope to have your continuing understanding and cooperation in creating a Vana'diel that everyone can enjoy.


Post Comment
#REDACTED, Posted: Feb 11 2006 at 10:40 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Let me just say this. I play on hydra. I've played on Siren server since PS2 launch. Im glad to hear they're doing this. I also happen to have some inside inforamtion. They are doing A LOT more than you think. All I have to say is watch out for random updates that arent updates.
Will SE deliver?
# Feb 11 2006 at 6:14 AM Rating: Decent
163 posts
There is a lot of talk of praise to SE and a lot of talk of conspiracy's with IGE ect. and that 300 bill is nothing. The REAL test to see if SE is doing anything or not will be reflected in prices in the next few months. Plain and simple, this is it, either SE will come through and solve the problem, or they won't. We just need to wait for the results or lack thereof, then we will see whether or not SE actually gives a ****. I think it is going to take continuing (assuming they started) action of taking more and more gil out of the system. It's gotta get out somehow. Actually, regular players can help a bit too. I, for example, am a lvl 50 goldsmith. I make small amounts of money desynthing mythril earrings that I buy from an NPC into ingots. I make a little money while taking gil out of the system. If more people do this sort of thing, it might actually have a significant impact on the economy. Try it some time.
Article on RMT
# Feb 11 2006 at 3:21 AM Rating: Decent
In a UK magazine called GamesTM there is an article on RMT. It was in this months issue and the article is called Fat of the Land. Anyways, it says that RMT is allowed in EQ2 which has Station Exchange Servers where people can openly and safely do RMT's. Apparently SOE is open to the idea even if Squeenix isn't. It also talks about IGE, sweatshops in Asia, and other aspects of Online gaming including a murder that happened over an item in Legend of Mir 3. Good reading indeed.
Its About Time
# Feb 11 2006 at 12:49 AM Rating: Decent
I have to say that I am happy with SE finally doing something......the economy on Garuda was resembling that of post WWI Germany......while granted the price of items are going down, the value of gil is going up, which is good, and hopefully things will stablize in the upcoming weeks.....of course, its gonna be an ongoing struggle, as gilsellers will undoubtedly find thier way back, and level up once again to try and get back into the gil selling market, just as long as SE remains on top of things and removes the gil sellers as fast as they can, the game will be much more enjoyable.

Will SE be able to stop all gil selling? Probably not

Can SE make it absolute hell on all gil sellers? Absolutely

I will be impressed once I see prices close to where they were 6 months ago....but SE is on the right track

Edited, Sat Feb 11 00:51:06 2006
=o= they make most of their Gil through NMs
# Feb 11 2006 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
won't it be fair enough that a Player that claimed a NM Can't claim it again 'till 10 hours or so ? this will & will stop most of this GSs / RMTs w/e
SE Go go go!
SH went from 7 mil. to 15 mil. in X-Mas
now going back to 10 mil. & less , Haubergeon went from 4 mil. to 14 mil. in X-Mas , now 6 mil. ^^"
this is great , simply.
RE: =o= they make most of their Gil through NMs
# Feb 11 2006 at 2:29 AM Rating: Default
54 posts
Definately a terrible idea.
RE: =o= they make most of their Gil through NMs
# Feb 14 2006 at 8:01 PM Rating: Excellent
437 posts
Not if they make it a 100% drop rate. Preventing people for killing an NM for 24 hours would be great. I think this would stop all those people who camp these things for gil. Could be bad or good, but definately worth a second thought. The only complainers I would see would BE the people who sell the drops for gil. Shame on you all. Go do BCNMs.
RMT bannage
# Feb 10 2006 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
Alright, for everyone that doesn't want to trawl through the abyss of hell-grammar and atrocious typing, Square Enix's banning of some 700 accounts is enthusiastically supported by most of us here. Now, most people are saying, "why hasn't my server's economy gone back to normal?1 It's been almost a day!". Those people need to sit down and think. Look back to the Stock Market Crash and the Great Depression. Albeit that this is exactly the opposite (as inflation runs rampant and prices skyrocket). That disaster took years to resolve. I'm not saying that this will take years, but this problem won't go away overnight. There are probably trillions of gil exchanged every day for real money, and instead of that money being given to NPC's and therefore taken out of the economy, it's been circulated between players, and more and more gil is being introduced to each server every day, resulting in a drop of worth for it. Where a vermillion cloak used to sell for about 6 million, it has shot up to about 17 million and hovered there, give or take a million. That's an eleven million surge in prices in one month. (That was just a rough figure from my server, yours might be different). Yes, SE did the right thing by removing an ******** of money (relatively speaking, of course), and banning the most well known gilsellers on every server, but that won't solve the permanent problem. There probably isn't a solution to the permanent problem, but every temporary solution helps...for now. In closing, yes, Square DOES try to make the game enjoyable for us, (though most likely only for financial fear, rather than actual kindness), and eventually takes action. I know most of us hope to see similar reactions from them in the future.
se did nothing? BS
# Feb 10 2006 at 9:03 PM Rating: Decent
all you saying its a lie posting anon your friggin gill sellers. shut up. i have seen firsthand on my server that i can farm tree cuttings and these 4 guys that were on 24/7 no joke for over 9 months aren't to be found. something was done.
Good Move SE
# Feb 10 2006 at 6:55 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really happy to see SE is doing something about this. I am going to be sadened however cause i farm silks all the time and my last check, 1 week ago. Windy. Garuda server. Stacks of silk were going for 80k. I know that's high but it makes my job easier cause i get gill faster. I'm really happy though because now i should be able to camp NM's and not have to compete with RMT. I don't mind fair competition, but when it's me vs. 4-5 gilsellers 9-10 i'm not getting the claim. I have no problem with high prices. When demand is high and supply is low prices go up. However all the items that are extremly high are able to be gained by camping NM's. I no longer have to spend 4mil for the Nijitsu Gi. I can camp the NM for it and not have compete with the 4-5 RMT ????ers who camped it to no end.
Good on you SE, but gilbuyers you are the cause of this problem and you need to stop being lazy and either craft/farm/camp if you want gil. Don't be an *** and ???? the rest of us.

Edited, Fri Feb 10 17:56:50 2006
700 total, but which servers?
# Feb 10 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
530 posts
hmmm well unless the gilsellers mentioned were newer players they seemed to have missed the ramuh server, because many of the groups known by players to be gil sellers are still running around.
RE: 700 total, but which servers?
# Feb 10 2006 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
I am on Ramuh server as well. I agree with you that many of the known gilsellers are still out there running around. And yes, they're still a burden, and still hording in the gil (that's my guess)
Since that whole Christmas circus of overwhelming inflation, to this date, I've noticed some rather significant falls in price. Haubergeon went as high as 9.5 mil and has since dropped down to 5.8-6 mil range. That's almost pre-inflation prices. The same for Scorpion Harness. There was a complete market crash on Light Crystals. Remember when those were 10k+ a stack?
Now they're at 1-2k a stack.
As for the act of confiscating the gil that wasn't in circulation, but horded by an elite few gilsellers...you're right that an immediate effect is not evident. However, that's a great sting they did. The confiscated gil "should" prevent (at least in part) a major spike in the inflation of a server run economy.
I spent a solid 30 minutes speaking with a GM about some unfair monopolies in the game. Another time, I made about 3 reports on a fishing bot group. They couldn't inform me of their actions. They got their secretive ways, for some secretive reason...but they do listen, and yes, they do what they can. The fishing bot team is gone.
Most prices have started to steady out.
Good job SE, but please don't lose this momentum. Keep it up:D
# Feb 10 2006 at 1:32 PM Rating: Excellent
I was just wondering if anyone who has a true knowledge of economics on the game has ever considered what would happen if SE had each county actully pay its adventureers a paycheck. They work hard for them and in RL people get paid for that. We occaanilly get a small amout of gil or an item for things but never a steady income. If each country had a bank account and every beast who was killed earned that country so much gil then that country could pay out to the players a percentage of it as a gil paycheck.
You would have to have a set amout per lvl of fame and lvl for each person so that they are not only killing for gil. Conquest points just dont cut it for me. The npc take our gil for outpost warps and various other things. Why isnt that money put back into players hands as a paycheck from thier nation? Just a /random thought running through my head take it where ever :) I have RL things to worry about now :)
RE: Ecomomy
# Feb 10 2006 at 2:02 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
conquest points are what you get, and crystals, they're gonna have to "cut it for you" use your conquest points to buy an armor and sell it back on AH for gil. This isn't The Sims after all :P
On this topic, real life values of in game things
# Feb 10 2006 at 12:58 PM Rating: Default
This was a very interesting interview. its on the topic of RMT's and IRS/tax reprecussions that could go all the way to the top.


who cares
# Feb 10 2006 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
1,318 posts
no offence to anyone, but as stated earlier this will do nothing in all honesty...we know it, SE knows it and the gil sellers know it...y? cuaz Real life money can be made off of this game...it still can...it will for quite some time...nothing SE does will change that, short of drasically altering the way the game is played with regards to how we all sell/buy or make goods...they won't do it as it will risk alot of people playing/paying them for the ability to play this game...the 300billion they took out was not in circulation so in effect, it will not effect the game...gils might cost more to buy but thats about it...
How to verify
# Feb 10 2006 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry but this is way to vague for me. As posted by others 300 billion sounds like a lot more than it might equate to your servers actual economy. I would really appreciate if SE posted the names of these gil sellers so that we could know that they took action. We could compare against people we felt were gil sellers and not wonder if the reason they didn’t turn up on /sea all was because they were banned or logged out.

Also, how about a recognition program for turning somebody in? On my server there is one guy I am sure is a gil seller. If I report him/her to a GM I may never find anything out about their investigation (assuming they do one). All they would need to do to build faith in their SE team is to send me a /tell stating that they did/did not perform an investigation, and they did/did not find enough evidence to support my claim and ban as a result.

I am very close to quitting right now. I have sold all of my belongings and am preparing to hand out my gil to RL and in game friends. This is encouraging to stay but I need more information about their process. So if you work for SE, ask them to post the names. That is all.
RE: How to verify
# Feb 11 2006 at 1:27 AM Rating: Decent
Are you serious. Post the names? Then the harrassment would start. I am no fan of gil sellers but harrassment is illegal. Posting the names would be a catalyst for harrassment and is therefore illegal.
RE: How to verify
# Feb 11 2006 at 8:46 PM Rating: Decent
um.. I'm pretty sure he(?) meant the screennames. I don't believe that would be harassment (I've seen lists of screennames of the people banned and why for other MMOs out there myself.
# Feb 10 2006 at 11:35 AM Rating: Default
its about time square got something done about them...
im behind it 100% lol "Go Square!!!"
# Feb 10 2006 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
Thing is, if SE really wanted this problem solved they could do it easily. Simply make gil untradeable among players. They won't because your mules would become useless for anything but storage so they would lose all those dollars plus all the gilseller accounts.
They would also lose alot of gilbuyer accounts, because, lets face it, FFXI played right is too hard for them. Remember if it wasn't for gilbuyers there would be no gilsellers.
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 10 2006 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent

???? how in the ?? is someone going to buy gil if no1 ever sold it in the first place?

that sound like a gil seller trying to rationalize the fact they are a gil sellers, and seems to think pointing out other bad behavior is a ligitimate defense for their own wrong doing.
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 10 2006 at 2:07 PM Rating: Excellent
Since Demand = Supply
No demand then no supply
Having supply is not neccessary having demand
If demand more than supply then price will go up

So if no gilbuyers, gilsellers will be gone.
On the other hand, if there're gilsellers and no gilbuyers to buy their gils, gilsellers will also be gone soon.

Correct me if i'm wrong :)
Oh apologize for my {Too weak} {English} ^^;
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 10 2006 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
If there never was a supply, how would a demand ever materialize?, if no1 ever started a site to sell gil, how wouuld ppl become buyers?. i think buyers stink, but it is the gilsellers that actually started the problem and the buyers are enabling them. example, if no1 ever invented, marketed, and advertised toasters. how could a demand of toasters ever come to be, it couldn't.

Edited, Fri Feb 10 13:56:17 2006
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 10 2006 at 2:15 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
this is going to lead to fake sites that when you buy 20mil gil or whatever, then SE will get your account info from there and you'll be banned within the day. I wouldn't be against that to cut down in gilbuyers, all they are are 12-year-old rich kid noobs with good armor that get you killed in low-level PTs..
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 10 2006 at 3:08 PM Rating: Default
632 posts
New players have no need to buy gil. Simply putting signet on and leveling a few jobs to lvl 8 on a mule, I made hundreds of thousands of gil in crystals, beehive chips, honey, silk thread and bird eggs. Low level gear, even HQ gear, is easily obtainable with money gained while xping. I'd say the majority of gilbuyers are end-gamers going for that l33t god/hnm drop because they lack the social skills to make friends willing to help them camp those mobs. As for the "Go Square!" people.. STFU lol. The players responsible for manufacturing the gil were SE employees. SE was selling gil to all of the sites. In fact, IGE is owned by Squaresoft. Type WWW.FFXI.COM and see where it redirects you? Lol. SE wanted to make a quick buck at our expense, and they succeeded. Now, they are destroying the gil they manufactured so that the economy will be hospitable to the xBox360 players. Yay? They must look like real heroes. Worship them, and continue to buy their slightly less dirt cheap gil. Btw, ask people on Hydra server what their AH prices are? Lol. The only ways to make gil are gain rank, do quests, sell items to npcs, and kill mobs/BCNM that drop gils. If you set an army of noobs out w/ creating gil in mind, in a year's time how much gil would exist in the economy? How about in 3 years? Would it equal the amount of gil circulating in your server currently? That depends. Gilsellers sell gil they make from items they sell in-game, purchased by players. That money is already in circulation and does not affect the economy. However, if SE were to create gil for that server and sell it to a buncha sites, Hydra's economy would look a lot like ours. SE aren't heroes, they're geniuses at embezzling and squeezing the last drop of blood from their players. Give props to them for the right reasons. Selling your own intellectual property on the black market at the expense of your shareholders, then doing a prevenatative countermeasure. They get phat cash and get praise and glory. THAT'S something to admire.
Square Enix wrote:

We have received reports that a popular third-party FINAL FANTASY XI website had been infecting customers with malicious software...

We suggest that our customers read up on precautionary measures they can take to ensure the safety of their information online.

Square Enix, a company who cares... about your money.
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 10 2006 at 8:50 PM Rating: Decent
you can buy a website url with very little restictions. just cause the gillselling site bout a sit ename and had it redirect has nothing to do with square.
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 10 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Well, someone beat me to the thought of Square *deifnately not* owning IGE, but I thought I'd still back it up.

If Square owned all of IGE, why do they bother also selling virtual money in:

Anarchy Online, City of Heroes, Dark Age of Camelot, Eve Online, Everquest and Everquest 2, Guild Wars, Lineage 2, Second Life, Star Wars Galaxies, Ultima Online, and World of Warcraft.

Unless of course it's a joint operation by the, what, six companies that own all of those games? Oooh, conspiracy. I don't think so. Sorry.
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 10 2006 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
118 posts
Hey Analika,

Sorry for the OT comment, but could you please consider cutting your (very nice) list of jobs in 2 halves, so that the posts would again fit in a 1024x768 screen ?
Having it written without spaces forces the browser to display it on one single line, which makes the whole page exceed the screen width ^^~

Thank you in advance.

PS: I first wrote this comment when dropping by this page, seeing I could not display it correclty, and found your post being probably the cause of this. I've now read the topic up to your post and would like to add that I completely agree with your comment.
This paranoia theory definately ain't very credible...

Edited, Sat Feb 11 16:47:50 2006
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 18 2006 at 2:30 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Sorries! I cut it down -- it didn't change anything on my screen, but hopefully it fixed your problem.
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 10 2006 at 4:44 PM Rating: Good
I agree with you on several points.. but there's something about your post that bugs me terribly:

Do you have "proof" that Square Enix owns IGE? If you do, I would really be interested in seeing this, as I'm not finding any relationship between the two.

If you inferred this by seeing that ffxi.com redirects to IGE's site, I believe you are sadly mistaken. I did a whois lookup on ffxi.com, and it's owned by OGaming Network, LLC, which I also cannot find any ties with Square Enix.

Also, if SE was actually selling gil to these sites, I find it odd that that there were times when they were actually out of gil for certain servers. Couldn't they just "manufacture" more gil/items to sell to IGE? Oh, perhaps they were simply clever and did this purposely to make me think they're not related... m'kay.

Drawing wild conclusions doesn't help anyone.. just my 2 cents.

I have my "beef"s with SE just like everyone else...but I think you're barking up the wrong tree.

Edited, Fri Feb 10 15:44:33 2006
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 11 2006 at 3:15 AM Rating: Decent
632 posts
Do you have proof that they aren't? ^^ The proof is in the URL. WWW.FFXI.COM is a copyright infringement. Planet Thai restaurant was forced to change its name to PlanEat Thai because it was too similar to Planet Hollywood. What does asian food have to do with RMT? As a good friend pointed out, any corporation has the right, and moreso almost a fiduciary responsibility to its shareholders to act immediately upon any infringement, so as to prevent misrepresentation by another entity. The WWW.FFXI.COM url cleary says, in (on my computer) Times New Roman 10pt that SE does not give a F*** if you sell gil using titles that indicate SE endorses it.
Square Enix wrote:

We have received reports that a popular third-party FINAL FANTASY XI website had been infecting customers with malicious software...

We suggest that our customers read up on precautionary measures they can take to ensure the safety of their information online.

Square Enix, a company who cares... about your money.
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 12 2006 at 9:57 AM Rating: Decent
91 posts
That logic doesn't make sense. your talking about American law in an international forum. what if the url is registered in another country? also, whitehouse.com is a **** site. does that mean President Bush is a pornographer? of course not. URLs mean nothing. they are property. so someone bought ffxi.com. that does not infringe on a copywrite anyway cuz the copywrited name is Final Fantasy (look on the SE website). FFXI is not copywriten so there would be no basis for suit even if the url is registered in am,America. You can't make an arguement based on assumtions. Try to make an arguement based on provable facts. The provable fact right now is that SE did something and prices are going down. Enjoy it. If you think SE is such a terrible company, stop giving them your real life $. It really is that simple. Don't like a product, don't buy it. Logic, it's a great thing when used..
RE: gilsellers-gilbuyers
# Feb 13 2006 at 11:19 AM Rating: Good
Agreed.. anyone can buy any domain they wish. Final Fantasy is a registered trademark though, and if IGE is an American based company (which I believe it is), SE might have the opportunity to have the domain handed over. It's called Cybersquatting (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cybersquatting). SE might even have a case for "damages" caused by IGE owning this domain (perhaps due to lost accounts). I'm by no means a lawyer, so I don't really know. Just thought it was interesting. (b^_^)b

Edited, Mon Feb 13 10:20:11 2006
a vain attempt?
# Feb 10 2006 at 10:44 AM Rating: Decent
Seeing this almost had me in tears, cuz this has it's pros and cons... con being a farmer I sell the stuff ppl are too lazy to get =P and the big inflation we just had helped my pockets a wee bit for that 30 mil piece of armor >.>, but the pros are much better... lol no one wants these lousy ding dongs around. But was this only in a vain attempt.. will they not come back? and will the rest that are still around ever be taken out? Conspiracies between one another, about SE and gilsellers and possiable unions between the two, are just that... Conspiracies. No con'ing you into selling you stuff for less, lol you already get that from undercutters. I say lets just be thankful that SE has done something, or atleast claimed to done something (for those that think they didn't do a darn thing) about these people, and enjoy it for now because they are bound to return some how I'm sure.


700 FFXI accounts for one month: 9,093 dollars

300 billion in gil: 5,100,000 dollars

Seeing gilsellers getting a kick to the nuts: Priceless
RE: a vain attempt?
# Feb 10 2006 at 2:19 PM Rating: Decent
42 posts
unless they can legally change their name, address, date of birth, and credit card information.. i doubt they'll be coming back ever again.. remember they're not just banning content IDs here, they're banning ACCOUNTS, your reg code won't work, so you'd have to buy the game again, and even if you did buy it, they'd see your same info on the registration screen and flag it down.
Good Riddance
# Feb 10 2006 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent
Good, im glad they are nailing those basta***. Finaly prices can be reasonable agian. Instead of everything being a million gil. Thats just a bit outragouse and way to much farming for me. People do have a life to attend and can't farm 24/7.
Gilfarmer = X ... <3
# Feb 10 2006 at 10:19 AM Rating: Decent
Today i headed to Koroloko Tunnel to help an LS mate hunt and make Silent Oil. To my surprise the usual Gillfarmers are no where to be seen (i call them the idiot 7) we even popped morion for fun. For once i was able to hunt down my very own Morion Crystal wich ive been trying to replace with out spending 500k for the last year. I also went to check other small NM spawns.. Lo and Behold there were no gilfarmers around hunting them.. infact i spotted a group of lowbies adventuring for the NM like the good old days before the gilfarmer crisis. I dont know about the rest of you.. but seeing legitament people having fun and helping each other do things in the game the way they were meant to be with out some RMT farmer ruining it all realy warmed my heart.

Thank you SE for ridding carbuncle of some of the worst Gilfarmers on my server.
hmmm. so what?
# Feb 10 2006 at 9:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,318 posts
300 billion...across 30 servers....10 billion or 10 000 million per server...which is a drop in the bucket considering the number of players per server...~15k players per server according to SE...15 000, so less than a million per player is gone from the economy...which translates to horse ****...the high end items will still float at 10-30 million depending where they landed compared to the 3-10million they were at before X-mas... Y?? players are greedy...y would anyone that bought one of these at the height of the the rush sell for anything drastically less? hell, i put off doing the teleport scroll quests for 1.5 years cauz i was lazy, i just sold tel=dem for 900k, tel-mea for 700k...y? cauz i could...

Also...i used to report botters that were fishing...i used to report botters that were logging...i used to report botters that were
mining...they stayed, GM's never did ****...the accounts that where closed, (if accounts where closed), will translate if RMT's bother, into increased sales of new accounts for SE, which will translate into RMT back to work the next day for several years til they are shut down (if they are shut down)...
RE: hmmm. so what?
# Feb 10 2006 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
1,318 posts
Your right, however, no ones buying power was really effected at all, they did not delete real players accounts nor will this 300billion taken from holding accounts drastically alter the game...as 30billion on anyones server is litterally just a drop in the bucket, if they had taken 300 billion that was in active circulation that would be an entirely different story; and by active circulation i mean from players gil was already transfered 2, ie the actual buyers that have severely screwed the market up... all SE did was delete transfer accounts from RMT...they did not delete the actual crafters, campers or botters and most likely, holder accounts that probably only pass off gil to the accounts that do the actual trading to players (if they are smart that is)...nore have they deleted the gamers that sell gil to RMTer's...the problem will not go away...THIS WAS A PR MOVE nothing more...prices are going down as the massive gil influx given to buyers is beginning to be diluted out to all players in the game, god knows i have benifited greatly (i craft, farm and work for my gil) to the stupidity of gill buyers. No price is too outragious if someone is willing to pay for it...personal utility is not measured by gils spent...but most people do not understand that...

RE: hmmm. so what?
# Feb 10 2006 at 5:55 PM Rating: Decent
lol if you dont think that helped at all Got to http://mysterytour.web.infoseek.co.jp/ffxi/us/ and look at the advertisments ... the other day it was like $10 for 1 million.. and it has jumped to about $160 for 10 million do the math and there is something happening

Edited, Fri Feb 10 17:57:20 2006
RE: hmmm. so what?
# Feb 10 2006 at 10:24 AM Rating: Decent
uh ur thinking if the gil was spread out so that everyone had 1m or less.. that is incorrect.

Lets say player Y has 300k and is level 50. ANd player X has 9m (IGE subscriber) and is level 75. for ever 1m we know has lost 700k. so player Y isnt affected.. but PLayer X (who was IGE) now loses 6.3m in buying power. So yea.. thats what's what. Next time before u start doing statistics.. at least think ahead that not everyone has the same amount of gil.
RE: hmmm. so what?
# Feb 11 2006 at 2:43 PM Rating: Decent
lmao that makes no since
it's a lie
# Feb 10 2006 at 7:04 AM Rating: Default
I don't think SE did anything at all. I think they made up this lie to try to make their customers happy and to try to convince people to sell their stuff at lower prices.
RE: it's a lie
# Feb 10 2006 at 7:13 AM Rating: Default
yeah, anyone who's dealt with gilsellers with GMs knows that they will never really do anything about RMTers
theyre just feeding you what you want to hear
# Feb 10 2006 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
28 posts
That was a nice move, but I didn't see the prices going down just yet. I know it will take more time for it to go down so I guess we'll all have to be patient. Thank you SE for finally doing something about this ridiculous gil problem.

I'll give you an example of how bad it is on my server, and I am sure all of you have the same problems on your server as well. Back when I first started playing the EmpHairpin was like 200k and Leaping Boots were 150k...so yeah...I've been there when things were pretty good.

Juggernaut used to be 5mil - I know a few sold for more than 32 mil last week.

Scorp Harness - Used to be 5-6 mil (which is way too expensive IMO) - now they are being sold for 12 mil - claw about the same price

Peacock Charm used to be 5 mil, went to 10, and then 20...now it is like 25-30 mil.

So yeah, it would be nice to not have so many things above the 10 mil mark, wouldn't you think? Geez. Sometimes I kick myself in the *** for spending so time crafting, mining, fishing, or whatever I can do to make money...hell...I even lvl up my mules to sell crystals....but because I want good gear for the job I am playing - I would have to pay the price. What was so frustrating was that by the time I got enough money for the item the price had already doubled.
bank mules
# Feb 10 2006 at 5:45 AM Rating: Good
Keep in my mind basic logic guys. If you commit a crime, you don't keep the evidence. I'm sure most of the gil was stored on other accounts and not the accounts that are the gilfarmers, and that's why our enemies are still on our servers. They said they're just starting, I'm gonna enjoy watching this.
And in RL dollars....
# Feb 10 2006 at 1:35 AM Rating: Good
260 posts
When I sold Ni and Erase at the height of the christmas inflation frenzy I had over 5 million. I went to IGE to see what it was worth to them. I was offered 20.00 for it. If every million is worth $5.00 and they removed 300 BILLION, that would be.... 15k RL dollars?

RE: And in RL dollars....
# Feb 10 2006 at 7:44 AM Rating: Good
1,093 posts
Err, your math is wrong

300,000,000,000/ 1,000,000 = 300,000
(number of 1 mil gil increments they can sell)

300,000 * $5 = $1,500,000
RE: And in RL dollars....
# Feb 10 2006 at 3:24 AM Rating: Default
You ????ing noob
good start
# Feb 10 2006 at 12:33 AM Rating: Decent
alright! awsome start, lets see more of this. i cant stand seeing how high prices have become, makes buying anything worth while a royal pain. SE is trying so i give my congrats to them /cheer
Go Go Mad Deflation!
# Feb 09 2006 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
98 posts
I just bought a holy phial for 100k, 30k less than the last sale... they were selling for 240-250k yesterday. On Odin, Peacock Charm has already gone from 30 mil to 23 mil on the AH...

I haven't checked much else, but I was having trouble selling my silk cloth in Jeuno because of undercutting (35k drop and counting). That aside, it looks like things should be getting much better now in terms of server economy. :)

How are things on other servers?
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