Actions Taken Due to Member Agreement Violations

On February 14, over 800 accounts which repeatedly violated the PlayOnline Member Agreement were permanently banned from PlayOnline. The users of these accounts would form groups to monopolize the hunting spots of notorious monsters (NM). They also repeatedly performed harassment and MPK actions against other players. Grief tactics, including harassment, are listed in the PlayOnline Member Agreement as violations and are not allowed for any reason. Also, interfering other players' game play in order to monopolize monsters which spawn in hunting spots is not allowed. Based on the above, we have taken strict actions against players who have violated the PlayOnline Member Agreement. If you become a victim of harrasment, please make a GM Call and report the issue directly to a Game Master. Your understanding and cooperation will help us provide the best experience possible to our players. Thank you!


Post Comment
gil sellers vs NP campers
# Feb 16 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Default
400 down 4000 more to go or so. There isnt anything realy all that specal about the recent removal of characters. They do it all the time just normaly one or two at a time as they find them.

I cant say I realy have a problem with the people that camp NM's I do have a problem with the people that do it to make real world money. This game was made so that people who want to be greedy can camp wait till they get a drop and sell it IN game for gill. There is nothing wrong with it. Thats how the economy works.

The problem is the ones that then sell the gill for real money. Thats just wrong. Sure the argument is if they put in the hours to get the gill they should be able to do with it what they want. Well thats just not so they agreed to the TOS the same as everyone else. If someone wants to camp A monster for 3 weeks solid with a group of friends to make sure they get every drop possible then flood the market to make a killing. Well more power to them. As long as they dispose of their new funds in a way thats not against the rules. Not that that will ever happen.

So gill sellers bad. farmers who monopolise NM's well they are compleatly within their right.
Gil Cap
# Feb 16 2005 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
I think the big problem was in the development of the game. I come from real roleplaying and I learned quickly that giving merchants unlimited amount of money to buy things off players made them very rich, very fast. Just because you have something worth 10K doesn't mean a merchant is gonna have 10K laying around to take it off your hands.

a really good way to fix all of these problems is to create a gil cap. I'm not even sure how much gil is on each server, in the billions, or trillions. if there's a cap on the amount of gil in each server, then merchants will tell players "I'm sorry, but I don't have the money to buy that from you". money gets put back to merchants when people pay the usual AH fees, Chocobo fees, or pay for items from merchants, ect.

I've read over everyone's suggestions of making gil easier to obtain, ect, but the truth is that SE is still pumping out money, making gil worth less and less. it's not until people start putting money back into the economy, instead of SE pumping money into it will this problem be fixed.
RE: Gil Cap
# Feb 24 2005 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
Excellent Idea. Outstanding even. Rate up on this post. Thank-you
RE: Gil Cap
# Feb 17 2005 at 11:30 AM Rating: Decent
I think that's a good idea creating a gil-cap, it would make the game a little more realistic. That and maybe inventory levels such as the Guild shops have. Maybe auto add 2 stacks everyday, but after that rely on player sales. There are other factors with that but it's a start. I'm just thankful this game doesn't use Encumberance. So many players would be screwed!

Despite the infinite gil that vendors seem to have, yeah it's not good, but I doubt it affects the econonmy that seriously. Like Maverious implied, most players go through the AH for their sales.
RE: Gil Cap
# Feb 16 2005 at 4:32 PM Rating: Default
What the hell are you talking about? You don't sell items to merchants, you buy from them. You sell at the auction house.

And what are you talking about SE pumping money into the game? They don't create gil, it's created automatically.

The market will fix if they decide to ban gil sellers completely. Somebody gets a rare drop, decides to put it up for 4 million gil, because they know somebody will buy it.

SE doesn't control the markets, players do.

Seriously man, if you're going to post an opinion at least learn how the damn game works.
RE: Gil Cap
# Feb 17 2005 at 11:27 AM Rating: Decent
I don't know about you, but I always check the NPC sell price before going to the AH. Once in a while an NPC will give me more for an item than the AH last selling price. I remember when I got a kite shield for one of the PLD quests in Sandy, the NPC offered 500 more than the AH so I bought 6 more from the AH and sold them to the vendor for a profit.

As for the market fixing itself after gilsellers are gone? I doubt. Like others have said, players are greedy. If OMGSPECIAL Ring was being sold by gilsellers for 600k, you honestly think some player who comes across it will honestly drop that price down to 100k? Likely not. Maybe in cases where there is no selling history maybe the item will get a reasonable price (assuming a player puts it up for reasonable price)

Just my 2 gil.
# Feb 16 2005 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
Its good thing that SE is taking actions against gil sellers. Banning them is the right thing to do. Not all of us will agree on that but hell I would just like to say I am happy about it and hope to see more bots/gil sellers get banned. The prices are going up cuz of Gilsellers look at the price of cost of how much it is to buy 500k how much it use to be and as soon as that dropt the prices in a week went sky rocket. Get your facts right before speaking. Web sites should get shut down as well but SE cant do anything about that.
gil sellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 12:46 PM Rating: Decent
**** if i can earn a living in RL by someone buying FFXI currency. Then let us do it. Why punish them if they are the ones camping a NM for weeks on end.

The amount of time spent on camping is well deserved. especially when dealing with the benjamins!!! "Next"

I know prices are jumping sky high. look people, It will hurt you and benefit you at the same time.

For example: Fresh Mugwort use to sell at an avg of 5k. It would take me a few hours to get 1 or 2. but now they're selling for 17k on the carbuncle server all I need to do is land a few of those and boom. I got the funds to craft other skills.

There are many ways to make gil.

RE: gil sellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 4:35 PM Rating: Decent
Why punish them? Because the point of the game is to have fun. And if a normal player has to work in-game for a month to get something that somebody else just pays cash for, it ruins the game.

The point of the game isn't so that people with the most money get the best equipment, it's the people that work for it. But gilsellers ***** up the market, making it so no NORMAL players can get good items.

I mean come on, 4 million for vermillion cloak and 6 mil for scorpion harness? who can make that kind of gil in less than 6 months without buying it?
-Ramuh Server
# Feb 16 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
Increase NM drop rates to 50%, then have them spawn 4 times every Vana'diel day. You want a specific item !? Bring your /Thief sub - Camp for it - get it - simple!

HNM, and BCNM ~ are a different story!

Gill sellers, and Gill buyers make me sick...

My 2 gil.

Edited, Wed Feb 16 12:24:05 2005
NM drops
# Feb 16 2005 at 11:49 AM Rating: Default
Wow wtf. dont say to rare/ex on nm drops. comon

u dont like seeing down at the bottom...
Kirin drops a scroll of Raise 3?
i would love to see that. or stropher chyme drops archers ring.

i luv that when something drops. u feel like u accomplished something. to get a nm drop thats EX and u camped it for hours would be wrong if asking me.

SE.... dont make NM drops rare/ex.
(thank you) (english)? (I dont understand)
RE: NM drops
# Feb 17 2005 at 3:07 AM Rating: Decent
why would it be wrong? when you wear it or see some one else wear it you can both be proud you camped it, and didnt buy it. like i said theres always gonna be ppl camping these things non stop, making them Ex nontradeable actually HELPS ppl to get it inthat your not competing with ppl gettin it for the 30th time. if there are say 3000 ppl a server (though that seems low to me) say all 3000 want want the item. making it EX just keep it at 3000 rather say 9000 for each person trying to get 3 times and sell it.
best idea ever
# Feb 16 2005 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
If you just feel like looking at the first few posts then making some dumb remark, please dont.

rate up to blox read his post best idea in this forum ^.^
# Feb 16 2005 at 8:26 AM Rating: Good
I'd like to point out a problem with some of the ideas that have been put forward as ways to make items affordable.

Increase the amount of gil dropped/make gil easier to get. If gil is easier to get people will be willing to pay more for items. As the people selling realize this the price of the items would rise. In other words, Leaping Boots would eventually triple in price if gil was three times easier to get.

Make NM drops Rare/Ex or otherwise limit the number of such drops a player can get. If it can be sold this would send the price of good drops skyrocketing without stopping gilsellers from making new characters to get the drops again. If the items were Rare/Ex anyone that wanted them would have to compete with everyone else that wanted the item, remember there are ~3000 people on each server, this would make items from long respawn time NMs particularly hard to get, quite aside from the question of killing the NM.

As far as money making problems, sure the only way to make 100k or 1mil quickly is with a lucky drop, but it is possible to make 10k an hour off of normal drops from normal enemies while giving the items to NPCs. It isn't nearly as fast, but it will get you money. There are other ways to make even more than 10k an hour off of normal enemies (I've personally cleared 20k an hour). Aside from that there are still BCNMs to do that can make lots of money with a little bit of luck.

Getting drops from NMs is the easyest way for a player to make lots of money with little help, but its not the only way to make money.

Oh, one more point, in Vana'Diel prices will always rise. This is caused by the fact that NPCs, and beastmen, create money. Think Germany between WW1 and WW2.

Edited, Wed Feb 16 08:30:02 2005
RE: economics
# Feb 17 2005 at 3:00 AM Rating: Decent
as it is everyone wants the item anyway....making it EX would just keep ppl from dominating it over and over having no reason whats so ever to camp it cant be traded. by making NM drops non tradeable theres no money to be made in FF XI. ppl would turn to crafting.....basic economics...the more ppl doin the same item...the cheaper it gets. you couldnt come up financially playin the game...period. even if ppl tried to crafting many ppl would be providing supplies thus lowering cost. i think the economy needs to be in the guilds.
# Feb 16 2005 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
I just have to say this. Anyone to complain about gil farmers or bots needs to STFU. I know at least a hundred people in game that jack the prices of items. And they sure as hell don't do it because a group of **** wants to hunt a bat the entire time they play. Nor is it because they are looking to buy a stack of meat to craft with. Everyone wants to be paid for their time. If I take the time to camp an NM or raise a crafting skill you better believe I am going to get paid for it. That's how Kraken club goes from 6 mil to 27 mil the very next transaction. Or why a gobbie bag quest will set you back up to 500k. They have something you want. You need to decide how bad you want it. And all of you who say "Oh I am not high enough in level to farm" or "I don't have money to craft" FISH!!!! I know that each and everyone of us has had a night where we wait for at least 6 hours to get parties. As MNK I have waited close to 2 months. I have made over 5 mil in gil just fishing while waiting for parties. Do quests go on rank missions. Remember that almost everything sells to NPCs. It is not the huge number you want to see but it is gil and it adds up. Don't blame anyone but yourselves for being broke. And certainly don't blame your party for striving to be the best or want you to have the best gear. The best gear means you die less. The less you die the less they die. The less people die the mopre exp you get. More exp leads to higher levels which in turn leads to more fun. Therefor the best gear in parties = fun for everyone. As a side note to everyone who understands this concept of game play thank you for not being one of these guys.
# Feb 16 2005 at 5:49 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
These are the same attitudes that turn this game into a Grand Elitist Ballroom Dance. I agree with a lot of your argument "Don't blame anyone but yourselves for being broke." You have to work for your gil, no doubt about that. But gil-sellers and gil-buyers make that all a mute point. So you spend a month getting 3 million gil, to buy your next piece of equipment, then JohnnyBadnik over here just goes online and buys the gil to buy his piece of badass equip and he gets invited to the party right away while you wait to farm/mine/craft/etc. Also, this game is becoming so equipment-centric, that NOBODY gets to have fun because it's all a goddamn grind. Whether it's for exp or gil. And folks that DEMAND the best armor are absurd. 10 more attack?! 2 more VIT? This are the things people get edged out for. And a lot of people don't even understand how stats work either, so they just buy a damn Kote because it's plus 20 attack. I hope you run a parser and see how marginally most of these stats affect a fight. Anyway, this rant is over. I'm getting off subject and this is pointless because 25 of you joe-blows will just respond with the same banther you intially posted. BLah.
# Feb 16 2005 at 9:34 AM Rating: Decent
I agree. too many Fxxxin cry babies whining about the NM being hunted/camped and they never get the opportunity.

YOU ARE RIGHT. there is many ways to make gil. can be little or large.

No pitty for the broke
# Feb 16 2005 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
agreed stop cryin its just a game. I'm tired of ppl shouting at new players or runnin off at the mouth cause they they got 1 less item or 1 less xp. Play the game and have fun. If it isnt fun anymore then STOP PLAYING!!! Last time i checked all the gil in the game does not make your life any better.
# Feb 16 2005 at 2:40 AM Rating: Decent
my suggestions for fixing the problem, make it easier to farm materials for crafting so you can farm your own materials and ACTUALLY make a profit from the finished item. the problem is there is no way to make money BUT NM drops. where does that leave struggling noobs with no money, or power to fend for themselves finacially. i have lvl40 cooking and unless i spend hours upon hours of farming (which i cant do effectively at my lvl) the finished product is worth LESS than the sum of its ingredients, and economist or not......that just dont make sense. lets make the game PLAYABLE for everyone by increasing gil and making the NM drops less important to progressing in the game, and maybe making them harder for the diehard players who feel they have to prove something. lets make thes NM drops TROPHIES and not key pieces to game progress, and by god ppl, stop bein **** retentive perfectionist and stop requiring your party members to have perfect gear. what drives the prices up? People demanding someone in freakin yuhtunga jungle have a freakin emp hairpin and freakin leapin boots. lets all just remember bein noobs and help each other. this is our game and our world. we dont like gil sellers? lets top promoting them by remembering this games for fun and not a damn pissing contest. i think the real key in fixing the prob is turning the source of income to crafting rather than hours of NM hunting. this helps stop gil sellers in that no matter how much camping, farming, or harassing they do...they can only drop the price by flooding the market with over synthed items.
RE: gilsellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
of all those posted best bet keep gil droped the same make nm drops rare ex (this will raise number of people at the pops higher for a time till the people who want the item get it.) this exculdes crafting spicific (sp) items but to help that make the craft items rare so a person can only hold 1 till it sells. (fyi this is how leapping boots already are and this is why they cost 600K know since last update with new money reducing economy.) also buy all craft items from npc instead of ah cus this will reduce the amount of money on server causing the price of the items to drop cus everyone has less gil to buy things with. just my opinion also please rate this.

Edited, Wed Feb 16 13:34:46 2005
RE: gilsellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 5:32 AM Rating: Excellent
I don't think making it easier to collect gil will solve the problem. NM drops still will be rare and player who need it will just have to spend more gil to buy it. All prices will rise when gil is easier to get.

Making NM drops rare/ex will disturbe the whole trade economy. And it means you MUST kill the NM by your own. Not everyone want's to do this.

Here my solution:

All rare NM drops can be obtained only once for all players. You can buy it you can sell it but you can only get it once as a drop. This will stop people from camping the same NM all the time and monopolise the price of the drop.

This makes it possible to kill the NM and get the drop instead of buying it. And this will prevent AH prices from rising to high.

Additional Note:

Maybe it's necessary to increase the drop rate with this system because less ppl are fighting the NM. So someone who want's to get the drop don't need to kill the NM 20 times. I think in general the drop rate is a good tool to prevent prices from rising to high. But what is the right price ? I think it should depend on the dificulty to kill the NM and not the difficulty to get it claimed.

Edited, Thu Feb 17 05:31:24 2005
RE: gilsellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 5:46 PM Rating: Default
If people don't want to hunt it. The people that get it will sell for a godly amount of money because they can't get the drop again.

People are!
RE: gilsellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
I agree completely. That is a great idea.
RE: gilsellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
thats an awesome idea. if SE made it so that NM drops like the leaping boots, rabbit charm, mary's horn, emperor's hairpin, etc were made so that you could only get them to drop once off of an NM, that would make things much less hecktic (sp?). i also agree with saxy in that people w/o rng/thf or something like that are not going to be very lucky in terms of actually finding the NM, first of all, and in even getting the drop. a friend that used to be in my LS killed lizzy and the emp about 5 times each and never got the drop once because he didnt have thf subbed. but then if SE made the items drop more often, then the prices of the items would go down because more ppl would have the items. hmm...
RE: gilsellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
384 posts
so you're saying everyone MUST level RNG and THF to camp? that's a load of crap.

it's like telling everyone the MUST level WHM, or they won't get teleports.

personally, i vote for the RARE/EX drops, people wouldn't be jacking prices because, lo n' behold, some greedy jacka** got greedy on his Ochuido's Kote, and shoved it up for 1.5mil!

Light Staves jumped over 50k in a day, because of inflation, and i'm hopping soon, SE will flood the market with items again, so they'll go down for a week or two.
RE: gilsellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 11:53 AM Rating: Decent
Rate up. I agree 100 %. Why not make it a quest so people can only get that certian item once.
RE: gilsellers
# Feb 16 2005 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
Good Idea!

Well, I never got my Leaping Boot if not a friend of me leave this game. I won't get 2mil gils if my friend didn't leave ffo and give me all his stuffs.

NM Camping is a pain. People with non THF sub or is not a RNG/BST with Widescan has almost no chance to find the NM for drop.

Make te drop rate of NM more rare is not a solution, or locked accounts which SE thinks they're gilseller or whatever they think about that.

Blox is right. If each person can only get the droped Item once or rare/ex, so we can stop the NM Hunting bots or constant hunters. SE should make the NM spawn time and Drop rate easier, so the price will goes down again and everybody will have a chance to get one of these rare items.
RE: gilsellers
# Feb 20 2005 at 1:50 AM Rating: Decent
97 posts
Yes, make the items rare/ex. The economy should be based around the crafting guilds. The nm drops should be like trophys and not a vital part of progression. The game has become more of a job and a grind and less about fun.
# Feb 16 2005 at 2:27 AM Rating: Decent
Rate up to Connery!!!! I was about to type that, u beat me to it. Cuz i could care less if they sell gil, people jacking prices arent gilsellers. more than 75% if the people iknow ingame camp AH and see what they can buy and sell for more. Its like RL, People want to make profit, even if its off something theyd never use, making an investment. but i still think its evil >_> [Thats too bad.]
# Feb 16 2005 at 2:15 AM Rating: Decent
tsk tsk tsk
# Feb 16 2005 at 12:22 AM Rating: Excellent
147 posts
you people are still the problem as well, cuz you are all inherantly greedy. the gilsellers raised teh prices on the items they dominated and then everyone else upped the prices on the items they dominated, wether or not they sold their gil. now that the bulk of the sellers are gone, i ask you all this...will prices fall?...heck no, why?...cuz you are all greedy basterds.

Plenty left for Ramuh
# Feb 15 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
lol hello my fellow FFXI players!
i think its absolutely right that they did this BUT the only gil sellers gone on ramuh are Orcmao,Oooeooe,Oodook,and Orcpppooo the non-stop Stroper Chyme campers sadly i can name over a dozen more gil sellers on my server that are still there and have even split apart from there normal groups to camp another abandoned NM...

But im happy to say since the named gil sellers above are gone i have claimed Stroper Chyme for myself and obtained a Archer's Ring to split with my THF friend...but if theres anything i can do to get the other gil sellers like somehow name them off to SE lol someone please tell me if i can do anything like that?

/em hopes there is.

Now to get myself a pair of those niffty kung-fu shoes!
RE: Plenty left for Ramuh
# Feb 16 2005 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
Yeah I'm also on Ramuh and I could roll out a list myself. I haven't seen amyrabit in a while (annoying punk always stole my logging points)
but sadly enough the angle (maybe they meant angel?) crew is still there.
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Decent
66 posts
ok, everyone who has tried to find something positive in gilsellers please stop trying. its hopeless. they DONT help the game. the drop rates are a bit too low and the spawn times are a bit too long, but just leaving that alone and changing those items to rare/ex would improve the situation significantly in my opinion
Need Clarification
# Feb 15 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Default
Hello there, I'm pretty new to the game but I am happy to see that SquareEnix has taken steps to improve the quality of our gaming expirance. Now being a "noob", I must ask what MPK stands for. Thank you in advance for any help.
RE: Need Clarification
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:15 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
MPK = Monster Player Kill
RE: Need Clarification
# Feb 15 2005 at 9:59 PM Rating: Good
107 posts
MPK basically means when a player aggroes a certain enemy, brings it to another player and either warps, dies, or binds the enemy so it will aggro the other player and potentially kill them.
Reply to my last comment
# Feb 15 2005 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
28 posts
Well as i posted earlier another way to end it all is to increase the amount of gil you get when you kill a mob..........

Yes, No More!
# Feb 15 2005 at 8:41 PM Rating: Decent
finally SE took the problem we had for a while in there hands and banned the Gil sellers. thinking about it now, i have not seen any of the "cats" on Phoenix server today. (the "cats" are gil sellers on my server that have the word cat infront of there name) thank you SE outstanding work
RE: Yes, No More!
# Feb 15 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
Yea on Bismarck we have the "Tom"s and "Jerry"s gil seller's.
RE: Yes, No More!
# Feb 15 2005 at 9:42 PM Rating: Decent
113 posts
/slap "double post"

on another note, after the crash on feb 14th, most of the well know gil sellers were still online.

Edited, Tue Feb 15 23:10:29 2005
Valentine's Day indeed!
# Feb 15 2005 at 8:08 PM Rating: Good
141 posts
I love you S-E! Perfect timing, February 14th. ^.^

The infamous Kuangs of Odin seem to be - yes, that's right - GONE! GONE I TELL YOU!!

...The Gold and Ls clans are still around. But the Kuangs! My god! The Kuangs!! lol
# Feb 15 2005 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
33 posts
I've said it before in posts elsewhere , and it's been mentioned in this post: make NM drops rare/ex. Some are already that way (i.e. Hornetneedle, Minstrel's Coat).
Why should some drops be rare/ex and others aren't? How did they determine which are?
Rare/ex = end of gil farming campers.
RE: Rare/ex
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
Some of the farmed/monopolized items are used in crafting (archer's knife --> hawker's knife; archer's ring --> sniper's ring, etc). Changing these to rare/ex would mess up the economy a bit. Also, most of the best equips are made from BCNM drops (damascene cloth, damascus ingot, venomous claw) or are rare/ex (cursed armor, AF-1 and AF-2, rare/ex drop (assault jerkin, etc).

Point is, there's no easy way to fix it except to boot the offending campers. And even that isn't too easy lol.
# Feb 15 2005 at 7:42 PM Rating: Decent
Damn! now my hump macro is completely useless! My ls friends are gonna be pissed when they see this.
Gil Sellers
# Feb 15 2005 at 7:19 PM Rating: Decent
38 posts
I'm glad SE has taken charge and removed certain accounts who abuse the game. I saw about 12 /anon ppl standing in a given direction around the Emporer Spawn area in Valkurm Dunes. How do Gil Sellers ruin the game? By covering all aspects and get an NM almost ALL the time, they make ludacris amounts of gil which they sell online too other players who are just to lazy to farm. (Or whatever other methods of earning gil. EARNING gil.) By having an enormous amount of gil, you won't care as much to pay 1k, 10k, even 100k more just to atain an item. This causes the prices to rise up, and the Gil Sellers who are selling these rare items get even MORE gil.

I'm guessing it was initially intended that if you needed an Emporer's Hairpin you could go wait for the NM, recieve your item for yourself and be happy.

It's a very controversial subject, so here's my thought. Keep up the good work SE ^^

EDIT: /sigh Spelling hehe

Edited, Tue Feb 15 19:22:27 2005
Let's see
# Feb 15 2005 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
Well the servers still haven't banned some of the envoys, and the zoojlkbllwla-j's and the Kof crew so not much has been done on Lakshmi.

Though I agree make the NM drops Rare/EX, saves from gil selling, saves the players to get the items they NEED and saves all the drama.
RE: Let's see
# Feb 15 2005 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
Huh, the zoos are on Lakshmi too? I thought they were only on Pandemonium... and I didn't know they were gil sellers. I thought they just MPKed ppl like crazy. How naive I am...
# Feb 15 2005 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
well only time will tell how this works out, i for one will sit back and watch what happens for the better or for worse.
Action Due to member Violation what should be said on this s
# Feb 15 2005 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
28 posts
well to tell you all the truth there is several options to go about on this subject 1.Make the NM spawns more recent and faster 2.Make NM's special quest in the game where you have to do something to activate its spawn 3. make the items dropped by the NM's Rare/EX 4. MAKE THE DAMN MOBS IN THE GAME DROP MORE EFFIN GIL hard is it to give people 100 gil per person...per mob but this only works when you are in a party that would work. 5. make the quest give you somewhere between 5k to 10k in gil and make the missions from your effin Cities give you between 10k to 20k a mission since some of them you cant do on your own anyways...... i dont know im just tossin this stuff in the air tell me what your thoughts are on this

Ameion-Elvaan Server-Titan
RE: Action Due to member Violation what should be said on th
# Feb 15 2005 at 10:28 PM Rating: Good
109 posts
One of the issues concerning increasing the amount of gil released into the economy is inflation. You see, the more gil that you have, the more gil that a seller can charge you for an item. You give everyone a million gil, and all of the sudden, ochiudo's kote will be 100 million gil, haubergeon will be 300 million, scorp. harness will be 600 mil, etc, etc, etc.... you get my point.

so in the last update SE places some gil-sinks, if you will, into the game. Upped AH fees, lower rates for selling items to NPCs, just ways to make money disappear. It makes your gil more valuable, and keeps prices down. Then that 28 gil per neckchopper starts to count a little more.
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