The Tale of Lanys T`Vyl

If there's one thing that seems to add ambiance to Everquest, it's the rich lore that surrounds the game.  With every expanion, the story grows.  Quests revolve around the game lore, even the character races weave into the fabric of the game's story. 

Tonight, while sitting in POK, I saw the following message from GM/Guide Oldurn. It's been a while since I attended one of these story events, and back in the day when I was a Guide (yes, I admit it..) I loved to participate and run quest events for the players.  So, of course, intrigued, I decided to attend and listen to the story below.  Since we're in a slow week here, I thought I'd share it here for anyone who cares to enjoy...

[Thu Apr 14 22:05:26 2016] Oldurn murmurs, Those who delve into knowledge and lore, I have a story to weave upon your ears, meet me near the Large bank in PoK  to hear my tale.

[Thu Apr 14 22:07:19 2016] Oldurn waves at Aaikan.

Oldurn begins to cast a spell.

Oldurn is blessed with visions of the future.

Smalls is blessed with visions of the future.

You gain insight into things unknown.

Oldurn begins to cast a spell.< Precognition Rk. II>

Jexabel is blessed with visions of the future.

Aarpoch begins to cast a spell.

Aarpoch begins to cast a spell.

Aarpoch begins to cast a spell.

Aarpoch begins to cast a spell.

Oldurn says, 'Well i suppose we shall begin.....'

Aarpoch says, 'daay!!!'

Aarpoch lidteng intenvlq.

Oldurn coughs.

Oldurn says, 'Hear now the story of Lanys T`Vyl, who was conceived during the Festival of the Moon of Blood, who was born to high priestess Vendela G`Kal, and who was taken by Innoruuk as his own child!'

Oldurn says, 'Gather round and hear her journey to become the Child of Hate!'

Oldurn says, 'Lanys was a special child; she showed remarkable abilities for her age. She was adept at combat, and showed great promise in the dark arts. She was exceptional, and this made her feared...'

Oldurn says, 'Fearing her, many tried to end her life. Laarthik K`Shin, an ancient shadow knight, stopped the first such attempt and slew the would-be assassins. For his actions Innoruuk himself charged Laarthik with teaching and protecting Lanys.'

Oldurn says, 'Lanys grew into a strong, graceful, and deadly Teir`Dal. She learned the lessons Laarthik taught well, and cherished the will of Innoruuk. She became the embodiment of Hate upon Norrath. Her wrath was quick and deadly; her punishments were unforgiving and unforgettable. Lanys looked upon Innoruuk's creations as her own, she cherished them, but everlasting torment awaited all who betrayed her.'

Oldurn says, 'When the time came that Lanys T`Vyl was prepared to accept her destiny, the time also came for Lanys to reclaim the Armor of Darkness.'

Oldurn says, 'Long ago, Innoruuk entrusted his sacred Armor of Darkness to an elite group of Teir`Dal so that they might spread hatred across the face of Norrath. They were known as the Crimson Teir.  The armor granted unimaginable power to the Crimson Teir, but slowly fed upon their souls. They became corrupted in mind and body, but maintained their incredible power.'

Oldurn says, 'Innoruuk bid Lanys T`Vyl reclaim the Armor of Darkness. This test would prove Lanys worth to all, the coldest heart would tremble at the sound of her name.'

Oldurn says, 'Lanys first traveled to Befallen to retrieve the Abhorrent Bracers of Darkness. She did battle with the Crimson Teir'Dal Jerak T'Shir she found there.  Though the battle was fierce Lanys slew him, and pried the bracers from his cold dead corpse.'

Oldurn says, 'Several days later, the time for Lanys' second trial arrived. By now she had gained followers who were both enamored by and fearful of her power augmented by the armor she possessed.  They went onward through the dangerous Lavastorm Mountains, and into the ruins of Najena. Through the twisted tunnels Lanys found the second Crimson Teir`Dal Torvin D`Rin.'

Oldurn says, 'Torvin was a powerful magician, and had forged two imps, Agony and Strife, to protect him. So long as they remained alive, none could touch Torvin.  Uttering prayers of hatred and malice, Lanys strikes quick and true, slaying the imps. Torvin, his eyes wide with shock, screamed NO! I am mortal again!!!'

Oldurn says, 'Torvin's shock changed to terror as he saw the blade of Lanys T`Vyl pierce his chest. He crumbled to the ground, no longer able to guard his sacred armor.  Lanys smirked, and snatched the Abhorrent Boots of Darkness from Torvin's corpse adding them to her own armor. She could feel the darkness flowing into her, and cackled with glee.'

Oldurn says, 'Laarthik was granted a vision that night, a vision of fire and gnomes. Innoruuk revealed the two remaining Crimson Teir`Dal to be hiding in Solusek's Eye.  Oldurn says, 'Trumpets were sounded, and the followers of Lanys gathered in the Neriak Commons. Lanys joined them, her power almost tangible about her. Onward they marched into the Lavastorm Mountains once more!'

Oldurn looks around.

Oldurn says, 'Deep in the goblin infested tunnels Lanys found the last Crimson Teir`Dal, the Enchantress Mydraa K`syk and the thief Talia K`syk.  'Mydraa used her dark magics to set the inhabitants of Solusek's Eye against Lanys and her party, the twain escaped deeper into the tunnels. 'The Clockwork workers Mydraa had coerced were formidable warriors, but were child's play to the Child of Hate. Lanys pushed further into the tunnel to confront her enemies.'

Oldurn says, 'Many of Lanys' followers were slain by the Crimson Teir`Dal, but in the end victory was Lanys'. She ripped the remaining pieces of Abhorrant Armor of Darkness, and affixed them to her body.  The ground shook, and a circle of black flame engulfed Lanys T`Vyl. Dark power coursed through her body, and she truly became the Child of Darkness and Hate.'

Oldurn says, 'Proven, tempered like a sword in fire, Lanys returned triumphant to Neriak. It was decided that Lanys and her mentor would lead an army across the common lands, through Kithicor forest, and into the heart of High Keep.'

Oldurn says, 'Her army marched in step, armor gleaming. Woodland creature fled from the metallic clang of their march, and they crushed all in their way. Unbeknownst to them, High Keep received aid from Felwithe in the form of a paladin army. Clink Clank Clink. The Teir`Dal army marched forward with Lanys at its head. Swoosh Swoosh Swish. The Koada'Dal unsheathed their swords and let fly their arrows as Firiona Vie looked onward.'

Oldurn says, 'The armies enveloped each other as ivory struck at midnight blue. In the center of the battlefield Lanys circled Firiona. Clink Clang Clink. Blow and counter blow, Lanys struck at Firiona. The weak fool only parried, and made no counter attack.'

Oldurn says, 'As the hours passed, Lanys grew tired and Firiona took the offensive. Firiona glowed with the nauseating power of the do-gooder Tunare. Lanys was losing, and she knew it. She cried out to her teacher for help.  Laarthik K`Shin removed a glowing stone from his armor, raised his hand to the sky and cried out to Innoruuk. The sky darkened, and a portal opened in the sky. The sound of tormented souls filled the air, hatred was on the wind.'

Oldurn says, 'As the portal to Hate was opened, Firiona struck a killing blow on Lanys. Lanys' soul was sucked from her body before it hit the ground, and taken into the portal. 'All manner of evil came from the portal, poisoning the forest as a mark of Innoruuk's displeasure.'

Oldurn says, 'The beaten Teir`Dal took every action to make sense of their defeat. They questioned the spirits of the dead, and learned of Lanys' true fate. They learned her spirit had been taken to the plane of Hate by Innoruuk, and her body was destroyed by Tunare.'

Oldurn says, 'The Teir`Dal acquired the services of Falrazim Zaftarnor, a necromancer who was experienced with transferring souls between bodies, to join Lanys' soul with the body of a Teir`Dal sacrifice. The most loyal of Lanys' followers enter the domain of Innoruuk using a stone provided by Falrazim, capture her soul and armor. They return to Falrazim who instructs them on how to cast the ritual.'

Oldurn says, 'The Abhorrent Armor of Darkness attaches to the new body, and Lanys' soul enters its new host.'

Oldurn says, 'And....that's it, The Child of Hate is reborn.'

Oldurn says, 'That is my tale.. '



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Lanys as a raid mob.
# Apr 19 2016 at 3:49 PM Rating: Good
28 posts
Yep, Lanys is rather a pita in TDS. Was hoping that she would be finally finished off but Hate grows forever stronger...
GM/Guide Events
# Apr 16 2016 at 12:46 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I have always loved the GM/Guide events.
(> <)
EQ-Erad A`katusurkindus of Debeo Amicitia
98th Monkey on Bertoxxulous
EQ-Zlor 82nd SK
Peace & Strength through Honor
SWG-Eloclktu: MBH/MP on Tarquinas moved to Flurry (UN-Retired) defunked
GM/Guide Events
# Apr 16 2016 at 12:42 AM Rating: Decent
83 posts
I have always loved the GM/Guide events.
(> <)
EQ-Erad A`katusurkindus of Debeo Amicitia
98th Monkey on Bertoxxulous
EQ-Zlor 82nd SK
Peace & Strength through Honor
SWG-Eloclktu: MBH/MP on Tarquinas moved to Flurry (UN-Retired) defunked
Queen Thex?
# Apr 15 2016 at 12:46 PM Rating: Good
599 posts
I think the GM event lends backstory to the War of the Hand.

I recall a GM event during the early Kunark era which began in EC, the guide then slowly led a very large group of us to Nekulous - and then we all zoned to Neriak foreign quarter and headed to third gate. We ended up gathering at a large plaza at the foot of a flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs stood Queen Thex - I think that was the name - and she went on to give a speech, the topic of which I don't recall.
GM events
# Apr 15 2016 at 6:35 AM Rating: Decent
178 posts
Wasn't there a world event where Lanys was reborn and the armies clashed again transforming the Firiona Vie zone?

Unfortunately my experience with GM events started with a dragon in Lake of Ill Omen. I was always too low level to participate and typed too slowly to feel comfortable in RP type events. It also didn't help that back then we only had one chat window. For all those reasons, when something out of the ordinary happened, I always found something to do in another zone.
GM events
# Apr 15 2016 at 1:06 PM Rating: Good
292 posts
You can read a bit about The War where Lanys takes over the city of Firiona Vie here on Allakhazam.
GM events
# Apr 15 2016 at 6:23 PM Rating: Decent
178 posts
Thanks very much!
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