EQ Update #28 2016

Respect to a Great Quest


Are you worthy to wield?




Having never played a paladin (yet) in Everquest, it is easy to miss some of the unique flavor the devs put into the game. Clearly a great deal of care was put into crafting the quest chain that is Soulfire. Thanks to user Death Templars significant input, I was able to massively update the faction impact of this quest. Reading the write up, put together thanks to past users, it made me really want to do the quest... to the point that I might even consider doing it on a non-paladin (true trophy hunting when you do it for an item your character can't even equip). Maybe this finally compels me to play a Paladin...

So a very belated /salute to the dev team from way back that implemented what is one of the most lore-drenched quests in the game.

Who's got a Soulfire? When was the last time you punished some Innoruuk worshippers or undead with it?


Updated Quests: Zimel's Blades (Quest for SoulFire)The Frikniller FamilyRatfink Mystery


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# Apr 18 2016 at 5:58 AM Rating: Decent
8 posts
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# Apr 11 2016 at 7:26 PM Rating: Excellent
4,445 posts
I have the epic on my dragon hunter level 52 paladin.
Paladin Epic 1.0
# Apr 11 2016 at 7:49 AM Rating: Excellent
756 posts
I have Soulfire and all the other items needed for the Epic 1.0 sitting in my Paladin's inventory. Way back, my guild "evaced" to WoW before I turned any in and being the sole remaining guild member, I could not do the plane of Sky part solo. I don't know why I haven't proceeded to this day, but maybe some day I will complete this.

Edited, Apr 11th 2016 9:50am by KC13
# Apr 10 2016 at 4:06 PM Rating: Excellent
57 posts
Soulfire is really part of the pally epic quest line Fiery Defender, involving Ghoulbane (obtained through the Sword of Nobility quest), Soulfire, Fiery Avenger and finally Fiery Defender. Very difficult to get the 3rd sword as it involves Vox or Naggy and nobody does those raids any more. Too bad.
# Apr 09 2016 at 11:35 PM Rating: Excellent
28 posts
I've done it at least 3 times. One to duel a monk and of course lost. But yes I loved Freeport although it killed my faction when offing Lucan D'Lere. Never step foot back into FP unless I had invis up.
# Apr 09 2016 at 10:04 PM Rating: Good
91 posts
Yeah, I've completed that quest line, along with all the other Pally epics. You're right, it's very rich with lore and, as I'm sure with most of the epic quests, very satisfying once it was completed.

I remember when I was questing mine, I had gotten to the point where I needed to kill Lucan D'Lere, the captain of the Freeport militia. I don't believe I was in a guild then and ooc'd asking for help. To my surprise, I had Pallys send me tells from numerous zones away. To this day, even after all the other epic weapons I've achieved for the rest of my toons, it still feels like there's a special brotherhood among Pallys. I've never really experienced anything like it since.

Ah, the good old days....
# Apr 09 2016 at 10:37 AM Rating: Excellent
2,607 posts
I got it and quested it more than once.

(NOTE: I notice the Soulfire quest does not include links to the related quest of the next epic.(Fiery Avenger)

Back in the day the complete heal clicky was limited to 5 uses and you could not recharge it.

I just re-quested this in 2014 -- again -- just to have one for my wall (the Soulfire is turned in as part of the next epic),

I would have every Pally epic on my wall up to Redemption -- which flagging seems to prevent re-questing that one.

# Apr 09 2016 at 3:32 PM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
You could always do the ornamentation quest and make as many copies as you want looks wise

Side note: once you complete the quest and choose an option (1.0, 1.5 or 2.0) you can get unlimited copies of the option you have chosen by saying "epic gift" to the quest giver. To make a different option available you have to repeat the quest. So you would have to do it twice to get unlimited copies of 1.0 and 2.0. It seems Soulfire comes with the 1.0 option. And you have to have actually completed these epic quests for them to be available as a reward option. Not sure if 1.5 pre quest would make the 1.0 option available if you skipped the fiery defender line on your way to 2.0

Edited, Apr 9th 2016 6:28pm by Velvin
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