Server Downtime - Friday 1/22/16 at 7:00AM PST

Roshen announced earlier this evening that all EverQuest Live Servers will be brought offline on Friday, January 22, 2016 at 7:00AM Pacific for an update. Servers will be unavailable for approximately two hours.

Update notes appear below:


*** Highlights ***

- Addressed a zone stability issue.

*** Previously Updated ***

- Corrected the rewards given for TBS Champion achievements.



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In other news....
# Jan 22 2016 at 4:47 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
How about the wholesale abandonment of EQ2 by Zam?

Not a single update in three months???
# Jan 22 2016 at 1:22 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
A big part of the problem is that they are trying to do too much with not enough resources both in labor and time. As a result they are letting originality and QA suffer. And even worst they are wasting precious time and labor resources trying to fix things that were not broken, never were broken, and the player community liked. Many of the "so called fixes" end up as introduced bugs to the game. Finally, although they do have a thread on their form for feedback, they don't read it until the issue Bravo India Tango Charlie Hotel slaps them in the face.
# Jan 22 2016 at 9:16 AM Rating: Good
167 posts
still can't put type 9 augs in range and charm, making them useless.
Zare - Erollisi Marr
Zuggle - Aradune/Mangler
Some thoughts
# Jan 22 2016 at 6:03 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
Not necessarily connected thoughts:

-downtimes are annoying, but short duration ones are tolerable.

-The Broken Mirror is a small expac, which probably doesn't get addressed (by adding more zones) but I think there is a craftiness to it that isn't getting due credit:

1. Dev team is the smallest it has ever been. They reused a bunch of zone geometry and used the story of the expac to justify it. Would they rather have made 100% shiny new zones... probably.

2. Revised Plane of Hate and Fear (having not seen them and only done database entry on them) actually sound really interesting as it isn't just all the exact same NPC from an ancient version, nor is it all new NPC. So there is a slight hint of story development there at least.

-EQ is stuck in some old thinking that wastes dev time. We get less variety in armors and weapons because they are spending time on augmentations. Why can't tradeskills be made useful all the way up when skilling? Why is spell acquisition level tiered behind different drops when it's almost random which spell is early vs. late in an expansion's 5 level range. Why is pet focus still in the game? (they code twice as many pets due to this artificial barrier...). Others could list many more ways they could revamp their approach and not lose the best parts of EQ.

-repetition and lack of creativity are inexcusable, but then the official forums go nuts when they do get progressive on something:
1. revamped Castle Mistmoore was a good idea. The fix that was needed was the proper factions on the NPC not reverting the zone.
2. revamped Freeport gets too much hate... it's one of the only cities that actually feels like a city in EQ (and I am not a fan of the layout, but look at the work put into it)
3. They finally upgrade the Coldain Prayer Shawl quest and people are upset that they have to do tradeskills. [meanwhile they should have been adding stages to most quests all the way along... think how deep the game would be now?]
Some thoughts
# Jan 22 2016 at 11:02 AM Rating: Excellent
12 posts
"We get less variety in armors and weapons because they are spending time on augmentations
" I know this may not be right on point with you, i do agree they do seem to put time into other things like augmentation.
1) This was started long ago when EQ decided to favor older toons and all of a sudden it was a race to the top, folks got bored came messed with other players if they got banned for a week they didn't care they were maxed out lvl and AA's.. (i saw this a lot)
2) if DBG wants to address these older issues it would serve them well, different armor would give an appearance of making changes also updating the graphics on weapons.
3) the only way to do this is to have a second team doing "revamps" of armor an weapons,
4) looking into zones that are no longer played in could open up some serious content, recently going to The Ferrott i saw you can choose if you want old or new, with that said doubling the size of the game without actually designing more (if they want to add eh)

The only way to do this would be a second team ($$$,$$$) or allow the current team to spend some time every year looking into what could be updated like EPICS or continuing a story line for class/race what have you

ok that was too long
# Jan 22 2016 at 1:22 AM Rating: Excellent
68 posts
OK, I try not to be a downer and complainer. But seriously, I've played EQ since launch, and watched a game (no, much more than just a game) I cherish go from something special to something that's been horribly eroded. I'm sure the rest of the original/longtime players will agree with me...if not outright, then at least to some degree.

We're almost at SEVENTEEN years now that this game has existed. A patch still can't be handled correctly? You haven't sorted these things out on the TEST server before making them live?

I wouldn't be so bitter if DBG actually gave a damn about their player base, many of who pump a LOT of money into this game to keep it going. If we had a new class, a new race, new mercenary type, something other than (mostly) the same old regurgitated stuff with every expansion, this wouldn't be an issue.

Admittedly, I'll still keep supporting the game (though less than I used to), but I'm obviously far from happy. It seems to me that the only choices left for EQ are have it continue with mediocrity, or have it shut down. I wish it wasn't this way, but that's the sad reality, I guess. RIP Verant.

*scowls at Daybreak, ready to attack*
Ysse, Dark Elf Enchantress since 1999
# Jan 22 2016 at 5:17 AM Rating: Decent
3,033 posts
All this complaining from a two-hour downtime patch?

I guess that was the straw broke your back, eh? Smiley: yikes

The latest xpac was certainly not great. It may end up as one of the worst EQ expansions ever, not just for the broken way that The Broken Mirror was given birth, but for content. I was particularly troubled by the lack of new zones and by advancement requirements that include repeating the same tasks as many as 6 times. That reminds me of the classic punishment of forcing prisoners to dig holes and full them in or move boulders from one spot to another and back again. Over n over.
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
# Jan 22 2016 at 5:36 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
Sippin wrote:
All this complaining from a two-hour downtime patch?

I guess that was the straw broke your back, eh? Smiley: yikes

The latest xpac was certainly not great. It may end up as one of the worst EQ expansions ever, not just for the broken way that The Broken Mirror was given birth, but for content. I was particularly troubled by the lack of new zones and by advancement requirements that include repeating the same tasks as many as 6 times. That reminds me of the classic punishment of forcing prisoners to dig holes and full them in or move boulders from one spot to another and back again. Over n over.

I think it was a 2 hour patch the day after 10 hours of patches (4 hour patch and then 6 hour patching the patch). Coupled with a small broken expansion that was not much more than a cut and paste. Add in almost a complete lack of customer service since piestro left 2 years ago and most players are frustrated.
# Jan 22 2016 at 1:55 AM Rating: Default
Unforseen things happen when you code not just for this company but for all companies. Sony had similar issues so did verant, so does WoW so does every game. That's the way this stuff works. There is a debugger but that's only going to correct issues with code.

You said it yourself, you're unhappy and most likely bored with the game, it's probably time for a break because you're complaining about something that doesn't just happen in EQ or with daybreak but happens with all programs in all games across all platforms of the entire world.
# Jan 22 2016 at 2:32 AM Rating: Good
68 posts
I see your point and hadn't considered that.

I'm mainly just ******** because DBG doesn't do much of anything to keep the game fresh. When Verant (and for awhile, SOE) used to put some real effort into things, I didn't care how many repeat patches they did.

I know it's mostly pointless to complain about now versus then, but...gah. :(
Ysse, Dark Elf Enchantress since 1999
# Jan 22 2016 at 5:41 AM Rating: Decent
131 posts
Have to also recall that the test server is set up different then a regular live server, so what works on test may react differently on live. Then there is the TLP servers, who throw a whole new monkey wrench in the bargain.

You may recall the huge uproar when SOE had to wipe Test just to get a clean slate. And that was just the one time!

What is sad though is the amount of reported bugs that did NOT get fixed before migrating the changes to live. There is way to much "corporate deadlines" involved... where it stresses getting X amount of content pushed out whether it is in a working state or not. Damn bean counters! =P
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