Letter From the Producer

"Erollisi Day" events, the upcoming Improved Looting System, and EverQuest's 16th anniversary are among the topics touched upon in this latest letter from the producer:

Greetings Norrathians!

We hope that 2015 finds you well and that your New Years resolutions are still intact. This year, we resolve to post to Sense Heading once a month and we're going to start by barely squeaking in our January post before the buzzer.

The team is hard at work on various projects that will land later this year. It's good to get back into the swing of things after a relaxing winter holiday break. But it's not fair to keep the fun all to ourselves, so allow us to tantalize you with a glimpse into the future. Here's what to look forward to in EverQuest in 2015!

(More after the jump...)

Erollisi Day

Love is in the air! This year's Erollisi Day celebration is nearly upon us. Erollisi-themed items will begin dropping in the world and the quests given by the Emissary of Erollisi and Grimble Grumblemaker in the Plane of Knowledge will become available. The festivities will begin on Wednesday, February 4th and run for two weeks. In addition, keep an eye out for new Player Studio offerings in the Marketplace, created and submitted by creative artists from our community.

Improved Looting System

We've had the chance to test the improved looting system internally on our Beta server and we have been blown away with how convenient it makes collecting items, and how easy it is to use. It's a snap to get the drops you want while declining the drops you don't need, without having to search through piles of overlapping corpses, or corpses hidden inside a wall. (Hey, it happens sometimes!) The system also elegantly handles group and raid situations with automated rolling or master looter. This is a revolutionary way to manage your item drops and we can't wait to share the system with you. In the near future, this will go out to the Test server. When the time comes, we hope that you pop over to Test to try it out and give us your feedback.

16th Anniversary

EverQuest's 16th anniversary celebration will be here before you know it. In addition to the events that were available in each previous anniversary celebration, we're happy to announce that we'll be introducing several new Player-Designed Missions that were planned out by attendees at SOE Live 2013 and 2014. It's a real treat for the team to get to implement new missions that the community has come up with. We feel comfortable at this point committing to at least as many, if not more, than last year. We don't want to spoil too much right away, but two of the missions we'll be unveiling are named "Pub Crawl" and "Liquid Courage." (What can we say? Adult beverages were a popular theme that year in Vegas.) So do you remember working on these, or know who did?

Regular Content Updates

The team will continue to offer up new content and event content periodically over the course of the year, but we will be doing so on an average of every two weeks instead of every week. The once-a-week schedule was doable, but it required us to make some odd choices in splitting content in half or 60/40 when we could have just offered related things in one update. We feel this change makes it easier for players to know what’s coming up and when, while making this content no less compelling.

Thanks for reading! We’re excited for 2015 and we hope you are too!

-The EverQuest team


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vet reward
# Feb 01 2015 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
31 posts
I too would like to see our vet rewards again. baeddon and gomn had great ideas. another idea. would be to give us once a day for like 1 minute no cap on our stat/resist. whatever we got we get for duration.
Guildie Tradeskill Banker
# Feb 01 2015 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
While you got this loot thing going, why not have a guildie tradeskill banker.
Lets say I want a silk so I tell the guild tradeskill banker I want silks and am willing to pay so much for each one.
So when one of your guild members are looting a corpse a message pops up saying that Baumer needs that silk. So he or she loots it and takes it back to the guild tradeskill banker and gives it to the banker, then he or he gets a message asking if he or she wants payment or donate to Baumer. Then Baumer can go later and get items from banker. Just that this might make it bad for bazaar vendors
Anniversary stuff
# Feb 01 2015 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
15 posts
I agree and like all your suggestions save one Gohm, the buy years of experience with station cash.
The years of loyalty we've shown by staying with EQ year in and year out, should not be for sale ;()
Veteran AA suggestion
# Feb 01 2015 at 4:05 AM Rating: Decent
add Butler / Maid to list, once per day, summon a Butler / Maid to retrieve stuff from your Primary (1st) Home.
old zones
# Jan 31 2015 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
16 posts
Along with making 1 hot zone for each 5 levels I would like to see them make all zones OOW and before a hot zone so that more people would visit them. Would make the game more fun and would make leveling a new toon more intriguing
i am liking this commitment to info the players
# Jan 31 2015 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
I am hoping the two week change makes it better for everybody
Anniversary stuff
# Jan 31 2015 at 6:51 AM Rating: Decent
15 posts
What happened to the veteran's rewards? Are they just kicked to the curb permanently?
Or are the dev's too busy with items they can charge station cash for?

Edited, Jan 31st 2015 7:53am by mrstack
Anniversary stuff
# Jan 31 2015 at 9:14 AM Rating: Excellent
2,605 posts
Good point... what DID happen to Vet AA's? If I were to theorize, my guess is that they were deemed "unfair" to players who had not been here from the start and thus do not have the "years" of paid time to qualify?

If so - here's a solution: Station Cash. Sell 1 Year Credits via Station Cash. It serves Sony's cash flow concerns and provides players an avenue of getting those Vet AA's. Problem solved.

Another theory would be they ran out of ideas. Well... that's an easy fix also. Ask players for ideas on the boards.

So let's see... 16 years coming up and so far we have...

* Vendor
* Jester
* Gate to Lobby
* Blessing of the Devoted (25% reduction in Vet AA reuse)
* Armor of Experience (rune like)
* Staunch Recovery (refill HP/MP/EP)
* Tribute guy (personal)
* Aug Vendor
* Banker
* Servant (buffs)
* Intensity of the Resolute (increase DPS)
* Infusion (increase resists/run)
* LOTD (Double XP)
* Expedient (100% rez)

That's 14. They owe us one and one coming up. Ideas? Okay -- how about these...

* Blessing of the Devoted 2/2 (50% reduction in Vet AA reuse) (innate)

* Gift of the Gods (similar to the Mage Cauldron) (when used you are granted a gift from the Gods -- a for actual good/decent items -- not the standard crap we have come to see and expect from Sony like water or food -- stuff like Coin bags sold by the Loyalty vendor, raid ornaments, Glyphs of Stored Experience, items otherwise only obtained via Station Cash or LoN cards, XP Potions...) (1 a week) (No Trade items only)

* Unresistable (for 2.5 minutes your melee and/or magic can not be avoided or resisted -- 100% strike/landing rate... this does not mean 100% critical rates and such... just 100% of casts/swings land... I am guessing Sony will insist some things are excluded like Mez, Stun... just to nerf the idea) (1 a week)

* Political Amnesty (for 1 hour, you are ally to all factions -- or until you decide to attack something (then it's on again) -- this will allow you to go anywhere, speak with any NPC, use any vendor...) (1 a week)

* Traveling Translocation Specialist (just like the Guild Hall Vendor, buy a stone, give it back to him and poof -- off you go to the selected zone) (1 a day)

* Automated Grandmaster Artisan -- don't have the tradeskills to make something yourself? Don't have the special tradeskill, (i.e. Poisonmaking, Alchemy, Tinkering) you need for an item you need? Once a day you can call on the services of the Grandmaster! He is the ultimate no fail tradeskill Grandmaster of all skills. Hand him the ingredients, as the ultimate Grandmaster Artisan, he will recognize the recipe and hand you back the completed item. (One combine per day, to include single combines/recipes that can make multiple items) (hand it the wrong items that also happen to be a recipe, you get what you asked for! Hand him items that are wrong for any recipe, he will insult you as the medicant you are and refuse them, for wasting his valuable time).

Hastened Loyalty -- let's face it. Loyalty is earned way too slowly. Seriously. Double the pace! (Innate)

Uninhibited Loyalty -- why is Loyalty capped? Really? Remove the cap! If we earn it, even if we don't spend it, let us bank it all! (innate)

Wayfarer Travel Magus -- A Wayfarer Magus that can send you to any of the other Wayfarer Magus Locations (1 a day)

Translocator of the Seas -- A Translocator that can send you to any of the other Translocators found on Docks in various zones (1 a day)


Anniversary stuff
# Jan 31 2015 at 6:11 PM Rating: Decent
309 posts
Nice. Add summon parcel vendor to the list.
Anniversary stuff
# Jan 31 2015 at 4:57 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Wow Gomn. You've really thought about that.
That's a really good post and some nice ideas, also nice to see some positivity.
Kudos to you...

Edited, Jan 31st 2015 5:58pm by hittum
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