EverQuest Next Landmark Teases Beta Info
EverQuest Next executive producer hints at an incoming beta announcement.
Yesterday, those of us glued to our screens waiting for the next sweet morsel of information about EverQuest Next were treated to a whopper of an appetizer! David Georgeson, executive producer of the EverQuest franchise, dropped this tease via twitter, which was quickly confirmed by brand manager Omeed Dariani, mentioning that the dates for the EverQuest Next Landmark beta will be shared within the next month or so.
So the agony of anticipation is nearly over - in a few weeks we will know when we can expect to get our hands on the tools players will use build the new Norrath and more. But just when you thought it was safe to unstrap your tinfoil hat, David Georgeson tossed us another teasing nugget, is there more to Landmark than we expect?
Today David Georgeson returned to twitter to indulge in his favorite hobby of whipping fans into a veritable frenzy. "Landmark is so much more than most of you realise yet. You'll see soon enough."
"David! No!" I screamed as the uncertainty returned, startling a young businessman sitting opposite me on the train.
There has been much speculation about Landmark since its surprise reveal less than 3 months ago at SOE Live could we have missed a hint? Or is this nothing but a ploy by the PR machine?
LockSixTime, host of The Voxel Populi
Follow me @locksixtime