Game Update 1.6: Ancient Hypergate

The latest content patch for Star Wars: The Old Republic is live, and it has a new trailer!

As of this morning, Game Update 1.6: Ancient Hypergate is live to all citizens of Star Wars: The Old Republic! And to help commemorate this momentous occasion, BioWare unleashed a brand-new trailer to go along with the announcement. Check it out:

Some of the new features you can look forward to in Game Update 1.6 include:

  • New Warzone: Ancient Hypergate - In this Warzone, Republic and Empire forces are locked in a brutal conflict to control two energy pylons. You must fight to take control of these powerful pylons and kill any foes in your way to discharge a massive blast of energy through your faction’s gate. The first team to open their portal will unleash deadly reinforcements to wipe out enemy players.
  • New Space Missions: - Both Republic and Empire classes have six new repeatable Level 50 Heroic Space Missions. These updated Space Missions are the most intense Space Missions to date and players who are up to the challenge can earn Black Hole Commendations to spend on ship upgrades, high level gear, and more!

In case you forgot, Star Wars: The Old Republic is now a free-to-play game. So if you see anything you like, all you need to do is download and get in the game. Pretty sweet deal, eh?

For more details about Game Update 1.6, head over to

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