GoD - Leadership System

From Sony, a partial overview of the leadership system included with Gates of Discord:
Leadership Overview One of the exciting new features in EverQuest: Gates of Discord is the addition of leadership experience and abilities. Leadership will be available for all levels and adds some very nice features for the aspiring group and raid leaders. This week we will highlight the NPC marking system. With this new system a group or raid leader can highlight up to three NPCs for the group or raid to see. This can allow the leader to designate attack order, mez order or just plain identify the mobs for the group/raid. With the initial ability you can mark one NPC, with the ability to mark up to three as you spend more leadership points on this skill. The NPCs are noted by a number before their name as well as a new targeting circle at their feet. This is only one of the great new abilities coming with Gates of Discord. We hope you like it.
And the screenshots: One Two Three Four


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New targetting by Leader
# Feb 05 2004 at 3:15 PM Rating: Decent
Several times just in the past week Ill be on an intensive group hunt or a raid and I hear ...SCORE ! team so and so just scored ! ( they are watching TV while grouping or raiding ). Sometimes its a movie ..sometimes they are asleep and doing a keyboard face dive . Its just one of the things we have all experienced and I dont see any sysytem will help with that kind of problem.
On the other hand , for a group or raid that is focused , it could be a nice addition to to the tools we already have .
RE: New targetting by Leader
# Feb 08 2004 at 11:50 PM Rating: Default
I see it good for group or small raid but in a normal raid I have to turn names off beacuse that is all I see is names on a raid. Unless if the markes stay on with names off.
RE: New targetting by Leader
# Feb 07 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
This is defiantly eye candy.
The fact of the matter is; if you’re not using an assist hot button to target in raids and groupsi think its time you headed over to clan crushbone for some rusty weapon farming.

The place this will actually be useful is in crowd control of mobs with the same name so a character casting on the adds can tell what they have already cast on.

"orc pawn","orc pawn", or "orc pawn"?

So three orc pawn's walk into a bar and orc pawn (number?) says to the bartender......

See...it would have been a help right there, but the joke would have still sucked, it was inevitable.

Which is exactly like what this will be in the game; nice for quick i.d. purposes but if you need this then you suck worse then my wood elf warrior.....hehe and ya know its da truth!!!

Blue server gimp
# Feb 03 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Default
This tool looks useful to me, and I don't even raid often. It would be nice to be able to tell which mob I'm supposed to be on when there turns out to be more than expected.

But I fail to see what AGE has to do with maturity, as one person posted above.. When I was younger I had no desire to be a leader..I think it has a whole lot more to do with your personality than your age.

There's my 2 cents.
# Feb 02 2004 at 5:59 PM Rating: Decent
It all depends on how you use the tools you are given. While it won't make a lousy or inattentive player better it will allow a leader to do what he is supposed to do LEAD easier. Any tool can be useful. I hope this one is a good as it looks like it can be.

Mystereon Deathfinder 62 Wizzie
Officer of the Luclin Triads

Mystercleric Drunkenpriest 51 Cleric
Mysterugly Evilknight 42 SK
Mysterbard Singsinshower 28 Bard (what else :) )
#Anonymous, Posted: Jan 30 2004 at 12:05 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) If you think this is going to be a great help to raids / groups, you're an idiot. People who aren't paying attention to the tank / chanter saying "Attack %t next" aren't going to pay attention to a number in front of the name, either.
RE: /eyeroll
# Jan 30 2004 at 3:23 PM Rating: Default
last i checked (moreso in LDoN) there were more then one mob with the same name so while it might not help peeps not payin attention it will help as far as keepin the group on the same mob .. also it helps me cause i turn spell fx off in LDoN so i cant tell wich ones the chanter lulled... only bad part now is that every little 12-16 yr old on my server is gunna want to play the leader, which from my exp only gets a group killed :(

Vallon Zek
not bad, but
# Jan 30 2004 at 10:02 AM Rating: Decent
Sounds like a useful feature... any way leaders can highlight places on map to create waypoint path?
RE: not bad, but
# Feb 05 2004 at 1:04 PM Rating: Decent
Oh gee look, SOE found another way to dumb the game down even more... first it was circles aroudn the mob you were targeting... now you can put numbers in front to them... Gee, You think they could dumb the game down anymore???

Just my 2cp..

65 Enchanter
RE: not bad, but
# Feb 06 2004 at 3:51 PM Rating: Decent
This is only the beginning. One of the programmers I work with is on an advisory board for EQ. He doesn't tell us everything, but I did have a conversation about the dumbing down of the game with him. He said expect more.. SOE knows the demographics of EQ is in the 20-35 age range and they want to get into tht 10-20 age group. Unfortunantly most (not all) is this age range couldn't read a 5 page game manual if you put it in front of them. They are in it for the here and now. Most friends kids I know that I show EQ to ask... how do you win? When I tell them it never ends... that the game could theoretically last forever, they get this really puzzled look on their face.
Maybe needs something more
# Jan 28 2004 at 11:53 PM Rating: Default
This feature could be fantasticly great, although I do think they should create some sort of spell effects to help get the point across. I know there are players in EXP groups who have a tendency to go in auto-pilot, dunno if what im seeing in screen shots will grab their attention enough to make a difference. All in all its a good idea, will give leaders a little something extra to strive for.
Ya Can't Idiot Proof
# Jan 28 2004 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
Of course, the problem of people who somehow made it to level 65 and not learned how to /assist will not be alleviated with this function. Perhaps a feature that indicated when player X had done absolutely nothing for over 20 minutes or had been on auto-follow during said raid, IE "Player DKPWhorelewts has Fallen Asleep" would be more usefull.
RE: Ya Can't Idiot Proof
# Jan 29 2004 at 1:09 AM Rating: Default
I agree with you 110% mate ... Just goes to show If you make something IDIOT PROOF ..... It is only a mater of time till someone comes up with a better IDIOT !!!!

Death To The Ebayed player!!
# Jan 28 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
So far from what I've read I like tis feature already. You know how many time in BoT we have had adds and the enchanter has mezzed both and everyone for some reason seems to pick a different target and awake them mean mutha's? On top of that this will also allow me or any other person who is the take charge kind of person to say hey look say this target #2 thats the one were hitting next and so on and so on. I aslo agree with the below stated posts it is hard to be a raid leader and play another role as well such as the primary tank or mezzer or healer lol. I think if this feature is set in the game right will add some tremendous help to eeryone!
Morons still won't get it
# Jan 27 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
As a high level Enchanter, one of the things I struggle with is getting people to not attack the things I mez.

If I have several things mezzed, I'll keep the casters for last so I can mana drain them as much as possible.

The way I do it is I'll "Hail" the target to attack next. But of course, someone isn't paying attention and will attack the next thing they see.

It's because they aren't paying attention. Hopefully a number in front of the name will help, but I doubt it.
RE: Morons still won't get it
# Jan 30 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Excellent
531 posts
LOL, I hear you all too clear. Maybe they should make a leader ability(or make this a FORTH part of this ability) where you can make NOTES next to or below the name that says "Mezzed" or "Kill me next!"
RE: Morons still won't get it
# Feb 02 2004 at 8:16 AM Rating: Default
There's no way in hell that's your enchanters real stuff in your magelo profile, especially at 55. Dear God, who are you trying to fool?
RE: Morons still won't get it
# Feb 03 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Excellent
531 posts
Firstly it's a PREMIUM Membership and this items were captured using Magelo Update which means they scanned my characters and linked it to the site with its own software which is why it says AUTHENTIC in the seal.

I have a bazaar gimp on 24/7 that buys low and sells higher and I've put about 1Mpp into my Chanter and the Rangers is catching up.

If you understood Magelo a little better you'd know what the seals mean, then you could tell real gear from linked directly from characters from non-authentic links. That doesn't mean non-authentic links are fake, but without logging on the characters it's hard to prove.
RE: Morons still won't get it
# Feb 03 2004 at 10:30 AM Rating: Decent
Looks perfectly valid to me.

# Jan 27 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Default
This ability has the potential to be a great boon to group and raid leaders by reducing confusion and streamlining their forces without spending inordinate amounts of time sending tells.

It also has the potential to be useless. Here's hoping Sony made this a powerful, functional tool which will bring greater enjoyment to gameplay.


EQ Retiree. Former Ranger of Lanys.
RE: Hello
# Jan 28 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Decent
3,128 posts
I think this will be a great help to the dedicated raid leader. I think there will evolve more and more raid leaders who's only role in the raid is leader and not leader and tank, or leader and mezzer etc. Really tough raids require a leader who is not distracted by other roles. These skills will help make those type of leaders more usueful and essential to a raids success.
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