CCP's DUST 514 Will Be Completely Free to Play

Being a mercenary just got a whole lot cheaper.

According to a press release posted on the DUST 514 website, CCP has confirmed that their upcoming EVE-involved MMOFPS, DUST 514, will be completely free to download and play on launch. Eurogamer got the opportunity to speak to DUST 514's Executive Producer, Brandon Laurino, who noted that CCP was initially going to put a $10 or $20 "cover" charge for the game on PSN, but since they felt it sent mixed messages, they decided to scrap that.

Instead, DUST 514 will feature a robust microtransaction F2P system that relies entirely on boosters, custom skins, in-game services (character respecs and name changes), and "side-grades," which Laurino says aren't more powerful, but might look or play differently.

While this can be attributed to Laurino getting caught up in the moment, it might be worth highlighting one of Laurino's quotes regarding map packs and extra DLC maps:

"It's not the classical, 'We're going to have four maps at launch...' We are covering literally a universe of planets, so there's thousands of different maps and they're all available to everyone who's playing."

As to whether Laurino is speaking literally or hyperbolically remains to be seen, but it's probably safe to assume the latter.

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